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Everything posted by RedAV8R

  1. Realism Overhaul ===================== WARNING!!! ===================== This thread is now closed. ===================== If you want to DISCUSS Realism Overhaul or how to use Realism Overhaul then go HERE. If you want the CURRENT Realism Overhaul thread, go HERE. =====================
  2. Done! Appears it's under !RealFuels_StockEngines, at least that's what they named their :FOR[tag] with, works for me.
  3. TAC resources are now based on a 1L = 1Unit system, like all other items (per RealFuels). That said, food is 3L, water is 1.7L, and O2 is 550L. All per day. - - - Updated - - - You can...or wait about 30min and I'll have a new small point release that does so.
  4. That's not the idea of RO or RSS, so I'm going to leave you to be on your own. If someone else wants to help, then by all means, have a ball. All because the little people are too little. Fly manual, or write a new autopilot. Try RLA micro RCS pods. No because transforms aren't included with the model, what you see is paint, that is all. Could be a CG thing.
  5. Well that might have happened, but RO didn't touch it. Do a fresh install. - - - Updated - - - Delete the RtfS folder.
  6. Not entirely sure what that CerberusRCAF RT edit is off the top of my head...but otherwise need longer ranged antenna, more/better ground stations, or orbital relays. - - - Updated - - - Delete the RealismOverhaul and RealSolarSystem folder.
  7. Yep, ensuring everything is up to date resolves A LOT of issues and is a basic troubleshooting skill missed by many.
  8. Yes, he already had, wouldn't you know, he wasn't updated. It's resolved.
  9. In a way, that is double posting, which is frowned upon in any forum. I haven't tested 4.92 yet let alone made any changes. RO v5.2 contains the latest, which is what you want and need. DO THIS...if you can get FASA 4.91, great, if not 4.92 is unsupported at this time, hopefully by tonight I'll get it done and release RO 5.2.1. NOW, nuke(delete) your exisiting FASA and RealismOverhaul folders within your GameData folder. Now install the latest RO and whatever FASA you can get. FASA 4.91 is supported and 4.92 is not. HOWEVER what I can tell you is that there were no changes to the Apollo Heat Shield between 4.91 and 4.92, so THAT particular part should be fine.
  10. I will look into this, also, for future reference, don't post the same thing in two threads, if RO scaling is what you are having problem with, post here, not on FASA's too. Since RO does completely change darn near everything, come here first. That said, ensure that you have the LATEST VERSION OF FASA...well right now not completely accurate as 4.92 was just released moments after ROv5.2 hit, however 4.91 works just fine with the latest RO v5.2 that was just released yesterday as well.
  11. Yeah, US has been on my list for a bit and will be quite easy to do once those ahead of it are done. Correct, AJE is actually separate from RO/RF, etc, in fact AFAIK it doesn't care what fuel it uses, as long as it has something. Basically LiquidFuel and Kerosene act the same, so it just uses whatever that part is otherwise configured with. The SSMEs are the 2 or 3 OMS engines will be and I'm going to make one of the tanks be the size of the Shuttle ET, with another using TweakScale to make any other size (IF it supports it), the other parts I believe are all surface mounts.
  12. Oh sure...Friz just released 4.92...guess there will be a v5.3 release as soon as I get things updated there. Agathorn. I added those on my list and I'll at least take a look at them...generally, most of those don't require anything, but I'll do what I can.
  13. Yes, 0.24 is in experimentals, so release is imminent...no time frame, but I'm guessing within a week or two. - - - Updated - - - I've added it to my list!
  14. Ah yes...I can't change the OP...go to GitHub, then click the releases, it's there....I'll post a link here to...
  15. I'm not getting that error in my install. Clean install would be wise.
  16. Yep, it was broken, fixed it the day before yesterday. Pretty sure it didn't make it to the 6.0 release, IF I get things settled with 6.0 before 0.24 I will release it, with a 0.24 compatibility update following it.
  17. ALRIGHT! RO v5.2 is out. Doesn't have the TweakScale stuff, that is in 6.0 which will be released shortly after 0.24 of KSP is released. That'll give us enough time to finish the few small things up there.
