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Everything posted by Storywalker4

  1. RPM not working is a very known bug. And for all your other bugs: remember that this mod is very work-in-progress (though post all the bugs you get obviously), just give the Devs (or is it just dev now?) some time. It'll be done and awesome some day.
  2. Could you by chance make the physics range extension be able to be higher? Like 20 km? So that I can set a cargo plane to autopilot, then I can drop out a rover or whatever out the back, land it, then pop back to the cargo plane and fly it back.
  3. It looks so cool, but it looks so hard... *sniffle* I'm so conflicted!
  4. Oh, he fixed it? Well then I'm a dirty little liar. See, now I was being too helpful. Jeb left too many flower-scented air-fresheners in the packaging of the DERP shipment, and well, the bees moved in. Gene found some bee poison I guess. Pine-scented only from now on. About the fuel, it's only meant to be able to de-orbit from LKO (or any similar body) Just enough to point backwards and miss the ground less and slam into some air.
  5. I's not just evacuate. The 24.2 update made everything all difficult about it. He's also working on his other mods, but he'll get back to this one sooner or later. Note: Am I being too helpful? I feel like I am... Is that even possible? I SHALL NOW HELP EVERYBODY MUHAHAHA
  6. That was an issue I had before, back when this mod first came out (and I had deadly-Reentry, and the engine didn't have heat shielding at the time). Worry not, RoverDude will get around to it. Once he fixes the pod itself. EDIT: Though that was with FAR.
  7. Mind. Blown. First of all, GREAT work guys. Secondly, somebody mentioned that there would be brown dwarfs... does that mean we can fly in them? Jeb would like that. Thirdly, rouge planets were mentioned much earlier in the thread... I think they'd make a very nice addition. Be they Tylos except thrice the size, or super-Eves that manage to be habitable (once you ignore the crushing atmosphere of course)
  8. NOTE BEFORE READING: I know you said no mods, but the three mods add challenge and realism to the quest here. Makes it harder (I think). Please do consider this despite the mods. Mods needed: FAR (latest), Deadly Reentry (latest), Toolbar (so you can see the graphs for FAR) Challenge: Create a hypersonic jet capable of at least Mach 4 (or faster) flight at 10 km (or higher, you're going to want higher). Conditions: -No SRBs or bipropellant engines -No RAPIER engines, just normal jets -No mods other than the aforementioned mods, aesthetic mods obviously not included -No spamming intakes! In fact, you only really need two... (you can have more, but I can say from experience that only two are required for a great plane) -No time-warp. I know that this means flying them is a long experience, but time warp at these altitudes rises your operation limit, and therefore is an unfair boost to the end results. Bonus points (cause why not): -Longevity- *1/4 around Kerbin (10 points) *1/3 around (15 points) *1/2 around (20 points) *3/4 around (25 points) *circumnavigating (50 points) -Speed- *1500 m/s (10 points, good...) *1600 m/s (15 points, nice... You matched the X-1 Dart) *1700 m/s (20 points, so close... just a little more) *X-2 Arrow's record: 1764 m/s (25 points, I'm humbled. Good to know that my slapped-together design can be beaten.) *Mach 5.5 (50 points, OH MAH GERD, HOW YOU DOES?) -Operation Limit (engines must be running)- *15 km (5 points, you can do better than that) *20 km (10 points, decent.) *25 km (15 points, good around the same as the X-1 Dart) *30 km (20 points, just below the X-2 Arrow) *35 km (50 points, holy butts) -Random stuff- *Able to land without parachutes (20 points, major flaw of the Dart, it couldn't land traditionally because its glide speed was way too fast) *"Hop" to 40 km (10 points, yeah... my momentum carried me up there on the ascent to 30 km with the Arrow.) Notes: It shouldn't be that hard really, the X-1 Dart was a complete accident and the X-2 Arrow was my trying to remember how the Dart was built (although, main wings were added in the Arrow). Watch your heating, engines get really hot at those altitudes without precoolers. Don't pitch up or down too fast before you get up high, it causes things to go boom into the ground after your wings get clipped off.
