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Everything posted by Winston

  1. I\'ll add this now, I actually meant to do that but I guess I forgot.
  2. Next version won\'t be long and we\'ll be removing gimballing from some of the engines and reducing the angles on the rest.
  3. That SRB is one I made for myself and included in the pack accidentally, but I guess I might as well fix the nodes and put it in the next version.
  4. The LEM body grabbing problem is something I noticed and tried to fix, unsuccessfully. I\'ll have another look into it.
  5. 6 years I\'m starting concepts for new bits now.
  6. Are you using the low res version? I think that one has them commented. I shall tell Kyle when he appears as he does the low res things.
  7. Tanks, engines, SRBs and lander from Challenger with Sunday Punch\'s decouplers and fairings from Assorted Hardware.
  8. It\'s also very light, and the Mun\'s gravity is very weak and therefore easy to escape.
  9. By pointing it at Kerbin and firing the engine.
  10. Launched the Challenger LEM atop my Rigel II heavy lift rocket: Plonked the lander down with about 2 seconds of fuel left, just inside the rim of the biggest 'sea'. Flew the ascent stage back into lunar orbit. Here it is just before the Trans-Kerbin Injection burn: Jettisoned the ascent stage: So yeah, we\'ll have it released pretty soon, then start work on some fairings or something. We might have to do something about that descent fuel, that was cutting it very fine.
  11. Mmmmhm. Here it is with the ascent stage all explodey.
  12. I\'ll get a v0.3b version out soon with a few fixes and tweaks, including that.
  14. With the legs, it\'s a shade under 3m. Here it is compared with a three meter cylinder
  15. You could use a drogue chute which is a small parachute designed to slow down the object enough so it\'s safe to deploy the main one.
  16. That stuff is coming up in our next version, minus the command pod.
  17. Kyle and I made an Omni-Directional Control Surface Module, available in 1, 1.75, 2 and 3 meter sizes for 0.3. Basically 18 fins that would tilt to direct airflow and steer your rocket inside the atmosphere.
  18. A few of the things that will be in v0.3 One meter Vesta I engine 1.75 meter engine (this is very unfinished, but you get the idea) The compressed nitrogen tanks for the RCS thrusters in 1m, 1.75m, 2m and 3m, and the thrusters themselves
  19. We could whip one up. Got any designs in mind?
  20. Here\'s a peek at our RCS modules for the next version. We\'ve also got RCS nitrogen fuel tanks in 1m, 1.75m, 2m and 3m.
  21. Here\'s the fixed mesh for those who want it: http://www.speedyshare.com/files/30667041/kwAdaptor1m1to5.DAE Or you can just wait for the next version.
  22. Awesome. I can\'t wait until we can deploy things, especially solar arrays and lander legs.
  23. Not sure why hardly any of the big packs have this, it\'s kind of common sense.
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