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Everything posted by NumberNegative

  1. I'm getting a crash as soon as loading finishes when I'm in OpenGL mode. The game loads when I'm in Dx9 but I end up at 98% Ram capacity so that's obviously not prefered. Error: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0BZCbirvqywT05DTGMyVlpWVlE/view?usp=sharing Output: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0BZCbirvqywSUZxWExtWUhELWc/view?usp=sharing
  2. If you want to make a config with the resources just simply called ResourceMun, ResourceIke, ect... I can edit it when I think of something.
  3. I can't really think of anything right at the moment but if you guys are interested in working together with me to make this a reality then I'm game.
  4. I'm glad you like the idea. I would love to make a comprehensive mod like you mention but, either stand alone or based off the Karbonite system. I am in no way a modder And know almost nothing about it. I guess if there's enough interest I could learn but it may be sometime down the road.
  5. Awesome. I was just about to hunt you down in your own thread looking for advice. What about removing Karbonite from Kerbin completely and adjusting the amount available on other bodies to make it worth going out further to find it? Could that possibly work?
  6. Huh. That would be a pain in the ass. Maybe make it so there is no Karbonite on Kerbin's surface and only limited amounts on Mun and Minmus? I want to have a reason to explore farther.
  7. I know it should be possible but on order to be a profitable gameplay it's going need some tweaks like I mentioned. For example, right now Karbonite isn't that much more valuable than liquidfuel, definitely not worth enough to be profitable to return to Kerbin with it. I assume that it should mostly MM or config edits but the different values are the biggest challenge I can think of. I'm hoping that someone who knows more than me could possibly offer an idea. This is just how I envision this to work.
  8. I want to try something a little different: essentially having my own space mining industry. Here's how it would work: - Starting a new game change the save file or crank up the slider to give myself a lot of funds and science to get started (or maybe have a new tech tree just for this) - The Karbonite resource is very valuable and cannot be added to tanks in the VAB before launch. - Karbonite is exponentially more valuable depending on where it comes from: on kerbin only worth a little more than liquidfuel but it's 100 times that on Laythe. - The primary source of income is mining Karbonite in various locations and returning it to the surface of Kerbin. The stock Recovery system will 'refund' you how much Karbonite you returned for a profit. - Maybe have some custom contracts written for additional income. E.x.: [Company] wants [x] amount of [resource] from [location]. My modding talent is stretches only as far as small edits to config files. Would making this be possible? If so, how could I go about making it?
  9. Understandable. I'm not trying to rekindle that argument. Keep up the great work.
  10. No. Compatability was blank so the game would run normally but it was before the problem arose. Like I said: my OS is already Windows 7 so I have no idea why Win 7 compatibility mode matters but apparently it does.
  11. Awesome Chris. Out of curiosity, will this update run on 64-bit?
  12. Hi there, I apologize for the delayed response but I found a solution! I changed the ksp.exe settings to compatibility mode for Windows 7 even though I have a Windows 7 system and that somehow solved the problem. No clue how but everything's working again. I do appreciate the time you took to help troubleshoot this.
  13. Understood, thanks for the help anyway. Hopefully someone who can figure it out comes along. Maybe something worth sending directly to Squad?
  14. How's this? https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B0BZCbirvqywbEVGUjQ1eHY0Slk/edit?usp=docslist_api
  15. This? http://imgur.com/VkwY9iT apologize about the quality, I'm using remote desktop from my phone.
  16. Reinstalling graphic drivers was one of my first ideas. The problem persists in stock and I even made a new thread here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/99891-OpenGL-suddenly-stopped-working
  17. KSP Version: Windows 64-bit (Also happens on 32-bit) Steam What happens: Game refuses to load upon launch when -force-opengl tag is used Mods / Add-Ons: All Stock Replicate: 1) Have -force-opengl in Steam's launch options 2) Click play Result: Immediate crash, game does not even reach loading screen. Screenshot: http://imgur.com/mCyqycE This is all that happens when I run the program. Bonus: Gif of exactly what's happening: https://gfycat.com/DapperSameAsiantrumpetfish Output_Log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0BZCbirvqywUlFJZnQ0MnVsVVE/view?usp=sharing KSP.log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0BZCbirvqywNmRxWWphdXRqZXc/view?usp=sharing For my normal play I use a ludicrous amount of mods and have to run in OpenGL. However since I reverted to stock to attempt to solve this issue and it is still present I'm posting here.
  18. Ksp.log: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B0BZCbirvqywNmRxWWphdXRqZXc/edit?usp=docslist_api I have even tried reverting my KSP back to stock and the problem persists.
  19. Output_log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0BZCbirvqywUlFJZnQ0MnVsVVE/view?usp=sharing A few days ago I've suddenly started having problems with OpenGL. Upon launching the game the scree flashes a few time before going back, the then game crashed if I hit any keys. It was working fine before. I made no changes to my system, all graphics drivers are up to date, and the game loads in dx9 without issue until it hits my ram limit. This is happening in both x64 and x32 KSP. I can't find anything about this issue online and no other programs on my computer are having any issues.
  20. I'll definitely give that a shot when I get home in a few hours and will let you know what happens.
  21. There were no updates installed previous to having issues and when it first started I ran an update check that had nothing new. Last driver update was sometime in July and has been up-to-date since. I haven't changed the shader settings but how can I change them now that I can't get the game to start?
  22. I've been running 64-bit with minimal issues with anything. Even 32-bit won't run with OpenGL so I doubt that's the problem and dx9 32- bit is much, much worse than 64-but.
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