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Everything posted by Pecan

  1. Haven't seen those pics before. Like the hexagon-cell station,
  2. Getting started with Orbiter isn't too bad. The easiest way is to use the futuristic delta vehicle as it goes more or less where you point it. That and basic orbital mechanics from KSP will be all you need as a platform for flying around and getting familiar with all the controls for more demanding vehicles. The realism of Orbiter comes mainly from the great deal of instrumentation and just the way the cockpit controls scroll up/down is 'interesting'. Definitely RTFM so you know what buttons to press but you probably won't find anything difficult in there. Go for it.
  3. Squad? No, they're under no obligation to respond. It's unusual for a company not to respond to copyright requests though, although a 'no' is perfectly fine. They couldn't even give me that for weeks. It's practically unheard of not to provide attribution text though. As in; you might not want someone to write about your stuff and you might make it as difficult as possible for them to write about it but if they're going to write about it anyway you damn well want everyone to know it's your stuff. So; I asked if I could use specific screenshots (required a yes/no/<per case> response) and whether "xxxxx....xxxx" attrubution text was correct (required yes/<specific text> response). These are neither hard nor unexpected questions, and I would have expected them to have been addressed already due to the press and other publicity KSP has received. Still, no, Squad are not obliged to respond, any more than I am obliged to make up attribution text that I think might be correct. "KSP is the property of a company that doesn't want to be named" or "The owner of KSP has declined to assert their copyright" are two very different statements; but both true. @LordFerret It has been postponed from last year is what I said, when it had a November publication date (IIRC). They were taking advanced orders for it then too. Whether they will now actually publish in June or will postpone further I have no idea.
  4. You should be aware that Tylo is particularly hard to land on, because of the relatively high gravity and lack of atmosphere for braking/parachutes. Jool's other moons are fairly easy though.
  5. Although docking is relatively easy using a rover when the ground is flat (co-planar) varying slopes can make it really tricky. On Minmus you have lots of good ground on which to build but in general I've found bases pointlessly difficult without the KIS/KAS mods, which let you connect using flexible pipes, etc.
  6. Multi-port docking and ring stations have always been possible as long as docking has. You can't BUILD a ring in the VAB/SPH but as soon as physics cuts in ports that are close enough will connect.,
  7. Reason for KSP:- HarvesteR wanted to make a 'tycoon-style' Orbiter, as discussed in that programme's forums. (There's more to the story of course but that's the relevant bit for this thread). Yes; HarvesterR and Squad know all about Orbiter and have reasons for KSP being different.
  8. This book has been postponed, like my own, while waiting for 1.1. It was originally scheduled for November last year IIRC. Haven't heard any hint of it around the forums and I notice the authors don't mention any involvement here, I wonder how much legal fun they're having though - Squad not only refused to let me use the name of the game, or theirs, or any screeenshots but also took FOUR MONTHS to fail to provide any attribution text. That is, despite being asked several times, they couldn't work out that "Kerbal Space Program, its derived and associated works, are copyright Squad © 2011 - 2016, as asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988" was not only normal boiler-plate stuff but was actually good for them ^^. To be as fair as I can, in the end they did say they couldn't stop me mentioning the name but that was all I got ^^. @Alshain My reason for publishing on Amazon are so that I can make and distribute various ebook formats. Unfortunately there is a minimum you have to charge for that, so I can't make it free - but it will be about a tenth of the price those people are charging. On the other hand you CAN distribute new editions to existing customers, so future releases should not be a problem. Meanwhile, there is no updated version of Exploring The System which, while only my way of introducing KSP rocket-design represents several months' work and is not otherwise available in-game or on the internet.
  9. No idea what version you first learnt in but there have LONG been tutorials on interplanetary. Did you read stuff in http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/forum/50-tutorials/ or (I'm joking) live up to your name?
  10. How to re-enter: i) Establish a low circular orbit at 70 - 72km. ii) reduce periapsis to 20km or less (a quarter-orbit is sufficient). How to re-enter after return from Mun/Minmus: same as above. How to re-enter after return from interplanetary: same as above. Glad you stuck with it. :-)
  11. This probably makes all the difference. I certainly used to do that with Win 7 and I have Ubuntu dual-booting now for when Win 10 gets too awful.
