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Everything posted by H2O.

  1. Sure, but this is a stock build. And I think stock engines are pretty well balanced now, there is really a use for every one of them (the Poodle is good, at last!)
  2. To be more precise: KSP Version: v0. Linux 64-bit build id = 00842 2015-05-01_14-01-57 Branch: master What Happens: Game Crash when big white decoupler is activated Mods / Add-Ons: All Stock Steps to Replicate: _open the archive "big white decoupler bug" (provided below through dropbox) _place the "Kassandra 2" ship in your VAB location _launch the game _place the "Kassandra 2" on the launch pad _right click on the big white decoupler then click on "decouple" Fixes/Workarounds: / Other: _crash when activated through staging too _doesn't crash when some parts are removed (like the command module) _crash in linux 32 bit version too _Log file and craft in the archive (dropbox link)
  3. I confirm the bug. I have another ship that makes the game crash when I stage the TR-38-D decoupler. However I have not be able to pinpoint the steps to reproduce yet. It idepend on other parts on the ship for sure, but with which ones does it crash? I don't know.
  4. Even if you have a station, there are so many things that are not adapted for vacuum operations on a SSTO. For instance, kyknos have mainsails engines, which have a great T/W ratio, but pretty abysmal ISP. Therefore they are not suited for interplanetary operation.
  5. It is not the first rocket-only SSTO, I didn't invent the concept . Yes, it is Kerbin only (SSTOs are a very inefficient idea for everything above LKO). You can use the big one for a Munar fly-by with a small capsule if you want, but that is just a waist of ressource in my opinion.
  6. SSTOs don't have to be spaceplanes. They don't have to be reusable either. I think that with the new atmosphere, pure rockets SSTOs makes a lot of sense.
  7. An SSTO for the working Kerbal! Easy to launch, easy to land. Payload from 18 to 81 tons. All you have to do is strap your payload and build the fairing! No powered landing, parachutes are sufficient (don't forget to deploy the landing gear) Comes with subassemblies. download link (dropbox) I hope you will enjoy it!
  8. Is it possible to be added to the epic engineer list? My Kassandra meet the requirement (100+ responses), I think: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/75140
  9. Thanks guys! Yes, that little thing has 2400 m/s of delta-v. Ike is not big for sure, but the scout is almost composed entirely of fuel!
  10. version 2.0 is out! It is fully compatible with KSP v1.02. Lots of new stuff: new scout! to explore Ike 137 parts instead of 138 re-factoring of the lifter nuclear stage is now used for interplanetary burn ion ring ditched in favor of a now fully autonomous command module added fairings imgur album totally redone rewriting of some of the manual's sections to match changes Look at the totally redone Imgur album to have a taste of all the goodness:
  11. The only think that history demonstrate is that it is possible to find energy. It is however hard to consider that "Faced with a shortage, intelligent people find a way". When Germany lost control of the Roumanian oil fields during WWII, production collapsed. No ersatz can ever be manufactured to the quantity that is needed to fuel our society. The subject of EROEI is crucial, and every energy source that is not and the bottom of the list is either already used (hydro, nuclear, wind) or incredibly polluting (oil, coal). Now, there is obviously a possibility to use more wind and nuclear energy but the fact is: economic growth is the consequence of largely available cheap energy. It is no mystery that economic growth is slowing since the 1970 in the OCDE countries (oil shocks anybody ?) and is more or less stable per capita.
  12. Thank you guys! Weaponize the Kassandra? Well, if you find place for some missiles, it means that there is still some place left for other stuff too!
  13. Thanks you! Enjoy building your own stuff too, and please give a little feedback after you have tested my ship.
  14. Nukes are not bad, but have to be used differently. So the natural first reaction is to whine about it! (I did it too). But now I do think that they are pretty well balanced and that they were way overpowered before. And yes, rockets flips, but the new Kassandra (wich has no fins) is not too unstable, and very difficult to flip if you hit the "follow prograde" SAS button and don't do anything too extravagant (ie: important corrections are still possible).
  15. An awfull lot of civilization/country have collapsed because of a lack of energy: -Roman (collapse of the agriculture) -Maya & Aztec (collapse of the water network) -Germany during WWI & WWII (oil shortage) We are running low on oil: yes, production increase but population too, so we are back to 1970's levels of per capita oil produced per year. There is absolutely no reason this will change (shale oil and sand oil are just very polluting bad jokes with a borderline ridiculous EROI). All dreams of space travel will fall short if energy supply become low. No matter how incredible technology we invent, you need 1 joule for 1 newton metre. The more I think about it, the less hopeful I am : if we don't have a lot of energy, we are stuck in the solar system. On the contrary, if we have a lot of energy, interstellar travel is irrelevant (why bother? we have everything we need here on the solar system).
  16. You will have to! The ship is basically ready, but now I have to take it on a Duna mission to test it and to take screenshots. Then I will have to rewrite the manual, as the typical flight plan for a Duna mission is now totally different (I don't want to spoil, but near Duna there is a rock that a lot of people like, why not paying him a little visit?).
  17. True, but a different species nevertheless. And when we talk about humanity, I believe we are talking about the ensemble of all homo sapiens. Homo sapiens will not be able to reproduce with homo sapiens descendant. Even if we talk about culture and civilization, everything will be forgotten given enough time.
  18. Because of evolution: our grand-grand-...-grand children won't be from the same specie. The human race will go extinct, whatever happens (and I'm not talking about nuclear Armageddon, climate change, etc.)
  19. The nuclear engines are fine. They were way overpowered before, now they are just right. On the other hand, if it was possible to have more choice regarding liquid-fuel-only tanks, I would appreciate it, but the engines are pretty well balanced.
  20. Have you tried launching the game with the "C_ALL=C %command%" parameter? It worked for a lot of people.
  21. I will update the Kassandra for 1.0, that is for sure. I've already started but I am really busy at work so I don't have a lot of spare time. I will probably re-purpose it a a Duna-specialised interplanetary craft. The main reason for that is that most people seems to use it for Duna exploration. Laythe may be a possibility, but I have no idea how the ship behave in the new Laythe atmosphere. Besides, the thrust to weight ratio seems a bit low for Laythe.
  22. I actually love the change. There is no doubt that the Kassandra took great advantages of the overpowered nuclear engine. Now it is time to think to find a good solution!
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