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Everything posted by Thomas988

  1. Going to the Mun is my hobby.
  2. That is seriously one of the coolest missions I have ever seen. Don't know why, I just think this really neat!
  3. Enter these in the logo contest!
  4. I watch Scott Manley, Danny2462 and HOCgaming. I really hope NerdCubed and Markiplier someday come back to KSP.
  5. I understand it's been a while, but could you make this into a patch? It's ok if you don't want to.
  6. Wow! Those are very nice softwares you got there!
  7. Congrats on your Minmus landing! Don't worry, compared to you, my first landing was nightmare. My engine exploded and everything. Besides, any landing you survive is a successful landing.
  8. I see. So maybe the crazy conspiracy theory part of my brain was wrong after all.
  9. This is just an idea me and my friend thought would be worthy of a discussion here on the forums. Here's the story: Me and my friend both love KSP, and believe me, we were really sad when we found out the Magic Boulder was removed. That's when one of us said, "What if Squad didn't remove the Magic Boulder? What if they just put it in a super-high orbit around the Sun past Eeloo where no one would ever find it?" It sounded crazy, but what if? If I understand correctly, the coding for the Magic Boulder is still there, but the game just says "Nope, doesn't exist." Could it ever be possible the Boulder is there, just where we'd never find it? So, yeah, discussion.
  10. I just bought a really good (yet expensive) software called CyberLink PowerDirector 12. I got the Ultra edition.
  11. I've been having a bit of an ocean-lag problem on eve and Laythe, so to fix it I've been attempting to change the config files to lessen the lag. However, everytime I try to save the newly adjusted config files a pop-up appears and says "Access Denied". Anyone know how to fix this?
  12. I think the Kerbals is a civilization that, since ancient times, has been very space-centered.
  13. Well, I'm writing a KSP fanfic. So, I guess I'll answer based on my story. Jebediah: Wife and child. Lives in Kerbin City (yes, I'm referring to that one mod). Huge interest in astronomy and astrophysics. Best friends with Bill. Loves spending time with friends and family. Bill: Best friends with Jebediah. Commonly spends time around KSC, doing work on and above Kerbin. Like Jeb, large interest in astrophysics. Bob: Most commonly works around the Joolian system, living on interplanetary bases. Tends to see the beauty in the universe. Good friends with Gerrim Kerman. Yep, that's it.
  14. Oh wow! Thanks so much! These are amazing!
  15. I play both sandbox and career mode. When it comes to gameplay, I always take the safest approach. I don't just throw together a rocket a see if it gets to Jool or not. It's all about learning and mastering everything as you go along.
  16. I have no idea why the Board of Education doesn't realize that science (and especially astronomy and astrophysics!) is just as essential as reading, writing, math, etc. I am so sick about learning "Motion and Forces" I could scream. 25% of the nation doesn't know the Earth orbits the Sun?! THAT is a problem.
  17. That is so cool! Are you going to be making more?
  18. Some of the only things I'm good at drawing are related to KSP.
  19. Boy do I wish I was that good at clay! Oh well, great gift!
  20. Very cool! I'd love to see it once it gets assembled.
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