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Everything posted by Pecan

  1. [quote name='Giacomo']I went to the Mun first. I thought it would be easier, as it is closer.[/QUOTE] It is easier to get to and orbit Mun but much, much easier to land on Minmus. So now you know, that when you get there, you'll have an easy time of it :-)
  2. Congratulations. Did you do Minmus first, or just stick to the hard way?
  3. [quote name='Fearless Son']Wow, that show is like... campy seventies [I]X-Com[/I]![/QUOTE] "He has cited the 1970s British television series UFO as one of the influences for the game's storyline" ([url]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UFO:_Enemy_Unknown[/url]) Alright, hands up all the boys of the time who failed to notice the submarine's crew all wear string vests, including the women. No-one?
  4. Welcome to KSP, you may find the [url]http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/forums/37-Add-on-Development[/url] forum of particular interest.
  5. I think I probably wish someone had told me earlier that I'd learn to love docking. Learning to dock is a pain, but once I could do it relatively easily I found it's the single most satisfying thing I do in KSP, and it looks great watching ships docking and undocking at a station.
  6. Welcome. First, upload the picture to a hosting site, such as imgur. Paste a link to the site here. For imgur itself the BBCode is, for example [ img ]http://i.imgur.com/jtVpeFJl.png[ /img ] (without the spaces)
  7. Oh, since we're showing pictures - Like Rune I thought if I was going, I should plan to stay a while. My first Moho station, with ttransfer vehicle, tug and landers: [url=http://imgur.com/jtVpeFJ][img]http://i.imgur.com/jtVpeFJl.png[/img][/url]
  8. [quote name='DMSP']...3,000 m/s Ejection burns. Yeah I haven't been there and I already hate it.[/QUOTE] Ohhh, you are probably going to love the capture burn when you [I]do[/I] get there ... PS: For those that don't know - Moho is the hardest planet to reach in KSP. Don't be fooled by the high availability of transfer-windows, it's a trap. (PPS: Come to Dres!)
  9. [quote name='MalfunctionM1Ke']Geez, what 's with the hostility guys... If you dont like a thread, dont read it and dont comment on it. Banning Thread-Topics and ignoring People is [U][SIZE=5]not [/SIZE][/U]what made this community to the one it is today: Open-minded, helpfull and a funny place to spend your time in. Rethink your intentions.[/QUOTE] Right, that's IT! I've had it with you coming around being [I]reasonable[/I] all the time and I'm not putting up with it any more, you're going on my ignore list. ... Damn, I've been ignoring that list so long I can't remember where I put it. [B]PSA[/B]: Ignoring lists doesn't achieve much apparently; the lists just get on with their own lives.
  10. ^ This. Disk space is very cheap though. My current, slightly-modded, install of 1.0.5 is 1.5Gb. Just how limited for disk space are you?
  11. [quote name='Clear Air Turbulence']...I think buiding a mining station on Mun or Minmus is probably good practice...[/QUOTE] I don't. * base components are a right pain in the **** to dock together unless you're using KIS/KAS, so what you'll be learning is how to use a mod for game-mechanics that will probably change anyway. * making a one-piece miner to avoid the above is ok, but more work than just launching from Kerbin. * Minmus orbit is a lousy place to park waiting for interplanetary transfer windows. If you do mine there, bring the fuel somewhere with a shorter orbital period. * for most interplanetary you don't actually need that much fuel anyway, unless you are over-building. If you want to do that, fine, but if you want to learn to build efficiently then build small ^^. * it's much easier and usually quicker to launch the fuel you do need from Kerbin. * even in career mode, SSTO rockets for delivering an orange tube are pretty easy and cheap, SSTO spaceplanes even cheaper but still probably easier than docking base-components together. * and there are probably several other reasons ... That said, mining is fun just for its own sake so go for it if you want to try it. I keep finding myself enjoying it less and less though.
  12. [quote name='steuben']looking to overlay the tracks of ~10 inbound asteroids. my initial approach was to grab screens of each rock's track and photoshop them together. but since I can't exactly match the focus position it means there is more assembly work then I would care for.[/QUOTE] If the asteroids are all tracked then their orbits are shown in map mode, aren't they? If so, just fly any ship, switch to map and adjust focus/zoom to get all the orbits in view as you wish.