  18. Indeed. Make a list of what you want, part wise, and then combined we can tackle that list, rather than giving a broad spectrum.
  19. 1. You must be talking about the Big Gemini Service Module and Retropack. Sorry, can't fix that. Since Friz chose to combine the SM and Retro into the same model, and the scaling of his passenger compartment was way off, this needs actual models by Frizz to make the 'eye candy'. So while it that looks 'off', it's using some less than optimal visual techniques to get the function right. 2. Fixed. The A-D1 and D2 tanks are silver, and used the stock orange tank for the D3. 3. Still can't reproduce this.
  20. Agathorn and Curiousepic: Yes, with v6.0 which introduces TweakScale, fuel tanks are also done, from .5m to 5m. Now, obviously nothing is ever 'DONE' because it can't be if KSP itself isn't, but the answer to that question is yes, way more parts are included with the 'generic packs' than before. If there is something specifically missing, please let us know. Can't say what 'early' days are, but since I joined on several months ago, everything is 1:1 for all my part pack patches. Using what information is available. Well, maybe what you really are looking for is RPL. Realistic, but not real. While KISP that all may be true, and based on solid theory, there is no application of a lot of that, and so while it is 'on the list' there are way bigger priorities than that. I applaud the offer to help out, and help is appreciated, the direction we've got going is "real" where possible. Size, mass, resources, etc. For example, the FusTek Station parts, while roughly based on the American components of the ISS, it's not 'real'. Now what we will do, is ensure that scaling is about what a module would be. There are certain hard ideas that will be followed. For instance, RO v6 will do away with 2.5m, 2.0m, 1.25m, 1m, and 0.625m docking ports. It will now be APAS89/95 with the correct 1.55m docking ring (the overall size is bigger), the CBM with it's 2.0m docking ring, and the NASA Docking System with it's 1.55m docking ring that WILL NOT dock with an APAS89/95 despite being the exact same size. Other docking types will be added as requested or encountered. As such since the only 'real' aspect that the FusTek station pack has is the IACBM I will resize that to match the 2.0m CBM and then size the station parts accordingly. That's my plan, I haven't gotten there yet. Another example would be my Orion/Delta upper stage pack. Using the Taurus, SDHI, and Aerojet Kerbodyne, one can get an approximation of the finished product, performance specs of the the Delta upper stage are very close to real, size and shape is 'real-ish' because that's the model we have. As long as general length/width is the same, things should be good. Looking at the Orion, well nobody has made one...so based on the dimensions of Orion, I scaled the Taurus, looks a little funny (to the very funny point), but overall it's accurate. Since specifications are constantly in flux, it won't be 'exact'. While the OLDD/FASA Gemini, Mercury, Apollo is all very close indeed to the real thing because we have books upon books of solid info on it. Any work you two do, please PM me or NK, who might very well ask you PM me anyway, with what plans you have and then later finished product, and we can work to include it in the collection.
  21. Ok, so I'm just seeing that the support for other packs isn't where you want it now. Everybody has their own style of play. When I play (and I haven't in a while, it's all been testing) I use real vehicles, there are so many that it darn well can fit almost any mission you choose. Yep you are right, there isn't a solid set progression, because real rockets come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Now yes, some more solid progression is need, one behind the scene thing in most part packs I'm doing is adding yearIntroduced = ****. This will be used by NathanKell to set up some realistic progression in Career mode with RO. The key to realize is 'progression' doesn't size. Look at Saturn...damn thing is 33 feet in diameter, while Falcon 9 is 12. Now totally different goals, but that's space. Even the yet to be made SLS core stage is only 27.5 feet. Haven't touched it, I might, but because it's future based, is last on my list. DONE DONE Will be worked on, it is on the list. DONE I see a majority of your list that is already done... That is what we do here, real stats where we can find them or the closest approximation of it. The scale is 1:1. Just like the planets and orbits themselves. That is exactly what I'm saying, that is what has been done with part packs all along. Now obviously stock KSP, KW, NP, AIES, and RLA which while may be loosely based upon something real, they are what we'll call the 'generic packs'. Except for engines (which are sized and spec'd as IRL), other parts are a generic lego-building block pieces to build rockets, which v6.0 and TweakScale make them even more so, w/o increasing part count. Have you not tried FASA, OLD, Lovad Saturn's...obviously not...full 1:1 scale. Now the top of the rockets exceed the VAB model, RSS tweaks the allowable space for parts so that it scrolls above the roof. Nope, no scaling, it's all 1:1, or as best as we can match because sometimes models in part packs are built with the 1.25, 2.5, 3.75 progression in mind, so that to mate one piece with another a different size it can get tricky or not real at all, but I'm doing my best to ensure it is...The FASA Saturn V is likely within a few millimeters to centimeters of the real thing, both height and diameter of all parts. The OLDD Saturn V is a couple meters off due to some scaling issues with the model that DennyTX has offered to fix, just haven't gotten together yet.
