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    Rocket Botteleer
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  1. - part count of several thousands (not 1000) - interstellar those are the only 2 notable features i gathered from all the dev talks & blogs etc'. That doesn't mean i want a ship made of 4000 parts. Rather, the game was supposedly optimized to the point where part count is not a concern. There was a lot of talk about optimization.
  2. That was exactly the idea, according to all of the 2019 video dev blogs & interviews.
  3. You don't even know what the game will be like, but you already want it modified? Which aspects of the game you want to modify?
  4. No, it's an impediment on them trying to develop a better product. One of their ways of achieving that, is by a complete omission of the original game, so they can program it more efficiently.
  5. Not me, because the poles look all distorted and icky.
  6. Is sugarcane farming really a good business, Cane Farmer?
  7. Banned for overusing your ban-width in a short period of time.
  8. Granted. It's a PC that's up for sale on the planet Eeelooo, and you happened to have pre-ordered one. Unfortunately, Eeelooo doesn't exist, because you haven't wished for that. So your money was spent on thin air. I wish i didn't suddenly feel nostalgic about my old Eee PC.
  9. For a project that's being made from the ground up, completely independent of KSP-1, "new game" is a fitting label.
  10. Hi. I'd like to complain about the parts selection menu. I've been playing this game for a long time now, yet i can't get over how counter-intuitive that menu is. That problem has been further emphasized with the games growth. Firstly, the order makes no sense whatsoever. In older versions you had a kind of color-coding going on, and that helped a bit: By the texture styles, you could instantly recognize which part is of which diameter. Now the current menu. Let's say i'm selecting a rocket tank: The order makes no sense, and there's little to suggest the part's diameter. I need to go through each tank until i find the correct one. Previously, the challenge was to design your rocket, and navigate outer space. Nowadays, navigating the parts menu is a challenge and a mini-game in itself! The problem would disappear if for example, the tank selection, looked like this: p.s. i know about the part categories/filters. Maybe i'm just being thick, but all they do is make it difficult in a different way.
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