  9. I know this is kinda cheap, but I couldn't see this on the forum pages easily, and such a great mod -basically essential one- needs to be found more easily so... BUMP. In the name of great flying cameras!
  10. xD nice. I'm just spoiled with FAR, ever since I've found it I've always had it. Although, sometimes DRE and FAR don't play nice. Scott Manely has this problem. He edited a config to fix that. I'm too lazy.
  11. Actually, it was really, really shallow. It was a test, so I put jeb in the pod, turned on infinite fuel and RCS, flew up to about 80 km, and put my peri-Kerbin at around 20 km, which is my usual decent profile. EDIT: I was considering going a steeper one earlier for ease, and just starting lower, but I figured, the results would be way different.
  12. Out of the mods you've made, you've shown yourself a great mod maker... but do you realize that (at least on my game) it is absolutely impossible to reenter the atmosphere? I'm using the latest everything, so a new FAR update could've screwed the pod up royally, but the thing simply refused to slow down. In fact, it was accelerating still until about 24 km. The system and ideas are great, and the fuel constraint makes it nice and challenging to balance RCS and engines. But, it went down engine-first despite my best efforts to RCS back to the proper way, and as I said earlier, it wouldn't slow down and burnt up. As I said, it could be just my game. So uh... test it? If it still works, then why da heck does mine not?
  13. Actually... astronomer's pack distributes a modified sharedassets10. Ask him?
  14. Yeah... that could be a problem... well that sucks... honestly, my computer was probably too stupid in the graphics card to be able it handle it. Seriously man, it sucks. I'm surprised I can play KSP even.
  15. It wouldn't by chance be possible for someone to make a drag-and-drop sharedassets10 would it? I can't seem to get the assets explorer to download for me. Would make life a lot easier for me. Thanks!
  16. Could you tackle the 600 meter depth limit? It'd allow for more proper use of Laythe and allow for Kethane rigs. Over half my deposits on Kerbin are underwater.
  17. Also: How do you operate the flight computer for burns, I'm hopelessly confused on it.
  18. Relay setup question: I have a 4-sat main relay set up, but only to track active vessels, I'm sending up more and aiming them at the Mun. To have full view of the Mun at an orbit of roughly 300k do I only need two sats at roughly opposite positioning or three sats? Also, where's the planetary threshold between 60 Gm and 350/400 Gm? And how far will the stock 40 Gm go? Update: Ya, only needed two, but my other questions still stand
  19. Ya, I hear that. And good job with MKS, definitely will be trying it after I actually get my satellite arrays set up... Remote Tech is hard, but I feel naked without it. It's like FAR and DR, except worse.
  20. Ok then, thanks. Now the only trouble is lugging around a refinery. Still... much, much easier than working with MKS, this'll allow for a simpler system to be viable.
  21. Well, there should be no water on the Mun or Moho. Too close to the sun to harbor such volatile materials. Minmus does have its ice-cream lakes, which water is an element of ice cream (yes, I just went there).Vall and Eeloo would be ice galore, and Lathye probably has 500% humidity so... ya.
  22. As I said, I have asteroid cities, but then I have to lug asteroids to Jool. I'd rather just stick with lugging them to Duna and Eve. I have no idea how to make the two units interchangeable as I can't code to save my life. As I said, this is all about water and Laythe. And honestly, I'm ify on MKS's water-everywhere approach.
  23. So wait... does this mod have a water extractor? I swear it used to but I can't find it in my parts. If not, could you guys add one? So that when you are splashed down at Kerbin or Laythe, you can get water. The water is the most important resource it seems, and I'd like to make my Jool colonies self-sufficient. Yes, I have a mod with a greenhouse installed. That'd be the asteroid cities mod. But that's beside the point: water extractor. Do. Please?
  24. Looks really useful, and will save me lots of time, especially if I can manage to stick these things on rovers, and set up Non-KSC bases on Kerbin. Making it possible to land and refuel in places around Kerbin. You really should be a MFT version, so we could use it to refill stuff like life support. The cheatyness of an MFT version of this is all up to those that use it. Example: Hyperedit. I use it to modify the lan of my commsats (very cheaty) and align their SMA once I put them in really close orbits (not very cheaty).
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