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Everything posted by Floppster

  1. I stand resolute in that the number should forever be 27. Also, how about playing in the complex number plane next round?
  2. Hey guys, what going on he- *steps on a 1* Whoops. 73
  3. Wonderful work tygoo, cant wait to try it out
  4. I'm really not that fond of them, they should have some attitude tolerance. As it is now all my ships pointing somewhere are starting to jiggle due to constant correction of the heading, it behaves like the old SAS IMO.
  5. It happens to most of us, I had a period of maybe six month where i didn't start up KSP even once. Kept myself updated on the forums though, impossible to get bored with this community. Then one day I got a brilliant idea for a probe or whatever and I was back in business
  6. This item isn't available in your country. I wish for a trillion Deutsche Mark.
  7. Banned for jumping to conclusions.
  8. Banned because it's a niche market.
  9. Banned for not guarding basement level 7 well enough. Seriously dude.
  10. Well I'm colourblind, Gray Iron Crown is my lord and savior.
  11. But what if Green is the true crown and you have only been an impostor all this time?
  12. Okay, this is getting out of hand. Im leaving the Sun's SOI.
  13. Holy crap, Beale and hoojiwana working together! All my yes, waiting eagerly!
  14. Nay. I require the prescence of the Red Christmas Crown.
  15. I, the great forum necromancer Floppster, awakens the game and award myself 10 points for doing so.
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