The We're Frickin' Racing Co. is proud to present the WFRC Mk III! At empty we are weighing in at a moderate 1.606t, while with a full tank we sit at 1.806t. Though complete testing is not finished we have hit a max of 33m/s with boost and around 24m/s without. It has 5 control surfaces, 2 pocket I-beams, and 2 1x1's. Oh and the necessary 4 wheels. We have found the car near impossible to flip and rather safe for the driver. Let me know if the car follows the specs required. I believe it does but I'm not positive. Is there a max number of RTGs or batteries or anything like that? Also what are allowable mods? I saw people talking about tweakable wheels and stuff... Is that allowed? I'm quite excited to see this league in action!