  13. [quote name='Red Iron Crown']Last time I tried this with MechJeb doing the automating it didn't require the vessel to be focused, only within physics range. So you could conceivably have two or more vessels docking under autopilot simultaneously with a space station, for example.[/QUOTE] Indeed. In this space-station picture I'd just finished manually docking the tug, on the right. MJ had simultaneously brought in the two landers (to the left) from their launch vehicle and was lining them up to dock either side of the orange tube. [CENTER][url=http://imgur.com/qUs8TIY][img]http://i.imgur.com/qUs8TIYl.png[/img][/url][/CENTER] KOS would be my best bet for the OPs question, but as far as I know the ship still has to stay focussed. Programming it is probably harder than manual flight too. Worth asking on that thread though?
  14. [quote name='Warzouz']Even deactivating the mouselook double click, the mouselook kicks in when I use the "KER" key.[/QUOTE] KER is being updated.
  15. [quote name='Gooru']...It survived without loosing parts and had no radiators, heatshields or care for AoA or anything on it...[/QUOTE] Brilliant! Did it actually land safely, or just survive re-entry?
  16. "What do you think about my new rocket" Looks ok in the frame shown in your post, although it doesn't seem to have much at the bottom to counter the drag from those high engines. If it works, then it can't have needed it :-) "i wonder what i did wrong in it" can't tell from that frame. ""Thud" is really great how unlock it" Thud is in "Advanced Rocketry", top of level-4 tech in the tree (counting starter-tech as level-1) "I wonder how much engines i need to send Probe to EVE or Duna" One, if you do it right ^^. More than one is always less efficient, but what you [I]need[/I] depends on the probe you're sending. "What do you think about my new video" I have to pay for broadband and don't watch videos in general.
  17. Welcome to the forums. Yeah, SSTOs are great for economics. Remember, you aren't limited to VTOL rocket SSTOs either.
  18. Sounds like you've started the way most of us carry on, you've got the hang of it quickly. The big secret is :- every properly planned mission always works perfectly. If something doesn't work, then obviously you're still in the planning stage and any mistakes/crashes/deaths don't count.
  19. Welcome to KSP. And KSC of course, although you'll find it a little limiting there.
  20. Just checked, my tail-sitter spaceplane works fine on Tylo, which is great because it didn't work on Kerbin.
  21. Yes, that's what everyone has always said about shuttles in KSP.
  22. [quote name='HyperbolicKerbonaut']...If you look at how the Space-X rocket handles re-entry, it has the airbrakes way at the top of the craft...[/QUOTE] Pah, space-X, what have they landed lately? [URL="https://xkcd.com/1244/"]Obligatory XKCD[/URL] (Come on Elon, I've got a bet on and can't wait to collect)
  23. [quote name='Red Iron Crown']\GameData\Squad\Parts[/QUOTE] ... \Command\mk1Cockpit\ (at a guess, based on the name - that's from 1.0.4 and I didn't actually [I]look[/I] to see if it was the correct part) ETA: For those that don't know - Squad have been [I]very[/I] kind in the arrangement and organisation of parts like this, mostly so modders can do their stuff with relative ease. It also makes it easy to add or remove parts yourself when you know a little bit of what goes where. If you want to save a little memory and there is a part you never use ... just delete its folder and re-start the game. Make sure you keep a copy of the whole download/install somewhere, just in case; there are some dependencies between parts IIRC.
  24. [quote name='keyscapeunit']...Wow, getting to the Mun is easy once you get into Kerbin orbit![/QUOTE] The quote is "Once you get to earth orbit, you're halfway to anywhere in the solar system" [URL="http://www.quote-wise.com/quotes/robert-a-heinlein/once-you-get-to-earth-orbit-youre-halfway-to"]Robert Heinlein[/URL]. Manoeuvres in space have their own considerations but, yes, getting to orbit reliably is quite an achievement in its own right.
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