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Everything posted by Thomas988

  1. Given I have to proper equipment to survive, I don't see why not. *teleports to lava-covered moon* Press the button to bring back the space shuttle! Though there's a 1% that NASA will be canceled indefinitely.
  2. I'm still finding lots fun in KSP, though sometimes I'll take a day or two off from the game to do something else.
  3. I like it! Nice work!
  4. This is AWESOME! Looking forward to more!
  5. Nope. I like to pretend that this flag represents all of Kerbin.
  6. My flag that I made myself: I don't actually use it on my planted flags. It's just something I made in my free time that I like to call my "unofficial official" flag.
  7. We definitely need Farrem Aerospace and some form of Deadly Re-entry. Don't hate me, but I see Kerbal Alarm Clock to be a little cheaty. (I'm sorry!) I like having to do everything. It really makes accomplishing things feel a lot better.
  8. I don't really use anything for a flag other than the KSP logo, but if I did I would use this: Just something I made when I was bored.
  9. Ey! That's me! The Laythe map didn't show up, by the way.
  10. I remember before I bought KSP I had the wildest ideas I wanted to build. I wanted an orbital strike launcher on a space station with artificial gravity! Then I actually played KSP and realized how useless all that would be and how difficult that would be to build. :| Ahhh...the pre-KSP days.
  11. Thomas988


    Are we still asking for the maps? If so, I made some just now:
  12. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity Modability: NaN: You can't really mod a 3DS game, but the game does have DLCs, which there aren't many of. Stability: 5/5: The game has never crashed, frozen or lagged out for me. Beautiful. Loading times: 4.5/5: The game itself is very quick when loading, the longest times rarely being over 10 seconds. Gameplay: 4/5: The game itself has very deep and interesting plot, and the dungeons themselves are tricky and always changing. Some dungeons are so difficult you just want to scream, which is rare in a kid's game. Overall: 4/5: The plot gets really deep and moving near the halfway point of the game, and the ending is insanely sad. The gameplay could've been better, but it kept me pretty intrigued the whole game through. I also love the characters, which all unique in their own ways, whether they be funny, motivating or just plain unforgettable.
  13. Nick, why must you be so philosophical?!
  14. I'm breaking all my personal rules of internet safety, but here I go anyways: Sorry for the low quality of the image. My iPod 4's camera is terrible.
  15. I, after years of drooling, finally bought Gmod. It's so flipping fun!
  16. The only time I play Minecraft, like today, is to play survival games.
  17. I stumbled upon this: my first rocket. The thing is though, I didn't know about throttle, so the liquid engine never worked because I didn't know how to control it. I recently re-flew it (obviously now knowing how to throttle) and it got a pretty nice sub-orbital trajectory. The nostalgia is strong with this one.
  18. Here are some big things I've done in the last several months worth noting: 1. Multiple Mun and Minmus landings. 2. In-Progress Mun Base. 3. Space station around Kerbin 4. A rover on the mun. 5. A few SSTO's in low Kerbin orbit. 6. One asteroid redirected.
  19. Banned for not completing your sentence.
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