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Everything posted by Lord_Potato

  1. Is it oil, gas, or coal?
  2. Less parachutes is more fun, right?
  3. Yep. By the way the other answer was a Jeopardy answer
  4. Close, but not quite. An inquiry is an action, I'm looking for a thing. Nope. There are no references in this riddle, by the way.
  5. Year 619: Kerbals discover that metal in certain shapes can float, leading to a huge breakthrough in nautical technology and transportation. This discovery was brought about in an unfortunate incident involving a table, five rockets, and an explosive potato.
  6. Since I was the one who got the riddle a while back ago, I should be the one to post a riddle, so here it is: I am the question, I am the answer. What am I? This actually has two answers.
  7. I got the station to the ground! Granted, I had some engines on it, but all three kerbals survived! Here's all that's left of their station.
  8. When all else fails... Erase it from time and history!
  9. I have a useless space station in orbit around Kerbin, but for some reason it keeps evading all of my attempts to rescue the kerbals inside. So I was wondering if it were possible to actually lithiobrake, since there is a reasonable amount of stuff behind the crew compartment.
  10. I dump dirt and stuff on top of the crater, burying you with it. My hill!
  11. 56.999 This ship arrives in the Kerbin system and wipes out the history from the Battle of Eastern Kurope to New Year's day in 567. As such, the Kulf war between the USK and Kiraqu happens instead of the "real" history.
  12. I use this ship: and wipe out your existance, reverting the hill to a green and grassy state, which I promptly claim. My hill.
  13. I don't remember my first flight, but my most memorable early launch was when I built a huge tower of a rocket, and got a Bob into a solar orbit with a apoapsis somewhere around Eeloo.
  14. I destroy such window, and put my own impenetrable fortress on top of the hill, kicking you out in the process. My hill.
  15. I thought that the person who answered the last riddle would get to make a new one, but oh well, I guess I will try to answer those first. Starwhip's riddle is talking about a tree, but cziken20's riddle is a lot harder. Is it his lungs? A backpack? Any bodily organ?
  16. I was returning from the Mün, and I passed withing 1km of my space station. I must have been traveling at around 3k m/s, if I had left the Mün half a second later, I would have killed about 10 kerbals in one hit.
  17. Right. Right. Next riddle is up for grabs!
  18. I've got three, easy riddles. A symbol of pride, Of patriotism, of unity, Found from distant worlds, To lands close by After kingdoms fall, After people die, After buildings crumble, I am what is left Of a great civilization. Third one coming soon. Edit: I can't think of a third riddle, so just solve one of them and you win!
  19. I don't really understand how this game works, but... I have a squadron of B-2s with tactical nukes.
  20. I think that we need a new riddle.
  21. As the ninja never killed me, I snipe him from the hill and set up turrets surrounding the hill. My hill.
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