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Everything posted by xTwisteDx

  1. As the title suggests. I think the burn indicator bar, when executing a node, should be squared rather than rounded for the sake of precision. It's difficult to tell when EXACTLY you should stage on that bar, or when you should stop the burn because of the rounded corners on it. Does anyone else feel the same?
  2. The burn indicator bar, when executing a maneuver node, should not be rounded. It makes it difficult to track wether you should stop or stage at specific points along the bar. I think most users would agree that the rounded edges reduces precision a fair amount.
  3. Did you land in a dark patch on the mun? Looking at the terrain, I don't think you did.
  4. I'm definitely getting this issue. Could it be tied to resolution somehow? I'm on a 2k monitor Odyssey G9 5120x1440 monitor and get this CONSTANTLY.
  5. Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 11 (Updated Fully) | CPU: i7-1300k | GPU: Gigabyte GeForce O.C. Eagle 3080ti (Updated Fully) | RAM: 128GB After reaching orbit, I've discovered when you create a node, tab out of the game and back into the game, if you execute the maneuver node the data displayed in the UI is not accurate. Sometimes a 30 second burn will take 1+ minutes to countdown, the indicator lights (4 Circles), will go through their states despite there still being time on the clock. In addition the staging/burn bar at the bottom of the UI will animate regardless of when you initiate the burn. Resolution to the problem is to restart the game, but the issue always returns. Nodes are effectively useless and I've had to resort to "Eyeballing" it.
  6. I wanted to drop a blurb here on how to effectively reproduce this issue. Build a rocket with an insane speed. Aim radially out Launch Lines disappear when AP & Speed is sufficiently high enough, with PE being non-existent.
  7. There is a mod that will allow you to "Weld" as many structural parts together into one part. This helps a ton and I have taken massive ships and constructions and made them a much lower part count. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/ubioweldingltd/
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