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Everything posted by MGCJerry

  1. Built a plane to see who has what it takes. Capacity 133 kerbals. Survivors 0 during the 'test'. I did write down the names of those who were smiling during the "flight" so I can sort through and keep those kerbals and subsequently crash the rest.
  2. I actually have 8GB physical, when I built this machine 8GB pair was cheaper than the 4GB pair by $30. If I boot into Server 2003 32bit, all 8GB shows up but server2003 has horrible gaming ability even when tuning it to allow 3d acceleration. Even with the stuff now, I have to *really*push it to hit close to using all my resources. Heck even lately I'm crunching SETI@home while playing KSP with music going (winamp and local media files).
  3. That's what I suspected. Perhaps maybe a release note that its not XP compatible for the 3 people still using xp? Unfortunately I cant replace my windows install for linux and still work. I'm locked to windows for the time being. But I can still install a *nix distro as a triple boot and if I want to play KSP, I can do it then. Thanks for the info rbray.
  4. After running for a few days and doing some intensive tasks (real-world use): 232MB, with Firefox running its 455MB. Typically I have KSP running while I'm doing other stuff such as reading here (KSP uses 1.4GB in taskman). A fresh boot is usually 170-190MB. Pagefile is set to 512MB static size on a separate physical disk. Commit charge in taskman is 232M / 3,382M (93% remaining). I like resources going to my applications, not my OS. If you're willing to experiment, and need someone to experiment with I can make my KSP installs be guinea pigs and give my poor kerbals a break, especially after killing 133 kerbals in one launch.
  5. Windows XP 32 SP3 AMD FX-3210 - 8 cores 4GB RAM During my fiddling around, I had set the CPU affinity to one core (core 7), and it still throws heap errors. I just tried it again using stock and it still gives the error. There was an old tool I found online to get applications to run on one core, but it modifies the exe file (imagecfg.exe). Back in the day, Maya5 PLE didn't run on multi-core systems so you had to lock it one to core.
  6. I don't run OpenGL. OpenGL runs worse than a slideshow. Moving Sqaud's folder around was trying to see what it would do. I had more progress with KSP at least using CPU and doing stuff without the SPP & NASA parts (let it sit nearly an hour while it was eating CPU cycles while KSP was not in window focus). Clean install crashes with the heap sections error as well, it was the 2nd thing I tried after the first crash. I try a lot of standard & weird stuff before posting any "support post" and a lot of my weird things not even mentioned (I have found strange solutions for other applications in the past trying weird things). Stock install exhibits this problem as well (first thing I tried after getting the first heap error and crash). Seems I'm not the only "author" to this problem because other people see this error too. Maybe my next course of action will be trying to triple boot again, and see if I can get ATM to work under some *nix distro.
  7. The buildings are fine, and a few touch-ups would be nice. But, I'm not going to notice an untextured polys, backfacing polys, switched normals, or open geometry while 80,000 meters in space traveling at orbital velocity or trying to see my house from the Mun. They're only hugely noticeable when lurking around KSC on EVA, but what I find more jarring is the lack of activity. You see the trucks doing burnouts, donuts, and power slides in the VAB & SPH but no activity outside when launching. Sure texture cleanup could go a long way to "pretty it up" but I play KSP to crash planes & rockets, and sometimes to go to spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace, and subsequently crash there with little green men who are #BAD455 (kerbal skin color - green). I personally like the wacky side of KSP, that's why I started. I have my own Wiley E Coyote experience with the craziness.
  8. I was able to double/triple them up. I created a mk3 plane that can carry 68 kerbals, and while it doesn't exactly lurch off the runway it flies and handles well. However, landings can be a little touchy but possible. However, I do agree we need more durable landing gear and for the connection points for the mk3 parts to be tighter. Light bumps tend to make mk3 stuff fall apart.
  9. I still have the squad folder, just simply had it moved to another location ("D:\Games\sss\Squad"). Funny enough when I didn't have window focus on KSP, it used 25% of my CPU and it ran for nearly an hour. I've also tried a mix of stuff in the gamedata directory to see if anything worked, nothing. I decided to move the squad data back (minus "Squad\Parts" & "Squad\SPP"). Still crashes with the heap error and throws an exception. My "KSP.log" is filled with a lot of this: [LOG 04:04:03.125] Load(Texture): Squad/Props/Compass/model000 [LOG 04:04:03.234] ActiveTextureManagement: Loading texture... [EXC 04:04:03.234] OutOfMemoryException: Out of memory ActiveTextureManagement.TextureConverter.InitImageBuffer () ActiveTextureManagement.TextureConverter.MBMToTexture (ActiveTextureManagement.TexInfo Texture, Boolean mipmaps) ActiveTextureManagement.TextureConverter.GetReadable (ActiveTextureManagement.TexInfo Texture, Boolean mipmaps) ActiveTextureManagement.CacheController.RebuildCache (ActiveTextureManagement.TexInfo Texture, Boolean compress, Boolean mipmaps) ActiveTextureManagement.CacheController.FetchCacheTexture (ActiveTextureManagement.TexInfo Texture, Boolean compress, Boolean mipmaps) ActiveTextureManagement.DatabaseLoaderTexture_ATM.UpdateTexture (ActiveTextureManagement.TexInfo texture) ActiveTextureManagement.DatabaseLoaderTexture_ATM+<Load>d__4.MoveNext () UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine(IEnumerator) :MoveNext() Overall system memory usage at the time of crash is 1.24GB (ksp process = mem: 696,656K ; vm: 718,088K). My KSP was running fine, I *should* leave it alone but I was hoping to see if I could save any resources.
