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Everything posted by Thomas988

  1. Great app, super fun! However I've installed the KSP mod, but the joysticks and indicators aren't working. How do I get them working, if possible?
  2. My Dunar 1 spacecraft. It has so many fuel tanks, so many unnecessary panels, so many useless drones, I still question the sanity of my past self.
  3. I'm kind of into the can't-collide-with-the-rocks kind of rings.
  4. Could you make a patch for my mission "Starreach 1"? It's an unmanned probe that will go just beyond the SOI of Kerbin. I'd like text on the top saying "Starreach 1", and text on the bottom saying "Kerbollar Space". The border color can be yellow, and the inside medium-shade grey. In the center you can have a probe symbol with an arrow pointing away from Kerbin.
  5. On Career: No survivors. On Sandbox: Maybe between 6-12 survivors. There a good seven or so on my VLKO space station, and a bit more on other space stations.
  6. I think Squad, for every update, should focus on something big (0.22 was Career, 0.23 was science changes and tweakables) and release it when its done. I think filling the time with mostly useless parts will make for less memorable updates.
  7. I would kill to have an animated movie. Something like Nassault's "Pale Blue Dot" would be epic.
  8. My first and second dockings were insane, but now over the weeks I've good very good at rendezvousing and docking with spacecraft.
  9. I want to help so badly! Unfortunately though, my schedule would never allow it. :/
  10. I do everything I can to leave no Kerbal behind. P.S. I love Vsauce!!!
  11. My computer is pretty good, but by no means is it a gaming computer. So I delete debris. Also I get OCD.
  12. I'm noticing a little blue wire thingy on top of the rocket. Is that a mod?
  13. I can play KSP and not be on the computer? +99999999999999999999999999999999 support (But sadly, I can only give +1)
  14. The outline is completely accidental. I tried removing it, but it just wouldn't turn out properly. By the way I used GIMP.
  15. I'm writing a KSP based story called "Kerbin One", and I thought I'd like to share it! Please note: I am by no means a photo-editing genius. NOTE: I used the interstellar mod!
  16. Photoshop CS6? Is that software expensive?
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