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Everything posted by Thomas988

  1. I reeeeeeeally hope they're action figures.
  2. I have zero debris at my KSC. It drives me insane when I know that there is debris somewhere in the universe.
  3. I call myself an expert, and I too find Career a bit boring. I can understand why new players would love it.
  4. I think Kerbal Space Program is one of the most brilliant games of the year. C'mon guys, think about it, it's teaching kids basic rocket science. I've never played such a fun and educational game in life.
  5. Here is how I land: 1. Deorbit yourself so you're at a very wide sub-orbital arch. 2. Burn horizontal so you kill as much lateral velocity as possible. 3. Once you're going straight down, burn retrograde so you remain at a safe 50 m/s or so. (Depends on on how powerful of an engine you have)
  6. Probably landing the Mun for the first time. Sounds easy, and nowadays it is, but back in the day, I never even thought of "Delta-V", "Thrust to Weight ratio" or anything of the sort. It was just "strap on engines and go". Oh, how far I've come!
  7. 1. Keep all Kerbals alive. 2. All missions must be return-capable. 3. When docking, do not exceed 5 m/s unless necessary, and never exceed 10 m/s on approach. 4. Missions must be done in safe and formal manner. 5. All hired Kerbonauts must have greater courage levels than stupidity levels. That's about the biggest ones I have, but I also have a ton of tiny things I never allow myself to do.
  8. I'm jealous! That sounds like an awesome dream! The fact that it took place in 0.24 is awesome, and the whole "gas planet destroying Kerbin thing" was even cooler! I have no idea why I'm so excited about this, maybe because it sounds like it would be an awesome move.
  9. Jebediah Kerman (@JebediahKerman) Asymmetrical thrust will ruin your day.
  10. Don't begin orbital tilt until you're going at least 300 meters a second.
  11. I once did an insane rescue mission on the Mun. I brought two guys (I think they were Jeb and Bob) to the surface of the Mun to land an unmanned rover. The landing was a success, and the rover was safely placed on the surface. We took off, but then a staging error split the lander in half. The lander, now without any sort of propulsion, had to be abandoned. I took the two guys into EVA and got them into orbit using their EVA fuel. I then had to launch another rescue vessel to rendezvous with them. It was a success, and everyone came home safe and sound. Maybe not the most wildest mission ever, but in my terms, it was hardcore.
  12. No need to reply, just testing out my new signature to make sure it works.
  13. Tweakables seems awesome, so I'm pretty excited about that.
  14. Rockhem, are you my clone or something? I wanted the exact same thing! XD
  15. I highly suggest you do! (Sorry if this is the wrong forum)
  16. Mine is what I call the "Heavy Object Orbital Launcher". It's just a seven Mainsail and jumbo fuel tank asparagus-style launcher. It's a bit unstable, but it can get anything into orbit.
  17. Too bad I don't play the piano. Would you happen to have some KSP sheet music for the trumpet?
  18. Hey guys, I got a cool idea! Plain and simple: the option to go first-person view while controlling a Kerbal in EVA mode. There could be a button like Tab or something that could switch the camera from first to third.
  19. I'm attached to my stuffed animals, even though some might say I'm "too old for them".
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