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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. i've just tried it again on a clean version of ksp.. same issue.. so it's not a mod problem.
  2. hey dude! i really like your mode... but i cant use it.. when ever i try to put launch clamps on my rocket at VAB, wierd things happen.. first off all, the clamps cant make that click sound when you equip a part... so i cant equip them even they are green colour. next the whole staging system at the left of the screen goes crazy and , all the buttons in game are not clickable.. then the game stays there.. i've tried everything but the only thing to make it work is to restart the game again.. and if i try to put those clamps the same thing happens all over again.. what is causing the problem.. i dont know what to do.... i've tried it on a clean version of ksp but it's still the same. and the wierdest thing is that when i take a screenshot.. it shows all the parts on there place .. everything in order but without the clamps.. even though my real screen shows other stuff!!!
  3. here it's a photo of it.. conclusions are yours..
  4. I dont have electricity problems.. and my rocket builds are pretty sturdy... i have far installed.. it starts to spin out of control during ascent but when i'm out of the atmosphere. plus, FAR doesnt let me to do an early gravity turn with that vessel because it's some what big.. but the parts are very few so i dont think it's a building issue. a lot of my other vessels had that problem too. when it starts to spin.. it is trying to match the deorbit vector in the Sphere.. but it can stay stable at it , becuase it is spining way too fast.. then the G force becomes high and the whole rocket breaks apart.. i've tried to stage it to see if the problem persisted , and it does ... i think it drives the physics crazy
  5. When ever i launch rocket in space// about after 100km it starts to spin like crazy.. and i cant stop it.. even with sas and rcs it spins out of control... any ideas what is causing the problem?
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