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Everything posted by Thomas988

  1. If I have to wait one for minute for the traffic to clear up I swear...
  2. Ikr? For some freakish reason I want space debris to hit one of my spacecraft and cause a big, fiery explosion. Weird.
  3. I attempted to refuel my space station. It went perfect the entire mission, however just before docking I had to decouple the big transfer engine that I used to rendezvous. However, the engine and its tank went flying off in its trajectory and slammed into some of the solar panels of the space station. I had to revert flight, and I don't really feel like doing it all over again. :/
  4. I have a lot of current goals for the near and decently-far future. -Finish Mun base and build transfer space station around the Mun. -Build Minmus base and space station. Not sure if I really want to do this or not. -Get some landers and probes to Duna, eventually Kerbals in the far future. -Complete current work-in-progress space station around Kerbin.
  5. A standardized space program is a happy space program. Or at least that's what I think. There's something about designing your own launch stage and using it on everything that feels so wonderful. In fact, a while ago I tried building a shuttle that could travel anywhere in the Kerbin system at any time. Unfortunately I only got around to launching one shuttle, and it only served in one mission, but I still think the idea of setting up a standardized shuttle system across the entire solar system to transfer Kerbals anywhere at any time I wanted would be awesome.
  6. "How hard can rocket science be?" -Classic KSP quote right there, folks.
  7. I reeeeeeeeally wish Squad didn't see career mode as a big, fancy tutorial for newcomers. It's a game mode! I found the training tutorials alone to be extremely helpful, and I wouldn't be anywhere without them. I think Squad should stop treating career mode as tutorial and more like a legit game mode. I'm so pumped for 0.24, by the way.
  8. Dang it! You beat me to it, vger! I was going to make a thread about this exact thing. XD But yeah, that spacecraft is amazing! I could stare at it all day...
  9. Really? It's already been a year? It seems like only yesterday YouTube exploded!
  10. 1. ROBLOX 2. KSP (1 and 2 was an extremely close tie) 3. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity 4. Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 Platinum Edition 5. SimCity 4
  11. The altimeter at the top of the screen is your distance from the ground. Edit: (Woops. Looks like someone else did this one already.)
  12. Ha ha! I love it! But one question, what did you record that video with?
  13. Yeah, I see Kerbals as mammals, despite popular belief. I don't exactly know why. XD
  14. This is for all those Cosmos lovers out there, myself included. Did you guys see the finale of Cosmos last night? It was amazing!
  15. I was bored, and I decided to make a little timeline. This, my friends, is how I see the Kerbals' history. ~~~~~~~~ BKE- Before Kerbal Era. The time before the recorded history in the First Kerbal Era. FKE- First Kerbal Era. Time transitions into Second Kerbal Era upon the founding of modern republic governments. SKE- Second Kerbal Era. The time after the First Kerbal Era to present day. ~~~~~~~~ BKE 13.8 Billion BKE- The universe itself is born. 13.7 Billion BKE- The first stars in the universe form. 4.6 Billion BKE- Kerbol forms from a dissipating nebula. 4.5 Billion BKE- The accretion disk around the newly-formed Kerbol begins to created the first planetoids of the Kerbol solar system. 4 Billion BKE- The seven Kerbol planets are formed. Their Kerbol orbits are clear of debris. 3.8 Billion BKE- A massive planet-sized asteroid collides with Kerbin, thus forming the Mun. The same almost occurs with Eve, but the asteroid narrowly misses the planet and is captured by Eve's gravity. Gilly is now a moon of Eve. 3.6 Billion BKE- Minmus, a comet without a tail at the time, is captured into a circular, slightly inclined orbit around Kerbin. Kerbin has cooled down very much since it's collision with the asteroid. 