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Everything posted by Thomas988

  1. Dang! Those are expensive! I'd kill to have one of those.
  2. Oh. Didn't think of that. XD Maybe, I suppose.
  3. Good gosh do I love the Mercury capsule.
  4. When I try to connect to a server I get an "Incompatible HANDSHAKE_REPLY message" error. What's wrong?
  5. That is HILARIOUS! Love it!
  6. To celebrate whenever 1.0 comes out, they should do a movie. *nudge nudge, wink wink*
  7. Let's imagine now that SQUAD partnered with some movie company and announced they would release a KSP-based movie in theaters. Now let's suppose again that you could decide what the movie would be about, it can be anything form the dawn of the space program to the Kerbals going interstellar. How would you like a KSP to be done?
  8. I think I owe an apology here. When I first posted this thread I was testing out a pretty-GPU intensive mod, and, when my game was running at only a few frames per second, I got pretty angry and ended up making this thread. I'm sorry for not clarifying. I am indeed running in 0.23.5, and without mods, I am running as smooth as butter. What I should've said is that when I add just one or two mods, my game gets really laggy. However, my computer is not all that great for gaming, so I believe that lag is on my part, not the game's. Sorry about the confusion. I do this sometimes. Is it possible to just close this thread and not let anyone reply, because this really isn't a discussion anymore.
  9. To be honest, I would hate DLC's. I think all KSP players should have the same amount of content as everyone else.
  10. As amazing as KSP is with graphics, physics and sheer fun, the way the game processes the oceans is just atrocious. Until I figured out how to edit the config file (which was long after I bought KSP), by frame-rate would drop to at most 10 fps. This obviously makes the game so much less fun. I seriously think a new method of rendering the oceans of KSP is long overdue, and I bet plenty of people can agree. I do realize something like this can't be easy to pull off, but I think it can be possible.
  11. I had to bring this thread back. Sorry if I'm breaking the rules, but I think more people need to see this mod.
  12. Awesome! My friend has been reading that, and it sounds really good! Anyways, amazing video!
  13. I don't care about a mission's length. As long as I spend the course of the mission productively, I don't see a problem with long-term time-warping. No length limit for Kerbals, just bring 'em back home and everyone will be happy. I haven't played KSP long enough to tell. I don't think there's a limit. Well, I should delete debris, but I've been forgetting lately. Usually as soon as possible. Tracking station. I don't see a reason to have a manned mission on Kerbin's surface at all, to be honest. For Kerbin orbit, I'll keep my Kerbals in space as long as I want to. Like Kerbin orbit, as long as I feel like.
  14. Yeah! That'd be awesome! So far this guide is looking really good!
  15. I really don't have a serious name for my space program, but I were to have one it's most likely be "Kerbin Space Program." I like to think the Kerbals as a unified, peaceful civilization who has banded together to create an internationally-representing space program. As space program to represent the planet, I suppose.
  16. MORE DELTA-V! GET THAT CENTER OF THRUST IN PLACE! WAIT FOR THE LAUNCH WINDOW! CLEAR THE LAUNCH PAD! My inner Kerbonaut is screaming. But really, that pic is so cute!
  17. Today I worked more on my KSP fan-fic, "Kerbin One." I'm giving my best to establish an emotional and significant story.
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