Hi! thanks for working on MJ to update it for 1.0.2! One quick note -- the maneuver node planner in the latest dev build (the only one I've used, so I can't tell you when it may have started) seems not to properly 'straddle' maneuver nodes; that is to say, split up the use of dV to optimize the burn. Instead it burns at t-0 from the node, which can result in an inefficient burn, especially on long, low TWR burns. e: it also seems to treat planets/moons as points with regard to 'adjust closest approach', not taking the correct planetary radius into account. For example, the mun's equatorial radius is 100km, and to correctly calculate a 15km closest approach I had to type 115km as the closest approach. Doesn't seem to do this with other commands so far, such as 'adjust Pe', just the closest approach.