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Everything posted by Crzyrndm

  1. On collision is essentially the same, except the argument for the function is of type EventReport instead of type Vessel. GameEvents.onCollision.Add(collide); void collide (EventReport r) { } You can tell which arguments are required by looking at the type of onCollision and seeing that it's "EventData<EventReport>" (compared to flagPlant which was EventData<Vessel>)
  2. Thanks, error has been eliminated. Don't know why that hasn't turned up before, it's not exactly new code... - - - Updated - - - Version 1.11.1 Fix for multiple stock toolbar buttons appearing Fix for default preset creation failing
  3. So if the fluid is deflected downwards, what happens to the object that did the deflecting...
  4. https://github.com/Crzyrndm/Pilot-Assistant/blob/master/GameData/Pilot%20Assistant/PilotAssistant.dll?raw=true Hopefully this fixes the toolbar duplication
  5. Yup, the option is there to have both together or each one individually (or neither if you really are feeling a bit odd...) (Semi-)Saturatable Reaction Wheels v1.10.1 Fix for momentum still being accumulated while using resource discharging (during which torque is zero) Moved resource use MM patch to a separate file. Change the extension to .cfg to enable Some false errors hidden from the log (KSP doesn't always like the disabled RCS thruster...)
  6. You want the sliders in the middle of the bars for no deflection, all the way to the left is (as indicated) reversed direction (-100% deflection). EDIT
  7. Particularly in this case, events that occurred just before a bug manifests are very important. There is a release version because I am fairly confident that it is stable for a single vessel and most instances of multiple vessels. At the same time, I know there are still a multitude of ways to cause the multi-vessel implementation to break and I need to know what happened that caused it to break. @Ikarim Check that the selected number in the little menu was the one that was highlighted in green (NOTE: only visible if you have switched between loaded vessels). That is the control systems for the active vessel. You may have been controlling a different vessel.
  8. If you can replicate that I would very much like to see the test case.
  9. Which resources and how much to use are specified like any other RCS thruster. The only difference is that thrusterPower is hijacked to be the % to discharge per second instead of a force rating so that resource usage varies nicely with the RW torque (and ofcourse, the lack of any actual thrust ) https://github.com/Crzyrndm/RW-Saturatable/blob/master/GameData/RW%20Saturatable/RW.cfg#L23
  10. It's an alternative to the automatic torque recovery, basically simulating spinning down the wheel while thrusting to oppose the torque generated by doing so. No actual torque/thrust is generated, the second module provides a standard interface for setting up the propellants/ISP/Thrust that should also be compatible (or easily made so) with other mods (it's essentially just an RCS thruster with no thrust and different information)
  11. Pilot Assistanvt v1.11.0 Multi vessel support. Switch to another vessel within physics range and any active control system will remain active on the original vessel. Full integration of SSAS with the stock SAS system. All targets in all reference frames have appropriate behaviours, surface relative behaviour is only engaged when the current reference frame is surface (indicated by the speed display)
  12. (Semi-)Saturatable Reaction Wheels v1.10.0 Added ability to discharge momentum through resource consumption. Disabled by default (commented out to be used as an example). While discharging, RW has zero torque output New Module >> Momentum Discharge Thruster : Resource consumption is disabled if this module is not present in the part. Propellants, discharge rate, and fuel consumption rate are set through this module. Some other minor fixes
  13. That whole folder (IIRC, there was one for RealChute and IR as well) can be deleted now, part visibility is determined differently since 2.1.0. I'll make sure to make better notes in future
  14. That's because it isn't required anymore (everything it did is now stock) and is no longer being updated (you'll notice it's missing from the OP)
  15. In a stock + KIS installation using that utility definition, the container shows up just fine (7th item when sorting by name). Could you upload a log please
  16. Compare the part vessel reference to the vessel reference in flight globals part.Vessel == FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel
  17. The lift calculations did get altered to match how stock values are calculated (for both mass and lift, see links in this post) so some difference is to be expected. The other possible factor is that Patch.cfg was included in the download and adds the stock lift module to the wings a second time which may or may not result in wierdness. I can imagine... Removing FAR folder fixed things?
  18. Your log would indicate that the FAR folder remains in your Gamedata directory. Config(@FARAeroData[default]:FOR[FerramAerospaceResearch]) [COLOR=#ff0000][B]FerramAerospaceResearch[/B][/COLOR]/CustomFARAeroData/@FARAeroData[default]:FOR[FerramAerospaceResearch] CKAN has a habit of not deleting everything when you uninstall a mod, you need to make sure all elements are removed manually.
  19. If it's otherwise behaving, a small amount of integral action should prevent this occurring. The other option would be to reduce the scale factor slightly, 5 degrees of AoA is marginal stability wise for many rockets If I read your code right, your fix is making the proportional response scale with error squared instead of linearly (p_res = [Kp * error/5] * error) so it has a very small amount of action close to the target, leading to a stable position a few degrees off the target vector inside the atmosphere (which isn't stable if inwards torque is always less than torque from lift/drag which is what's happening here). Integral action is how that offset gets reduced to zero (negating torque from lift/drag). To reduce overshoot, you can zero it until only the final ~5-10 degrees of error remain.
  20. 1) You should be using a KSPAddon type plugin for this. A partModule plugin would have to be attached to either the kerbal or flag which would require another script anyway. See here for a very simple addon type plugin 2) You have a function (main) inside another function, that's never going to work 3) You don't put semicolons on function declaration lines for actual functions (there are times when you do, but thats not anywhere near here) 4) You need to register your flagplant function inside either Start() or Awake() and deregister it in OnDestroy() so that it actually gets called GameEvents.onFlagPlant.Add(main); // called in Start or Awake GameEvents.onFlagPlant.Remove(main); // called in OnDestroy and main will need to take a parameter of type vessel to be eligible for the event registration public void main(Vessel v) There's a few more problems but that should cover most of it. I would strongly recommend that you read up a bit on C# syntax, particularly functions, if you're going to be continuing with this.
  21. You're not actually indexing into the resources, just repeatedly editing the first one @PART[FUELTANKNAME] { @TechRequired = heavyRocketry @title = FT-450 @description = We've got the gas! @RESOURCE[LiquidFuel] { @amount = 540 @maxAmount = 540 } @RESOURCE[Oxidizer] { @amount = 660 @maxAmount = 660 } }
  22. All movers tend to have a lot more authority than standard control surfaces for two reasons: 1) Increased control area increases force applied for the same deflection 2) The removal of the fixed stabiliser reduces the pitch stability of the craft leading to more action for the same force. It looks like Module Manager is triggering FAR patches. Make sure you have removed the FerramAerospaceResearch directory from GameData. EDIT Also, I just noticed that the download still has the patch.cfg in it which could be interfering. Please delete B9_Aerospace/Patch.cfg
  23. You can add entries in a cfg that a dll can look at(eg. MJ), but not have save dependant things happen purely because of MM
  24. D:\Downloads\KSP 1.0\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\B9_Aerospace\Plugins\B9_Aerospace_WingStuff.dll D:\Downloads\KSP 1.0\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\B9_Aerospace_old\Plugins\B9_Aerospace_WingStuff.dll You have two versions of the plugin running. Could you please remove one and try again (uploading the log again if it fails)
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