  12. Almost every new versions makes some mods obsolete - after all, if it wasn't changing some underlying systems there wouldn't be much point in the update. On the other hand, as Snark pointed out, mods for a particular version only have to be written once and don't need to care how many bits the system uses or, indeed, what the system is. That's why Unity is so named. How you know which mods are safe is a) look in the mod threads to see which version(s) they support, b) use CKAN, c) read the library and remember, they do the hard work so you don't have to.
  13. KSP does take a comparatively long time to load but those sort of times are crazy for a HDD, let alone a SSD. The first thing I would suspect without more information is that you're using an anti-virus or similar product that is being very, very hard on any executable starting-up. Worst case is if you have more than one trying to provide realtime protection (eg; Windows defender plus a separate anti-virus program). Non-tech version; your security guards are checking everyone's ID very hard when they try to come in. If you have two security companies checking ID they're spending a lot of time fighting between themselves over who has jurisdiction anyway.
  14. 32GB. I should perhaps note that the only mods I have installed on KSP at the moment are KAC and MJ. All graphics settings are maxed on KSP and the other programs. My old machine was 10 years old and could just-about run any one of these programs with low-to-medium settings. I tried this test a couple of weeks ago just to see how the new machine compared. When it wasn't even noticing KSP maxed-out (apart from memory, +5 degrees on the GPU, 2% or so CPU usage) I started running others at the same time and watching the monitors. Gave up after 4 since I can't really think of any reason I'll want that many heavyweights running at the same time ^^. It's hardly a benchmark test, since I don't have enough fingers to actually DO anything in the programs all at once! Haven't seen KSP below 40fps at all though.
  15. KSP 1.1.2, Arma II, Shogun 2 TW, Tyto Ecology (don''t ask) all running at the same time across twin screens + virtual desktop. GPU stable at ~70 degrees C and CPU at 60% load, 49 degrees. Yep, this rig should be able to last a while. KSP is 70 - 129 fps. ETA: Oh, and all the monitoring-utilities as well of course, to see how it's coping with the 'main' jobs.
  16. I lead with probes, Cartographer SCANsat series to look for Easter Eggs and other landing sites and Geologist ISRU series for mining.
  17. To be fair, it didn't exist when the others wrote their posts back in February, so they could hardly have found it then. It's only because I'm doing a trawl of threads I haven't previously read that I caught this question now.
  18. Ignore all this 'X' nonsense ^^ From the 1.1.0 readme.txt "* Added a "Return to 1x time warp" keybinding, default is /"
  19. Max pressure above highlands happens at exactly the same sea-level altitude as over the, er, sea. When the parachutes open at that pressure above the sea they still have lots of altitude in which to slow you down. Over the mountains West of KSC, for instance, which reach to 4km high in parts, they might not even semi-deploy before you smash into the ground. Pressure/altitude settings are nice but it's probably best/safest to stage them manually as soon as their icons have gone grey again after re-entry - once speed falls below ~250m/s
  20. The best quide to tutorials remains The Drawing Board, which is stickied here.
  21. This. After several months I felt a bit guilty that I hadn't even tried to go somewhere else so I went to Duna just to prove i could. Then I went back to the whole system of stations, tugs, ferries, etc. that I'd been playing about with in Kerbin SOI. There is so much you can do with Kerbin and its two moons that can be done at any time (no wait for transfer windows) and is at least potentially 'rescuable' since it's only a few hours/days away. It took nearly a year before I'd done everything I wanted to in Kerbin SOI and started going interplanetary as a matter of course. That was only because I wanted to find every Easter Egg and have a transport-tycoon newtwork across the system *grin*. I was and am quite happy to carry on with Kerbin SOI operations while interplanetary missions drift their way to encounters so don't need to time-warp a huge amount. In a typical game I'll have at least 30 flights in progress at any time - yes KAC is vital to me! As to the whys and why nots; I don't think docking should be blamed as most people who make it that far will probably be docking ships to their stations anyway. Transfer window and dV planning are far more likely to be the suspects just because most people will want to make sure long-term missions at least stand a chance of success. That said, I was showing KSP to a couple of people the other day and they were just happy to see Duna, even though the thrown-together ship had no chance of landing or returning (design by committee when the majority of said committee just want something that looks impressive). In the end it comes down to the fact that realistic space-exploration, even in the simplified form offered by KSP, isn't easy and unless people have enough interest to read (or watch videos since not so many seem to understand the concept of literacy these days) about and learn the mechanics they just aren't going to get very far. Ah well, if they have fun throwing rockets at the sky that's good enough.
  22. Ah, I see. Apologies for being slow ^^
  23. Are you aware there is a tutorials sub-forum?
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