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Posts posted by Renegrade

  1. 11 hours ago, InsaneDruid said:

    Looking at the Playtimes of somewhat in the thousand hours for most of us here it's probably more expensive to just run the computer for that long time than the cost of KSP itself.

    • Given an Price of about 25 Cents per kWh (which would actually be on the "low" side here in Germany),
    • an average consumption of 150Watt of a running low-end Gaming PC (for example: http://www.computerbase.de/2016-04/asus-geforce-gtx-950-2g-test/2/ they are measuring the whole system with about 150Watt with an entry-level 750 / 950 GPU, so, my 980ti G1 will be far away from that^^)
    • and a price of 40 Euros for KSP (without any discounts)

    After 1080 hours, just running the computer for that time will cost 40,5 Euros, and thus more than KSP itself.


    Jesus.  power here is roughly 10-11 cents per kWh for most tiers and packages.. and that's in Canadian dollars.  In Euros that would be like almost 8c.  Well, unless you have time-of-day pricing and are doing most of your usage during the "high usage" times, which gets up to 17.5c/kWh CAD at times (~12.3c Euro).

    Of course my PC uses a bit more at the plug than that reference machine; I think about 350W at full load last I checked, so it works out to about 1040-ish hours to reach 40 CAD, which is close (the price of electricity is about 1/3 here; the wattage about 3x).

    Well, assuming I paid for power directly.  #grandfatheredpowermetering

    Anyhow, it certainly IS worth forty CAD, Euros, or USD.   And version eleventy is out, so I'm off to check it out.

  2. 2 hours ago, g00bd0g said:

    Oh really?

    Y'know, I experienced something kinda weird like that the other day.  I was landing on Minmus with a tripod craft, and it just refused to stay on it's gear.  I kept on having to correct it.  It wasn't trim or anything either (I cleared trim several times, did not help, SAS was off, etc).  Stupid thing just kept on trying to fall over from an almost level surface.  I fought with it for a while, but then it stopped misbehaving of it's own accord and sat normally, and it did not repeat for any of the other landings.

    It looked exactly like that too, like as if a gentle wind was slowly pushing it over.

    The craft was built around the micro landing strut.

  3. 17 minutes ago, regex said:

    This got me to the Island Airbase:


    Woah.. what the heck?  @Alshain's comment implies to me that there's been some significant change for intakes but uh.. this picture tells me that they no longer work without forward (relative to the intake) motion? :S

  4. 3 hours ago, Alshain said:

    That would be surface speed, I'm not building an Osprey.

    Well, that would be a solution to the runway as well - VTOL :wink:

    3 hours ago, regex said:

     I find the tier 1 runway neither game-breaking, unplayable, nor unusable

    No, it's just ridiculous that it's not as good as a) it's own shoulders AND b) the terrain around the runway.  Not game breaking, just silly.  Very silly.  Makes me face palm when I see it, and sidle on over to the right a bit and touch down on the shoulder, and hope that the runway police don't give me a ticket for driving on it..

    I actually like the idea of a bumpy dirt runway, just not.. THAT bumpy.  In my own head canon (EOS is love, EOS is life..), I assume that my launches on that runway are unauthorized and that it's actually not finished~

  5. 7 minutes ago, N_Molson said:

    TThe limit is that you can't use time warp which engines on, which ruins a bit the purpose of those.

    Well, you can hold down ALT (or specifically "Meta" -> varies per type of KSP installation.  I believe it's shift under Linux) and press the warp keys to force a physwarp, which DOES let you run the engines..but only upto 4x speed.

    (also good for chemical or NTR craft with bad TWRs)

    It's not the same as a real drive, but it can cut down on the waiting.

  6. On 2016-04-25 at 5:21 PM, hoojiwana said:

     The tiny monoprop engines are less useful as well now since apparently you can tweak RCS ports to work with the throttle which is pretty cool.