3.5-3 Billion BKE- Millions of small asteroids have been continuously entering Kerbin's thin but growing atmosphere. In 0.5 billion years Kerbin's ocean form. 2.9 Billion BKE- Early life begins on Kerbin as single-celled organisms lurking in the oceans. 2.5 Billion BKE- Evolutionary processes helps develop organisms capable of photosynthesis. 2.2 Billion BKE- Single-celled organisms are quickly growing to be more complex in structure. 1.6 Billion BKE- The first multicellular organisms appear in the oceans. 1 Billion BKE- Simple animals appear. 540 Million BKE- Animals with noticeable "front" and "back" ends appear. 500 Million BKE- Fish and early-developed amphibians appear in Kerbin's oceans. 465 Million BKE- Plants start growing and spreading on land. 415 Million BKE- The first insects can be found and seeds are growing more and more frequent in plants. 370 Million BKE- Amphibians appear. 310 Million BKE- Reptiles appear. Kerands, reptilians similar to Earth's dinosaurs, appear as well. 220 Million BKE- Mammals appear. 160 Million BKE- Birds appear. 80 Million BKE- A combination of planet-wide geological instability and massive asteroid impacts gives extinction to the Kerands. With no predators, mammals emerge and quickly become some of the most dominant creatures on Kerbin. 65 Million BKE- The earliest of Kerbal ancestors are found. 20 Million BKE- Kerbals begin emerging as an independent species from other mammals. 2.6 Million BKE- Kerbals rapidly lose their fur over generations, and the biological structure of the early Kerbals are growing more in similarity to modern age Kerbals. 175,000 BKE- Kerbals discover fire and gunpowder. The first fascinations with explosives and the stars begin. 150,000 BKE- Modern Kerbals evolve. 100,000 BKE- Using primitive tools and materials, the first recorded rocket launch is made using gunpowder. ~~~~~~ FKE 5,000 FKE- The first consistently recorded events in history are made. Kerbals have invented advanced tools, somewhat-large villages and agriculture. 3,000 FKE- Early forms of government are made amongst small groups of Kerbals, primarily consisting of a head Kerbal who tells everyone else what to do. 1,000 FKE- Large structures of stone and steel are erected all over the surface of Kerbin. Feudalist governments appear. 500 FKE- Simple mathematics are invented. Kerbal engineering and construction takes a huge boost. 400 FKE- The first mass revolutions take place, replacing governments with systems controlled by dictators with systems lead by elected leaders. ~~~~~ SKE 10-100 SKE- Cermona, the first country resembling modern day republics, is founded in 10 SKE. Shortly afterwards dozens more countries pop up. 696 SKE- Herlanen-Jerb Kermal, later to be one of the greatest scientific and mathematical geniuses in history, is born. During his life he discovers algebra and, near his death, pre-calculus. 1,067 SKE- The very first telescopes are created in the small country of Frenmal. The new invention is used in a variety of ways, ranging from calculating distance to warfare. The telescope is not commonly used for gazing at the night sky. 1,183 SKE- The telescope starts to be actively used for stargazing. Minmus, thought to be very distant from Kerbin, is found to be the Kerbal's second moon. The discovery shakes society. Global interest in space and astronomy boosts slightly. 1,327 SKE- Gerbani Wensal is born. Over his life he becomes an extremely well-known astronomer. He discovers several planets of the Kerbol system, such as Duna, Eve and Jool. Their moons remain unknown. The planets' discoveries, however, surprise the Kerbal civilization again. In response, the "Kerbin International Space Society" is founded. Poor funding and low interest leaves the organization in poor shape, but it is still managing to survive. 1,417 SKE- Kerbin's most history changing revolutions take place. An all-out war breaks out amongst the early superpowers of Kerbin. Millions are killed in the war, along with several leaders. The war lasts only five years, but it leaves society in dread. One man by the name of Gebinsky Kervin begins rallying all over the world. He speaks of the importance of space and astronomy, and that Kerbals' true destiny lies amongst the stars. He also speaks of a free world where the nations of the world are run by the people. His speeches leaves millions inspired, and the reemerging Kerbal civilization is devoted to creating a free world. The "Kerbin International Space Society" fires up and becomes one of the biggest organizations on the planet. 