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Everything posted by Aerolfos

  1. In 2 weeks we will see how serious he was.
  2. ...yes another localized pun, like this one. That is a Windows Shortcut for your information.
  3. If by that you mean "Leave the forums and never look back, to boycott Squad and their inevitable new games for all time", then yes. I agree with you.
  4. Oh but they need the cash grab. Remember they hyped up this new announcement, it was simply moar 3d printing promotion cash grab? It might be cool and all, but still, we think were getting something, its simply a big cash grab. Makes this event all the more likely, if you add in how "fast" the game has went to full release. And then look at the changes and time period... it feels so dang rushed.
  5. Theyre shipping an unfinished product no matter what. So yeah, pfft. - - - Updated - - - Now the community has been pissed, as far as I am aware Green iron Crown was an experiment in how much negative rep can be gotten on this forum. Let us try this "experiment" again.
  6. Ok, now to clam down, and laugh at their wonderful joke, then watch the fallout. Right? Nope, it is till not remotely funny. I believed in them because 1.0 BS. G<EXPLETIVE>G Squad.
  7. I love how he says check your calendars. If everything here had been postponed another hour, my calendar would CLEARLY say April the 2nd. As would pretty much >50% of the worlds. Still does in fact.
  8. Hah they don't have the brain power capable of doing that. Since it references "in a week and a half", they've been preparing this for a month or 2 probably. Still not funny.
  9. If its Saturday, one week and a half is April the 2nd.
  10. EXCUSE me. GMT+2 and ANYONE east of that are having this scheduled for April the 2nd. - - - Updated - - - March the 21th, and April the 2nd anywhere east of GMT+1.
  11. Yep. Plus, for 50%+ of the world they have it scheduled at April the 2nd.
  12. Lets see, doing the math, why yes 1 hour short of it being April the 2nd. This means that for anybody east of Western Europe (The ENTIRETY of Asia, several BILLION people) this date they scheduled the update is April 2nd. As far as I know, nothing happens then. As said, I don't know if I will be more in a mood for murder by them messing with us or actually pulling this off.
  13. You don't do April Fools early. No. Just no. This is still a horrible thing.
  14. OK, guys, anyone willing to setup a poll? Lets vote for who thinks this is fine, and who thinks its utterly ridiculous BS. (Add me on the last one!)
  15. Capitalism* Of the... I can't remember. Some extreme capitalism race in a space trader game, with a weird name. The guys that are ruled by a corporation, have a contract with their God for religion, and throw people into furnaces for fuel. And all families are mini corporations meant to make a profit.
  16. Thanks for the Obvious Rule Patch clear-up. Already needing those? Not a good sign I say.
  17. I had forgotten... yes pretty much 80% of mods on here will be gone. (Good ones) So they are promoting the mass produced quick throw togethers of models (That probably don't work) since putting a month of coding/modeling into your mod is not worth it for the 3 months of time it will be relevant.
  18. Because Facebook has many many issues, Twitter has the 140 char limit, which we shall see in its glorious effect and how it will murder anything. I guess Subreddit it is/fanmade forum... what is next, a fan made patch to fix their .... after abandoned 1.0???
  19. Describing a mod in 140 chars? THIS dang post is over 140 chars! That's how ridiculous it is.
  20. AHEM. They sold themselves out to Curse. Making their "Official" modding "community" get boycotted in favor of Kerbalstuff. And this is why we can@t have nice things! I wonder what changed inside Squad to cause this new line of going. (Notice the rushed 1.0 for the money and the Curse thing)
  21. Theyre chopping up our forum and feeding it to us in pieces... with all sorts of paid access. G****G Squad. So, everyone has basic fears removed, then we get ads. Pay to get back this ad-free forum and all the features. GG. Way to kill a forum. Note how this Shortish post is over 140 chars too.. this is going to be ridiculous. Forget using threads for KSP mods I guess!
  22. Theyre chopping up our forum and feeding it to us in pieces... with all sorts of paid access. G****G Squad. So, everyone has basic fears removed, then we get ads. Pay to get back this ad-free forum and all the features. GG. Way to kill a forum. Note how this Shortish post is over 140 chars too.. this is going to be ridiculous. Forget using threads for KSP mods I guess! EDIT: I wil repost in new thread, because of your marvelous ninjaing skills.
  23. Granted. The Space Nazis have come, and unify the world under their Supreme Reich. Mecha Hitler exists too now! The world is at peace... .... peace. (After 10 years of unmentionably horrible events and war) I wish for a wish-gun. With corruptions that would hit targets (not me!).
  24. Planets. We were promised more and better, I know the designer left, but this remains a HUGE fault when you think about it. Especially the lack of Oxygen planets I feel... Laythe isn't the perfect option for colonization, and having it be the only? I mean, everybody has gone there by now... should't there be SOMEWHERE a bit more unique? An Eve like planet with oxygen would be interesting for example, if not an ultimate challenge surveying the terrain in a plane would be a nice variation.. Its not current planets are bad, but more is better anyways! What I would really like is several systems honestly. Including things like Black Holes. Because... you want to fly your Kerbals into one, and we all know it. Possible spot for procedural gen too, and it would help on the processing side of things. (no, 32 bit wouldn't handle it, but it can barely handle anything nowadays, so that simply needs to be solved. Now.)
  25. More than half the community (Who care anything about this mod) have already caught on to that, but thank you anyway. (I at least have known about it since before I even installed 0.90...)
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