  22. What parts do you want to change??? 5.2 should be released within hours and we are in finishing touches of v6.0, which includes TweakScale for darn near everything in part packs that aren't based on real rockets, especially fuel tanks. This decreases part count, but increases options for builds. As soon as 0.24 is released, v6.0 will be released very shortly after. Seriously though if there is something that's not 'real enough' for you, let us know. We'll take a look at it for you, and make changes if it's needed/required. I don't know how much more 'real' you want or can get? We strive to ensure our parts have correct volumes, correct sizes, to the best that KSP can offer. I will say that better career support is one of our goals, so keep that in mind as well. What is the aversion to Procedural Parts for tanks? RealEngines make engines sized correctly (now I will be taking a look at this to ensure things are as they should, but I'm not expecting many changes). So yes, at this moment, RealEngines makes stock tanks darn near worthless, TweakScale support will help, but there will likely be scenarios where pre-sized parts just won't cut it. This is where procedurals come into play. Make it exactly like you need. Now personally, I like to launch real vehicles, sure making some is fun too, but not my usual SOP. The end game for this post is...If you know how to use MM, then we are done here. Make them real. It's a blanket statement, but it fits. Physical size, and then performance/storage specifications using our list of supported mods.
  23. No, the originals are updated by RO to match respective values as required. Kitspace, I did NOT see RO in your list of mods, you need it for RSS, DRE, FAR.
  24. Benoit, for wisdom to your "problem"...let's look at some real numbers. Take the Saturn. There were 4 retro-rockets on the S-IVB Aft Interstage that fired upon S-II separation. Each empty weighed 25kg and had a bit over 120kg of propellant and provided a bit over 154kN of thrust. S-II Ullage rockets (up to 8 of them) were very similar but about 30kg heavier worth of propellant, they provided 33% less thrust, but fired longer. The S-IC separation motors (also up to 8) were smaller, providing only 50kN each. Now obviously this staging is different than SRB separation... So lets look at the Shuttle SRBs, the largest solids ever flown. Each SRB had 8 separation motors on it, 4 forward, and 4 aft. Each weighed 73kg with 34.5kg being propellant, each fired for 0.8sec with a max of 129.5kN thrust with the average 82.6. Total impulse was 78.1 kNs. So...The KW motors, which haven't been touched (yet) provides close to the same thrust (average), and propellant load, EXCEPT for weighing about 200kg over what it should, performance isn't that far off what an actual S-SRB separation motor is, though after adding 8...adds 1.6tonnes of dead weight that shouldn't be there PER SRB...this will be corrected soon as part of RealEngines, that will be included with RO. , After all, this is "REALISM" Overhaul. To answer the question otherwise...You are not understanding what the variables are in a config file, or basic geometry. I'll give you this, if you want the same burn time, then multiply fuel load by the same as what you did thrust, so 750kN vs 75kN = 10x, then 30L of solid fuel x10 = 300L, IF, Isp is also the same. You need to think this out, while the volume (of fuel) may have increased by a factor of 10, the mass of the container would not, as that is more closely related to the surface area of a shape than the volume. Continuing...No, 'scale = x' and 'rescaleFactor' does not do what you think it does. Both scale and rescaleFactor, depending on how they are used, affects the visual model and nodes, not mass, or thrust, or other stuff.
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