1,667 SKE- Calculus is fully discovered and early astrophysics is invented. 1,868 SKE- The first modern rocket is launched. 1,899 SKE- Moho, Gilly, Dres, Ike, Laythe, Vall, and Tylo are discovered. 1,900-1,930 SKE- Nations around the world begin developing their own space programs. The "International Union of Kerbal Nations," or IUKN, is founded. 1,938 SKE- Eeloo, Bop and Pol are discovered. 1,943 SKE- The IUKN proposes an internationally run space program to represent the Kerbal civilization. The idea spreads like wildfire across the world, and eventually all nations agree to found a singular space program. It is called the "Kerbal Space Program." Thousands of square kilometers are plotted for the Kerbal Space Program to launch rockets and operate from. The plot of land is located at Kerbin's equator near the ocean's coast. 1,955 SKE- The first rocket plane is flown. It nearly reaches space. 1,962 SKE- The first manned rocket is flown to space. 1,963 SKE- The first manned rocket makes an orbital flight around Kerbin. 1,965 SKE- The KSP gets a massive funding boost from several countries. The same year Kerbals set foot on the Mun. 1,969 SKE- Kerbals land on Minmus. 1,972 SKE- The first probe is launched to Duna. It successfully makes an orbit around the planet. 1,975 SKE- The first two landers land on Duna. Kerbals gain incredibly valuable information about the planet. 1,980-2,000 SKE- Countless probes, landers, and rovers are sent to Eve, Duna, Jool and their moons. The origin of life on Kerbin comes ever clearer, and global interest in astronomy is at an all time high. 2,019 SKE- Kerbals set foot on Duna. 2,025 SKE- The first Mun base begins construction. 2,036 SKE- Kerbals land on Dres. 2,044 SKE- The first asteroid is successfully redirected to Low Kerbin Orbit. 2,059 SKE- The first manned spacecraft attempts to land on Eve. However, the crew is killed upon a reentry accident. The next year Kerbals land on the planet and return successfully. 2,061 SKE- A manned flyby of Jool is completed. 2,065- 2,080 SKE- Kerbals set foot on the Joolian moons, along with Ike and Gilly. 2,085 SKE- Kerbals set foot on Moho. 2,109 SKE- An interplanetary shuttle system is planned. The first shuttle makes a trip from kerbin to Duna in record speed, and in 2,115 SKE the Interplanetary Shuttle Program begins, landing more Kerbals on extraterrestrial bodies faster than ever before. 2,120 SKE- A base on Laythe begins its construction and is completed in an astonishing twenty years. 2,148 SKE- The Kerbal Space Program announces on international television their interstellar project. Progress on the project is slow, but it continues for decades. 2,193 SKE- Plans for an interstellar spacecraft are made, and the 700 billion dollar spacecraft begins its long construction. 2,200 SKE- At the turn of the century the interstellar spacecraft is finished. It's simply named as the "Kerbin One." The Kerbal Space Program completes the mission plan, and, after choosing the best three Kerbonauts, the mission begins. 2,201 SKE- "Kerbin One" warps from Kerbin orbit. Humanity is discovered. The same year Kerbals make first contact with Humans. 2,203 SKE- Humans and Kerbals form an interstellar connection, working together to discover the universe. Peace is brought to both planets. ~~~~~~
  16. If Squad ever makes any DLCs, they better be free. Everyone should have the same game experience, regardless of who has some money to throw around.
  17. As of now, I do! I didn't save the image as a Gimp file, so all the layers were lost. But remaking wasn't too hard, so I just went with that. The image is a slightly different than the original, but I think it'll be fine.
  18. I was bored, so I decided to try out some unused features in Gimp. What I made isn't that bad, actually.
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