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Everything posted by Aerolfos

  1. Granted. Die to the well known law-that-is-not-yet-a-physical-law-of-existance everything goes wrong on camera, and you fail horribly. I wish I could NINJA somebody.
  2. Granted. There is no more to say, its its own punishment. I wish I had a good April Fools to pull on someone.
  3. Granted. It is Pinkie Pie. Enjoy your insanity! I wish I could be insane.
  4. Granted. Since it is not the code youre making, it now is. Also, its gone Horribly Right. I wish I could build a power armor suit.
  5. Granted. It tastes horrible. I wish it was not so simple to ruin wishes.
  6. Granted, Your history (Including the "deleted" one) is leaked... to pretty much everyone. Yes... EVERYTHING is known now. Lifes are ruined. I wish for Gogolplex (Did I spell that right?)
  7. You wish to return the thread to topic? Granted. For 5 seconds. Then the proffessional derailers arrive. I wish I could delete posts.
  8. Granted. Your coffee is cold however after the time it took to deliver it (Good coffee is nto near you, and hard to find!) I wish for darkness.
  9. Very well. Your post is promptly deleted by moderators, and you no longer have any proof of it being so. (Waybackmachine and similar didnt save it, you did not screenshot) I wish for SCIENCE!
  10. Granted. It is Happy Birthday sung "Artistically" The ensuing lawsuit makes sure he never makes another song. I wish I could sue somebody.
  11. Granted. However, you meet because you're hostages at a terrorist attack. I wish for magic.
  12. Granted. It does not fit in your computer, and your various attempts at making it fit just end up crashing andmaking a mess. Enjoy an incompatible card! I wish for GG.
  13. Remember to pull it at a time not even related to April Fools. Because why shouldn't you!
  14. And they have clearly stated that there is a big lack in Mac QA, they had to scrap the whole patcher simply because of the QA team not having time/resources/not feeling like. Give you what, I will download 1.0 the moment it comes out, and try it on my Mac laptop, and on my good PC. If there are issues, you will have no end of it.
  15. I am getting strange vibes HarvesteR is absolutely fed up with this proect in Nothc/Novasilisko style. And they're pushing it so he can leave. Now, the game continuing after he goes.. the future is bleak.
  16. Granted. The radioactive computer/fission reactor that is dropped off at your house works quite marvelously.. until SWAT storm your house and shoot you (killing you) accidentally. (More or less.. raids be dangerous.) (Something about suspicious buildup of potential nuclear weapons... who would have thought.) I wish for command of a SWAT Team.
  17. It simply made my alarm bells of "Boycott this company and alarm the world as far as my puny powers of being unknown go". Yes, the world of games is a bad place nowadays.
  18. Reprhase that to "like any Sane person will never do an April Fools in March".
  19. Yes, thats true. While I expect it possible for a company to do that, do notice I will abandon ship at first opportunity and boycott the company in question to the end of time. EA is currently under this, and the entire genre of early access. Pretty much the most likely to do this... I believe KSP is the only EA title I ever bought. Not a decision I regret in any way... luckily. ...but still. If this had gone through coupled with Curse, a rushed 1.0 and a halt in development for KSP, a release of a new game would still be enough to make me hate Squad for all eternity. I will not stop hoping all will go well though. - - - Updated - - - It all makes sense now.
  20. Nah, the planning was good. TOO good.
  21. Alright, dust has settled. Now, I guess it is time I went and harassed all my friends and ruined their life, since "early" April Fools is a thing. And yes, I will keep this up until after the 1st too, I will simply be 364 days early. I mean, whats the difference!
  22. But people are expecting it from Squad. If they wanted to prove the community heavily disapproves of their recent actions, they dog dang have it.
  23. Hey, imagine if ALL the youtubers that do KSP or have ever done KSP announced they were sick, tired, laid out a loooooooooong list of why, then said they would quit in one week from next wednesday, in similar fashion to this. See how much fun that would be.
  24. Early birthday OK, but not April Fools. Hey, lets simply start "early" on April Fools... congratulations on justifying playing non stop terrible jokes on everyone, and messing up everybody's life, then simply say "Happy (Early) April Fools!" by <Add number of days unto April Fools> The world would be a bad place.
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