    There are many cool things for RCS in stock now, but they still lack the excellent selection of RCS thrusters you offer :)

  7. 1 minute ago, LordKael said:

    I use Ions to cart Kerbals around outposts on Minmus, as well as to my Orbital Station and back


    Yeah, it works really well.  After I ravaged Minmus for it's juicy return-to-KSC science in my "Eleventy" save (have yet to ravage it in "Eleventy Hard" - just NOW bought resource transfer), I created this to fuel the MPL around Minmus with science:


    (Upper left: taking off from a flat.  Upper right: adjusting the station's orbit a bit (PE was a bit low).  Lower right: I believe that was an orbital maneuver to lower the lander's PE in preparation of a landing.  Center: Just a detail shot)

    The screenshot was actually an illustration for someone else, but I might as well use it here again (spent the time on it, might as well share it).  This is crazy overpowered nonsense (especially when paired with the MPL), but it's actually kinda fun to build these things.  This particular unit has enough electric charge stored for about 210 delta-v with no solar power, and something like 1700 delta-v overall.  The TWR is a bit low (4.1 vs Min's grav), but not much lower than a triple-ant lander (about 6.5:1).  The downside is that it's almost twice the price (50.6k vs 27.85) and actually somewhat heavier (2.0t vs 1.8t).

    Again, these are ridiculous to the point of #lolfake, but it's still a fun exercise to design.  Plus the new(ish) ion glow is neat.

    Next time I might build one that's basically an EAS seat on a Science Jr, but I suspect that might miss out on the internal "crew report" science (which is the least valuable one... hmm).  I'd also be building less fake chemical versions of that too :)

  8. 28 minutes ago, regex said:

    I do prefer RO/RSS and the detail therein, but the base game is quite fun as of 1.1. 

    What?  You're faltering?  Do I have to be the new regex??  Those are some big shoes to fill.

    3 minutes ago, NathanKell said:

    Yep, Unity is well-bugged (heh).

    You were THIS close ---><--- (about a pixel I'd say?) to giving me a coke nose.  Hehe.


  9. 31 minutes ago, Fireheart318 said:

    Can you please be a tiny bit more specific. What's it called, what's it look like, what's it taste like? Okay, not that last one, just joking

    It tastes kinda spicy and sour like all x86-related code, but with this weird oily aftertaste of fat pointers and bitter flavor of the ashes of people's dreams (from when they forgot that all x86 chips have a 64-bit data bus since the original Pentium some thirty thousand years ago, in the middle of the paleolithic era, and the magical expected performance never materialized).

  10. 15 minutes ago, Arsonide said:

    No I most certainly mean the tracking station, but forgot it is an upgrade that is immediately available. It's the upgrade that shows you orbits on the map, used to that was in the first upgrade, now it's available immediately. The check is still there in case that ever changes though.

    Woah.  So if we ever had a 'barn' tier to the tracking station, we'd have ships with NO orbit lines AT ALL?  O.o

    Actually that would be kinda cool.  Might make me brush up on my orbital math.

  11. On 2016-04-26 at 10:58 PM, LaytheDragon said:

    Try 20% science. In my .90 career save, I brought a spaceplane to Laythe while still only having basic jet engines, stranded some kerbals there, and used the science to unlock the turbojet. By then, I had already got science from Minmus (though only a few biomes), two biomes on Ike, and a biome on Duna, in addition to a few of the Mun's biomes, Jool orbit transmitted science, and low solar orbit transmitted science.

    I did in the past, and found it quite grindy (I've actually tried various settings between 10% and 30% back then, plus the defaults).  I've started a new save now with 20% to see how it is today - still grindy. 

    The problem with scaling like that is that the tree itself is lumpy - sometimes it progresses quickly, and other times slowly, so modifying the return rate will always leave something feeling off.  For example, if you adjust to make the fastest parts seem okay, everything else will be an awful grind.  However if you adjust for the slowest parts, the fastest parts will still zip by.

    Well that and a lot of the tree makes zero sense from a gameplay OR realism stance.  Why are the multi-couplers for 2.5m->1.25m in a tier 9 node, when the #ridiculouslyOP reaction wheel (oops sorry reflex) cubic octag is in like a tier 5 node? (or was that tier 6? I forget).  Oh well, guess it's time to update my Horrible Nerf™ to 1.1.0 er 1.1.1..


    I like Minmus, it is quite fun to jetpack there with the EVA pack, and with larger jetpacks. I need to (and will, very soon) try out Vall, though, as that moon looks like Minmus, except larger and around a beautiful gas giant.