  10. I try not to kill mine in sandbox, but sometimes crap happens such as not enough dV, not enough speed, not enough chutes, not enough electricity, and not enough altitude. Oops. I did recently crash my airliner into the drink several times. 68 kerbals total each time. What can I say, they love flying and they do hope to get a ticket to Do Somethingâ„¢ but that doesn't happen most of the time. I would probably feel bad for them if they weren't so gung-ho. Kerbals are cheap, supply exceeds demand.
  11. I recently started my first ever career game, and I would have loved the option to have basic aircraft parts. I feel EXTREMELY limited (in a good way and in a bad way). Start with ultra basic probe core, MK1 pod, mk1 cockpit, basic wings & aircraft skids (or something) and I think it would help people who want to go air, air/rocket or rocket only. Just my inexperienced, unsolicited (and likely unwanted) $0.02.
  12. Using OpenGL makes KSP render 1 frame every 12 weeks (ok more like 1 frame every 3 seconds, even on the lowest setting. OpenGL & KSP do not agree on my machine. I also already run in a window because I only have a single monitor. BTW ATI H6770 1GB video card. Reducing the gamedata folder to Squad only causes the same crash/error. I "reinstalled" a handful of my mods (VOID, ScanSAT, KAS, & Hyperedit) that seem to work on 0.90, and left out the Squad folder and now it just hangs on load (0% CPU usage across the board, but it still updates the witty loading tips). I'll just let it run overnight with these and later try again with the remaining "Squad" folder and report back.
  13. Running WinXP 32bit 4GB memory and ATM crashes KSP 0.90. I've run it 10 times and it just crashes "Too many heap sections" when the loading bar displays "/etc/etc/etc/engine lvt-30". * Happens with basic or aggressive (x86) * No output logs (just system logs) * No mods * No other bloat processes running. * Using an older video driver & Catalyst. Any newer driver disables my ability to use OpenCL (Due to XP) - required for my use. * KSP 0.25 runs ok on low settings with 4 mods. System Log (10 of these). Faulting application ksp.exe, version, faulting module ntdll.dll, version 5.1.2600.5512, fault address 0x0000120e. For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp. Will ATM work on this configuration (I have a feeling it wont)?
  14. I've tried using my own works to put on my cards (at least on 12 occasions) and they were rejected as well, so even if you had permission I doubt they would allow it. They also didn't even let me try to use zombies, sci-fi, horror, dark stuff, etc but they did approve a purple unicorn flying over a rainbow on my last attempt, but i didn't confirm to use it. I guess milage varies but I didn't have any luck, and subsequently gave up.
  15. MGCJerry


    I don't know if the Squad store has a discount, but its my understanding that Squad gets more of the money if you buy it from the store.
  16. I kind of thought about that too, but from my understanding mission control 'pilots' the rockets during launch for the most part. I imagine this change as mission control telling them "Now its your turn to hold the vectors". I also imagine that the kerbals can't see the vectors only KSC does, only as the pilots become more skilled they can figure out the maths and hold the requested vectors when told to... KSC: "Kerballed Kerman (no XP), Hold prograde." Pilot Kerballed: "kuu kwhat? kwhat kutton kis kat?" KSC: <muffled> He doesnt know how to figure that out yet</muffled>... "Nevermind pilot, we will take care of it ourselves." *radio clicks off* KSC Board Room: "That's why we should have sent Jeb (full xp). He can figure all that out, we just have to tell him to hold whatever vector and he can". I play in the sandbox, and the SAS change notes were scaring me. But seeing how they are now implemented, and how they work in sandbox I like the changes. A lot. Lets see how well my kerbals can hold a vector when a stack has one engine thrust limited to 80%.
  17. Sure it will take some getting used to, but you can always create your own categories to sort parts so nobody is really "stuck" with what organization we were given. I also always have the tendencies to pull out parts and just leave them sitting in the workspace until I need them so I don't have to keep switching categories. However, I do like the option to sort parts by 'installed date'. For the vector hold, you don't have to click the other options. When SAS is enabled, it appears it defaults to "Stability Control" where the pilot is holding it steady (eg: old SAS). While not addressed to you, but related; I'm also happy to see that in sandbox the SAS abilities have been expanded to the probe cores as well but not sure how it pans out in career. My biggest disappointment with the update is radial decouplers, and still no dv readout. It would be nice if there was a dv readout like the contracts button in the vab.
  18. I kind of like this idea, but kind of don't... If that makes any sense. However, I have my own standard set of groups. Engine toggles biggest to smallest on the lowest numbers. Solar panels and such on the last couple keys. I have never used more than 5 action groups.
  19. Your smallest RTG creates more energy than Kerbol.
  20. Heheheh, glad you liked it. Here's a link to my Majestic Eagle if anyone wants to crash fly it. I added the link to my post above too. http://2thextreme.org/downloads/Majestic_Eagle.craft (Stock) Also the more thrust you have, the faster it can disassemble, planned or not.
  21. Great tutorial. Really enjoyed reading it. So I did what any Kerbal would do. Build and fly the Majestic Eagle craft... I had to add some struts though. As long as it doesn't wobble off the runway, it files ok with SAS. Landing... Lets not talk about that. Craft file: http://2thextreme.org/downloads/Majestic_Eagle.craft (stock)
  22. That's the reason I've laid off coming up with stuff. See how the community wants it to look/operate before tossing any code around.
  23. Back to the crashing again. I just may have to wipe my saves and play without mods.
  24. This was only a quick 10 minute mockup of the general interface, but there would have been another "add" button under each section where the script would create another path. I was going to handle the logic and data as a nested list of objects much like you would in a family tree then build the graphics from there. Maybe I'll revisit the interface at a later date and create a more functional UI (changes as you add steps) which does take that suggestion into account.
  25. Problem has been resolved by installing mechjeb, and letting it handle the ship. We can mark this as solved.
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