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Everything posted by Varek_Raith

  1. Well, this is annoying. Since this morning, I can no longer replicate the problem. Figures. I do know that it consistently hanged on; and on one of RemoteTech2's gigadish models. This was on 2.13 basic and aggressive tests. Will continue to test until I get an actual logfile with the error.
  2. Hello, with this installed I have to start up KSP multiple times before it finally loads without hanging. I get a error when it hangs. This seems to occur on random parts, be it modded or vanilla ones. If I remove this mod, it loads fine.
  3. Hello, there is a problem with v6. When I run vanilla KSP it uses about 1450mb of ram. Just adding v6 of this plugin jumps that up to 2000-2200mb.
  4. Hello, I am recieving the following error when using TreeEdit to load your tech tree. Needless to say, I can't play.
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