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Everything posted by Pecan

  1. In that case, did you put the parachute in the 'stage' action group or whatever other button/option you use to launch?
  2. Hot from air make cold ship hot. Radiator move more hot to cold thing. Why radiator not move hot from cold ship to hot air? Is Broken! Is Bug! Is Kraken! Is Squad! Is not physics. Is not stupid. (And I haven't even done the caveman challenge).
  3. Is this a forum game or an ore survey of Eve that you're just doing for fun? If it's something else, you are more likely to receive help if you try explaining your situation and problem properly.
  4. If you want to maintain that appearance while following Snark's advice, just attach a small control surface (eg; Elevon 4) on the back of it, near the fuselage. You can use this to provide all the yaw and disable the tail fin completely.
  5. (& @ panzer1b, of course) Sorry, didn't mean to be dismissive and 'ranting' was the wrong word. It was meant to be an "I understand, but remember, the fun's in the hard" (even if having to re-do hard every release might be wearing thin)
  6. I drag things like that up to stage 0 so I can space-stage through everything else and don't have to worry about those.
  7. What impresses me is that you managed to build and launch any vehicle with zero funds! Perhaps the excessive thing here is the amount of advance payments you received?
  8. Well, yeah, the "TO" part means To Orbit, it's not hard to understand. I made a SSTO rocket, a SSTO spaceplane and a couple of staged rockets yesterday. They worked as advertised so my question has to be why do so many people on here insist on ranting when someone moves their cheese? While I can sympathise that the constant changes can be a pain, no program can be all things to all people and with KSP particularly, it wouldn't be fun if it was easy. You, in particular, must know you're pushing what's possible in KSP (well done!) and life on the edge is always risky.
  9. Less than USD $300 wouldn't even buy an nVidia 970 in the uk ^^, apart from the fact that the CPU, motherboard and PSU would all need an update. Meanwhile, I earn under USD $11.5k per year and still have to pay rent. It's a lifestyle choice (I'd rather work my computer to death than go to work myself) so neither an excuse nor a complaint, just a reason. End of life for this thing though, it's 9 in January and scheduled to join my other 5 other semi-retired machines. The oldest I'm still using is from 1998 - it plays web-server. Any, KSP is still working within acceptable limits. With everything that has been added since 0.90 it's hardly surprising if that's not well as before. It's not a question of "Wahhh! Performance got worse :-(", it's a matter of, "Wow! Squad added all this and performance only suffered this much".
  10. While I get your point, it really can save you a lot of frustration and even more wasted time. Extra benefit is you may find out about cool things that you do like :-)
  11. Place a node where you can and then drag it where it should be.
  12. From the Changelog: "* IntakeAir resource is now fully hidden in Resources App. * IntakeAir is no longer displayed, since it was confusing, instead engines show whether their current requirements are being met. * Resources now have an isVisible flag, which determines whether the resource is visible on the right-click menu. Applied it (as false) to IntakeAir." It was published along with the release announcement and is in the readme file with your copy of KSP. When there's an update there's usually a lot of changes included which don't get a lot of discussion anywhere. Squad are pretty good at documenting them in the changelog though, so it pays to read the readme for every release.
  13. 2007 here, although it did get a new graphics card last year. Yeah, when I talk about my old computer struggling to cope, I mean it.
  14. From the Changelog: "Input: * Double-tapping RMB now enables a mouselook-toggle mode, similar to RMB behaviour in IVA views. * Added independent key binding [backslash] for mouselook toggle * Mouselook mode can be cancelled by double-tapping LMB, MMB, or by tapping RMB or Esc. * Mouselook mode will also self-cancel on any scene changes, but persists through camera mode changes, for uninterrupted panning through multiple view modes. * Tapping ModKey no longer releases mouselook in IVA." It was published along with the release announcement and is in the readme file with your copy of KSP. When there's an update there's usually a lot of changes included which don't get a lot of discussion anywhere. Squad are pretty good at documenting them in the changelog though, so it pays to read the readme for every release.
  15. In the tracking station you can select and, er, track them. This will reveal that they are indeed asteroids and show their orbital paths. They spawn at random and, if not tracked, will despawn after a while so there's always a changing supply of them should you wish to visit an asteroid. Only tracked asteroids become 'real' and persist in the game.
  16. Level 6 Tech seems so unambitious. How about Level 4 tech (if the starter tech is counted as level 1)? I couldn't get lower-tech than this, mostly because I needed the wheels. The fore (misspelt in honour of 'The Sixx') Craft on dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/k2m0fx398cj5f5q/The%20Fore.craft?dl=0 Relies on falling off the end of the runway to launch. Rotate to and hold a 60-degree ascent until T-30 burns-out (~13km altitude). After that I staged to the LV-909s and let MJ take it on its standard rocket ascent. After de-orbit burn I held 35-degree pitch and 180-degree roll (on its back) to protect the gear and battery from heat. Once velocity is under 1km/s you can revert to normal flight. NB: balanced to glide without any fuel. Edit: Since made a canard version of this, moving the elevators behind the decoupler and putting the rear gear right by the T-30, main wings adjusted to balance. This reduces the risk of tailstrike on takeoff and landing and seems to have better directional stability on the runway too. Takeoff with such a version is; rotate initially to 30-degrees at 120-130m/s velocity rather than when falling off the end of the runway. Nevertheless, it's neither as useful or as good-looking as Slashy's, of course, just pointing out that it can be done.
  17. The thing is one (planetary) body to the next sort of implies multi-year orbital prediction if you're measuring 'years' in Kerbin time and talking about going to Eeloo (otherwise how would you know a particular burn would get you an encounter?) Those mods don't work, soooo - design one that does. Someone else might make it for you, but the whole issue is "why would it be better?" I think we all agree that L-points and that sort of thing would be nice, but the practicality of it all is that even RL space-agencies don't usually bother with those sort of calculations. BTW - 2-body is, as has been pointed out, what KSP does; your ship and the body it's orbiting. Yes, that could be made more accurate, but for any practical purposes your ship's mass, and therefore gravitational effect, is zero compared to any celestial body, hence moons and planets stay 'on rails'.
  18. Well indeed; if you want sanity, look elsewhere. *Shuffles aside* Welcome to the sandbox, all you need is imagination here. Can I interest you in a Dres timeshare?
  19. OFFENDED! As the duly appointed Dres holiday representative (see avatar) I would like to point out that while tourists are encouraged to visit our beautiful and tranquil* planet any colonisation requires permission, in order to prevent overcrowding. We know it's all wonderful here, but it won't be if everyone rushes to join us. Therefore we must unfortunately request that potential colonists bugger off await their visas before occupying permanent settlements. Remember, "Scenic Dres - we want your money, not your sewage". (*off-mic* See - that's how you become a rep, brilliant tags like that, I told you it would be a waste of money to hire a marketing company) [* "Tranquil" is not the same as "boring", thank you very much]
  20. No idea if anything is wrong, but "alt-F12" is different to "F12"
  21. You know, I'd really like to say something at least a bit funny about people who's only medium is video (like Squad, for example) but Scott Manley is so good - at everything! - that I can quite see the logic of wanting to schedule your life around his videos. What a pity he's not known for his writing. Perhaps I should ghost him ^^
  22. A whole new book-length tutorial. Well, not yet, so you'lll have to wait until Sunday unless RL destroys my world again.
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