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Everything posted by Bigbootie

  1. Unsuccessfully trying to upgrade 3rd stage by strapping on massive fuel tanks and more boosters without much else in the way of actual effort.. Time for a complete rebuild and new rocket. I need a Moho transfer ship and I need a new refueler for Laythe. The old one I has like .04 efficiency due to no heat dissipation .
  2. Plane reentry. Checking out an anomaly location that was in the derelict satellites scans.
  3. Probed Val and Bop I sent my last probe to Lathe. I knew I had a lot of hardware there from back in the day but man was I in for a surprise. BWAHAHA! All of it seems to work too. This was in a polar orbit scanning away. And this setup was on an island. My boat, the other plane, and a refueling rig. My longstanding personal rule is I have to refuel things and make the missions self sufficient. I must have sent all this there and got sidetracked with something else. Looking back at my posts I did drive the boat around a bit. I guess I parked it after landing the refueling rig and moved onto the next thing. Time to refuel. Probably gonna de-orbit that plane somewhere too.
  4. Visited Pol. Unlike Tylo I could bounce around to a few different landing sites. i
  5. After probably a dozen attempts (quicksave) I landed a probe on Tylo. Learned that once you turn the engines on there that you don't turn them off.
  6. That is really cool. I think I have been to that lake before and it's really neat for exploration. I think this was it, is it? You have a much better submersible than I did. SPOILER (I was on bottom with a probe in one of the posts if you don't want to see the depths then don't look at the original posts. )
  7. Went to Jool system and screwed around with different mods. Only broke the game twice. Persistent stupid pink square is still there a lot though. Sent out probes at various orbits. Gonna scan Tylo too and attempt to land one of the smaller probes there later. Kerbals look so happy to be trapped in the Jool system possibly forever.
  8. When I arrived at Eve I realized I had already sent a Scansat probe there in 2016 or so. Moved the rig to Gilly to land all the probes there.
  9. Eve. Detached the larger probe and landed on Eve. Really didn't need all the RCS fuel considering I didn't add RCS thrusters?! Oops. Stupid pink square along for a lot of the ride. Always in the dark. Sheesh.
  10. Bolted some probes and Scansat stuff to the vehicle I made for the asteroid missions. Only transfer window reasonably available was for Eve.
  11. Built this monstrosity to capture another asteroid. It didn't end well. 1st attempt I lined up a little too well. Look how big! It's getting bigger! Second attempt went as planned. Landing was great. Drogue chutes worked great. Main chutes worked great. Landing was nice and smooth. Sorry so dark. Landing on a 45 degree hill, not so great. Entire crew lost due to crushing injuries sustained by asteroid rolling over them(repeatedly). All that's left and an asteroid.
  12. Picking up the asteroid catching heroes. In route. 1st - 3rd landing ended in disaster. Advice - Save before landing. Every time. Everyone is happy! I was thinking something like that too. Or maybe Skynet.
  13. Completed my refuel mission. Managed to get flying again with no issues. Cool scenery along the route. Landing and taxi. Filler Up! Take off and heading to rendezvous with Jeb.
  14. Flew up north to pick up Jeb and the gang after the harrowing asteroid mission. Hastily built a passenger jet but needed fuel. I have a robotic refueling plane sitting at roughly the halfway point since 2016 or so. Serendipity. Landing is always tricky but I managed to nail it on the 1st try. Airborne Driller standing by. Now to get this thing airborne again after all those years of sitting idle.
  15. Better landing this time, kind of. I hit the ground at 180ms +/- after the chutes wouldn't deploy. Then bounced into the air and broke the claw off. The asteroid with claw still attached and ship flung into the air and miraculously the chutes deployed. Crazy.
  16. Wow. So many great posts. It's been awhile but I am playing again. Today I made my first attempt ever at catching an asteroid and returning it to Kerbin. I may restart from my save point after this reentry but it was fun. Something seems odd here... Splashdown Sinking feeling.
  17. More biomes, anomalies, monoliths, ancient aliens, present aliens, valleys, waterfalls, canyons, volcanoes, glaciers, geography, geology, crash sites. In a nutshell more things to do where you can create your own adventures without having to rely on some single player story mode career mode or science mode. Honestly I think if they added tons more content to the original game it would be just as playable in the years to come as a new game. However I love that a new game will bring the new graphics new engines new experiences. Fingers crossed.
  18. Welcome! 1000+ hours here. I have played all the modes. My preferences and reasoning: 1. Sandbox - get creative with no restrictions or grind. Your imagination is the only limit. 2. Science - less grind than career but some structure to help you have something to do. 3. Career - Ugh! Grind. Restrictive and did I mention the grind. Not a fan. All this is my opinion of course. Fun is subjective to the individual in this game. Some people trial and error and some are all about the maths. Have fun!
  19. Adjusted friction on wheels so that I would stop sliding and am slowly leapfrogging my orbiter and fuel plane to higher elevation to attempt orbit.
  20. That is exactly how I do it and once I connect the pipe I sometimes still have bouncing issues that are serious enough to cause breakage. Especially if you cycle between craft or when you are using physics warp to speed up ore production or whatever. But yeah, fewer craft and connections is definitely the way to go for now.
  21. I think it is worth it for me. And I also have the same issues with bases and jumping parts. Kind of takes the fun out of base building after you engineer some complex system and painstakingly deploy it in the field and the game basically breaks it for you. Here is hoping for an update.
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