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Everything posted by acerola

  1. I think so. Never tested. But if you don't want that extra science from the admin building, just don't enable it.
  2. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/89297-0-24-2-ZeroScienceContracts-%28no-science-from-contracts%29
  3. Nice. I thought that I would get the rep penalty if I canceled a contract. But this kinda defeats the point in having a penalty for failed contracts...
  4. I accepted a contract to put a satellite around the sun. I built and put the thing in Kerbin's orbit. Now in the contracts window, it shows step one (launch) and step three (neutralize) as complete, but step two (reach orbit) as incomplete. And the target orbit also disappeared, so I don't know anymore where to take the satellite. Is there some workaround for this? Like a command to reset or remove the contract?
  5. I just took a look at the repository: https://bitbucket.org/xEvilReeperx/ksp_sciencealert/commits/all The development is still very active. The latest commit was 8 hours ago. And one of the commits is: 4c6afe0 Rebuild for 0.25 So the update should be released "soon".
  6. At first I read "1 science for every 35 thousand funds". But then I realized it is "1 science for every 35 funds". Yes, it is overpowered. If I set it to 100% (it costs like 100K funds), then "Kerbin" contracts yield thousands of science each. I personally think that rewarding science for contracts unbalances the game. You can grind science infinitely without leaving Kerbin orbit. Outsourced R&D makes it much much faster. There should be an option on the difficulty setup to turn off science rewards from contracts.
  7. The same way it did in previous versions. Sometimes the ship gets damaged after using high warp rates. So, save often.
  8. ZeroScienceContracts removes the science rewards from the contracts. License: public domain. Source code: included in the package. Thanks to FlowerChild for the code. Download: ZeroScienceContracts.zip Note: the mod uses the OnContractsListChange event. So, if you install the mod and load a savegame that was created without the mod, the current available contracts will still have science rewards. To fix that, just refuse a contract (or do something that changes the contract list) so that the mod will updated the contracts and remove the science rewards.
  9. I think you guys are missing the point here when iteration2 said "reach a level cap in an MMO by killing the level 1 pigs in the starting area". Experiments have diminishing returns. So if you do the same experiment in the same place, after 3 or 4 you get no science. Contracts are the opposite. The more you do, the more science you get, doing the same type of contract in the same place. With experiments, can you unlock all science tech without leaving Kerbin? No. With contracts you can.
  10. Not true. If you conduct the same experiment on the same place you get diminishing returns. After 3 or 4 they yield no science. And that's good. That forces you to go other places. On the other hand, you can take the same (or very similar) contracts repeatedly and get the same amount of science. Right now I am getting over 70 science to test a part on the launch pad, which takes like 5 seconds to complete and costs nothing since you recover everything at 100%. The science awarded by the contracts should at least have the some diminishing returns mechanics, like the experiments do.
  11. I agree with iteration2. Funds should be grindable. You should be able to repeat contracts to get more funds. But not science. Completing the same kind of contract should not give you unlimited science. It is possible, for example, to unlock all science techs without even launching a vessel. You just need to repeat landed part tests. Removing the science reward from the contracts is a good idea.
  12. This is the Kraken/Cthulhu bug. It is not related to the mod. It is a limitation of KSP. I think there might be some confusion here. WarpUnlocker is all about on rails warp, and not physical warp.
  13. Check out a mod called Time Control. It does what mine does and more. And it's customizable.
  14. Thank you Alpheratz. I added your versions to the original post.
  15. The module part.cfg. GooExperiment and MaterialBay don't have this. sensorThermometer, sensorGravimeter and sensorBarometer do. Take a look.
  16. Some people said that it was due to the GPU not being able to render the planets/moons if the speed were too fast. Well, my GPU is quite old (GeForce 9800) and the game works quite well even at 10M warp in low Kerbin orbit. I don't think that the Kraken will attack, since you are "on rails". Kraken attacks are usually related to errors in the physical simulation, which is turned off when you time warp. But save often, and give us feedback if you find any problems.
  17. Check this out: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/57324-0-22-Dynamic-Warp
  18. WarpUnlocker does two much requested features. First, it removes the altitude requirements for the non-physical time warp. Second, it adds two new warp factors: 1,000,000 and 10,000,000. It does not, however, allow you to non-physical time warp in atmosphere or when throttled up. License: public domain. Source code: included in the package. Download (original version): https://www.dropbox.com/s/0pgkkhfk02g3vn3/WarpUnlocker_v1.zip
  19. As 5thHorseman said, gravity and friction makes the air keep up with the Earth. Gravity pulls the air, so that it doesn't float away. Friction/drag forces make the air spin around, keeping up with the Earth. Imagine a glass full of water, perfectly still on a table. You start to rotate the glass. At first, the water won't move due to inertia. Then a small layer near the glass will start to spin, keeping up with the glass. This outermost layer will spin another layer further inside. And so on. After a while, all the water will be rotating.
  20. For me, the stock missions are usually not very profitable. I usually end up paying more then what I get as reward. On the other hand, the random missions are very easy and cheap and have good rewards. Have you tried them?
  21. It is indeed a small issue, and if it is too hard to fix it's not worth it. I can easily work around it. Thank you malkuth for maintaining this mod. It is great.
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