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Everything posted by Overfloater

  1. All the time! The user below me seen Mercury.
  2. Noooooooo0Ooooope. First Sergeant Rarity?
  3. YESSS! thank you!!! :D Finally it will feel like the astronauts are sitting in a ship rather than stored in it as data
  4. The MIB will locate u and take you in because they know only evil alien invaders fall for popup advertisements. i'll give my credit card number to this small online store i just found. What could possibly go wrong???
  5. Banned for living in the 4th dimension. (or was it Newfoundland, the 2 confuse me )
  6. False But it would probably look weird on me. The user below me acknowledges only 3 star wars films?
  7. Banned for still not fixing the backgrounds
  8. The claw is now offline so it can't reply. Pickled hostage!
  9. I'm sorry you're absolutely right! let me remove some of them to leave you with just one, just as you ordered. Waiter, there's a big hairy centipede in my soup. And it uses foul language!
  10. Fleep flap flap fleep flupe flap (flag/sheet sounds ) @Average Joe I wanted to make a better one but too lazy to start drawing
  11. Granted, it's nonexistent! everyone can just watch other people's activities live! took care of that problem. I wish for self-washing dishes. Just leave them on the table and they become clean.
  12. Banned for poking that upper right corner.
  13. Banned for having more fake internet point bars than genuine ones, AND for posting while logged off telepathically posting on the forum.
  14. Granted, George triple-U Bush now is! I wish to finish that potato chip!
  15. Banned for wrongness, because mine weren't.
  16. Star Wars 4: "We're orbiting the planet at maximum velocity". Is that supposed to be a smart-ass way to say "we're at periapsis of a highly eccentric orbit"? :-/
  17. Banned for transparent backgrounds on all frames. (edit: on all frames but the 1st one because it's white)
  18. Here's a genuine photograph of a giraffe in the wilderness:
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