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Everything posted by Floppster

  1. *WHAM* Banned for causing fractured craniums.
  2. Banned for not changing your username. Frank needs his privacy.
  3. Baned because I also accidentaly the whole thing. It was horrible.
  4. Granted, you will never have to answer Rick. ...wait, what? I wish for dramatic music.
  5. Floppster


    9/10 works everytime 60% of the time.. "Quality through quantity" - me, playing AoE and pouring out 100 strelets per minute.
  6. Banned for 555 posts and for making SSTL crafts.
  7. You used [ url ]http://imgur.com/a/OftXt#5[ /url ] For embedding from imgur, that should be [ imgur ]OftXt[ /imgur ]
  8. Banned for not being specific about mikeman. Are we still talking about mikeman7918?
  9. The horror! All in favour of a forum-wide purge of the letter K when not needed?
  10. Beautiful stuff, waiting eagerly for the pod!
  11. 4/10 just banned you and think I've seen you earlier.
  12. Banned for making me smile reading your location.
  13. I actually have no idea. I've been playing for more than two and a half years, it has just been there.
  14. Banned because you where needed over at Who Will Reply.
  15. Socke, Tweakable Everything might be what you're looking for, although it's known to break some parts of some mods sometimes.
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