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Everything posted by Bigbootie

  1. I love this game for many reasons. 1st I am a PC gamer and build my own computers. I have a hot rod of a machine and play many, many PC games. As a game I love that it is akin to old games I used to play on my Commadore 64. I remember using huge guides/manuals, graph paper to draw maps, and generally having to use my brain to figure out how to do most anything. To me games are getting too easy and this is a welcome challenge. Finally, I love rockets and space because when I was young my father worked at John C. Stennis space center during the glory days of the Saturn V. He witnessed all the engine tests and brought me home tons of pictures and official NASA release photos of the whole thing. To this day, in my game room, I have black and white photos blown into posters of the Saturn V on the launch pad. I am fascinated by all things space and this game has hit the nail on the head for me. I hope that there are many improvements, and to encourage further development I am willing to pay for any quality DLC at full price in the future. Hell I want a KSP 2 already!
  2. Wowzers. 43 pages and counting of no news.
  3. Yep, if multiplayer was the "planet sized announcement" then I am a little dissapointed. Still very happy with the news so far though. Multiplayer is not my thing though, many devs try too hard these days to shoehorn it in and it takes some of the focus away from a great single player game.
  4. Same here. Office won't allow me to watch. Anyone?
  5. Bigbootie


    New here and I have been checking out the forums. Wealth of info for sure. Bigbootie's the name and if you are a Buckaroo Bonzai fan you will get it. I am not a girl!!!! HEHE.
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