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Everything posted by Overfloater

  1. In never occurred to me until you brought it up... o.O The user below me isn't a big tasty bagel.
  2. My low part count (27 i think) Laythe SSTO ...and rebuilt version of my 1st ever SSTO plane (minmus capable):
  3. Banned for not stating amount of fingers.
  4. Banned for being a sneaky forum-ninja.
  5. Granted, "cinnimon" happens to be a very poisonous substance found on the planet Zog. Wait... you didn't mean cinnamon, did you? whooooops........... O.O JebKerboom u sneaky ninja! Granted, they are cheaper if you pre-ordered a year ago, and you're a 1st class super-mega-premium customer. I wish for a one Antarctican dollar.
  6. Granted: moar separatrons!!! I wish i was a glove.
  7. Hey you can't go from 9 straight to 1, cheetah!
  8. Granted, but only whenever there's people in a 3 meter radius around you. I wish all cockroaches were sent to Mars (without me).
  9. Granted, but it's my activity in forum games! }:-) I wish for the next corruption to be horribly wished.
  10. Sure, they're cool. The user below me IS a dolphin!
  11. Fawr. Not too far from zero so things are still at hand.
  12. Im not having any trouble... Rovers suck if you dont put any effort into designing them. Make a wide, long chassis and low mass center. If low enough, even the grey wheel brakes won't tip you over. If you dont wanna control the SAS with the same keys as the wheels, remap your keys. I control wheels with numpad, SAS with wasdqe. Like cicatrix said, if you're using the grey wheels you might wanna disable front brakes Sorry its just about the 1000th post that i read about bad rovers...
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