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Everything posted by Thomas988

  1. Thanks! The image is a bit blurry and a little small, but I'm sure I'll be able to fix that in later pictures.
  2. I was bored, so I spent about an hour working on some art for a KSP-based story I'm writing.
  3. The Mun, most of the time, and Minmus. I haven't been any farther yet.
  4. Are you my clone? I was the exact same way! I had no idea throttle even existed until my cousin came over and showed me. I was trying to get into orbit using SRBs and Seprotrons! Heck, I even thought I could transfer solid fuel by stacking SRBs. XD But my first flight? To be perfectly honest, I can't remember. But I know at that point in time I could usually get a few kilometers up.
  5. I was on Facebook, and Squad was saying KerbalEDU is coming out soon! Are you excited? I am! Sorry if there is another thread about this, because if there is, I didn't see it. Just wanted to get a discussion going.
  6. If your ship's engines are burning as you go EVA, the spacecraft will accelerate underneath you, and the Kerbal will be lost. A handy tip I learned. The hard way.
  7. I hope this gets a good grade! It is awesome!
  8. Can I ask for a flag? I'd like one that looks like this: The reason I'm asking you to make it is because I think you can do a far better job than me.
  9. I'd try it, but I never know how to get the guys to land on their magically-indestructible helmets.
  10. I felt the same way too until I recently did my first Solar-orbit probe. It was the first thing I had ever gotten out of Kerbin's SOI (professionally, not messing around with cheats) and I was very nervous about failing the mission, despite the fact no one was onboard. But the feeling of accomplishing such a milestone is sweet, and I feel I'm ready to go interplanetary. Good luck in the future!
  11. Those look great! What software did you use to make these?
  12. Career default default2 [or default 1, not sure which] Originality
  13. Here is how I restrict myself: All Delete all debris. Probes on unimportant missions. Always have a way to return to kerbin on missions. Career Always think about what to upgrade next. No Cheating. Sandbox Use time wisely (no random time-warping) Depending on save, act seriously.
  14. Nassault, you are the best cinematic guy on the internet! Keep up the awesome work!
  15. Very nice! Sort of reminds me of HOCgaming's "Space Tourism" series. XD
  16. That's awesome! I'm also wondering: how much does it cost?
  17. I'm exact same way! Every time I get deep in the atmosphere Jool just seems to vanish. It's so freaky, and I end up boosting myself out hoping the Kraken doesn't kill everyone on board. Also, getting close to the sun really freaks me out. I used cheats to get a really big spacecraft only a few thousand kilometers away form the surface. Periapsis was only 66 km. above the surface, and the sun growing closer and closer just made me revert flight all the way to liftoff.
  18. Those are so cool! Someone should make a mod that adds these planets/moons.
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