    Vall is indeed also quite pretty.  A very elegant place.  Just be warned that it's a heavier-grav place than Minmus (it's like a diet version of Moho or Duna).   Pol/Bop are more Minmus-like in mass/radius (and therefore surface gravity), but Pol has invisible walls to crash into and Bop looks like a, well, dropping.

  12. 3 hours ago, Arsonide said:

    Actually they can't spawn kerbals where no kerbal has gone before anymore. They should only be appearing where you have manned progress. That changed in 1.0 I believe.

    To see recovery contracts, you need to have reached space, upgraded your tracking station a bit, and it also waits for you to progress your game a bit. You can progress in many different ways, you should generally see them about the time you hit Minmus, or if you stick around Kerbin, upgrading a few facilities will trigger this as well.

    To unlock part recoveries, you need to have researched the claw.

    Correction: You don't need to upgrade the tracking station.  In my current "Eleventy Hard" game (I'm doing a hard with 20% science gains game as was indirectly suggested in another thread), I had to perform several interceptions with the tier 1 tracking station.   Maybe you're thinking of the Astronaut Complex?  (one upgrade is required there for EVA activity).

    I actually like the rescue missions from a gameplay perspective (I enjoy orbital operations and interceptions), even if it's really weird thematically to find kerbals floating around in bare pods all over the system.

    My only complaint about the whole thing is the claw-unlocked rescue-kerbal-AND-part.  Re-entry is one of my least favorite things in KSP.  I wouldn't mind having to dock with a craft (claw or otherwise), but bringing the whole damn thing back is just too weird and annoying for me.

    (Well, it would also be nice if there was an in-between type of rescue contract other than "just slightly above minimum safe orbit" and "halfway to the edge of the SOI orbit".   Ex, for Kerbin rescues, they're all in the 74-90km and the 5-11Gm+ range, there's no 120km or 240km rescues.  Not a big issue, just a bit odd)

  13. The 64-bit and 32-bit versions of windohs edition of 1.1 are equivalent now in terms of stability.  I did extensive testing of both clients during the pre-release, and didn't notice any major difference between the two (unlike before, the experimental win 64-bit version in the past had a .. twitchy, glitchy feel to it).

    Note that the 64-bit client has a higher memory overhead, but that shouldn't be a problem as long as system memory isn't constrained.

  14. 6 minutes ago, Draco T stand-up guy said:


    And I've got a service bay filled with batteries between the Mk1 pod and the passenger cabin as well. Didn't flip once.

    Oh, and those drogue shoots are a life saver. When I started this career with the release of 1.1 I forgot the heat-shield and it did do a flip but I'd just slowed down enough to release the drogues.

    I wonder if that service bay is making a difference.  My own tests with just the mk1 pod and the passenger cabin didn't work well even with a full heat shield (and a full heat shield is massive overkill, a 0-ablative shield can easily return a mk1 capsule from Minmus orbit).  I was able to construct a silly looking one with an inline cockpit, the passenger cabin and a structural fuselage (the fuselage basically acted as a tailfin), but 1.1 seems to like leaking heat past the first one or two parts of the ship (or has a very narrow safe cone).

    I'm questioning about this drogues business though - those aren't effective until you're past the heat danger...

  15. 10 hours ago, tater said:

    Interesting, I didn't know that. I don't always use clamps.

    They're quite handy for rescue missions (pay for kerbals?  Pfft! The game PAYS me to get FREE kerbals from orbit!).  I usually build my rescue ships with clamps so that they don't have to worry about launching low on juice (I warp ahead with the ship in the clamps until the target is approaching above KSC for LKO rescues).

    7 hours ago, Skystorm said:

    @regex I'm not sure what you are spending on day 59 for Duna because the first low deltaV transfer I remember is around day 223 for about 1,610 m/s of deltaV.  How much deltaV are you spending on day 59 for that?  Seems like you are way off the optimal transfer window ... unless you are talking about Earth time instead of Kerbin time.

    I highlighted the relevant issue.  Day 59 is K-Day 236.

    I've always disliked the addition of kerbal days/years, as it changed midway through development (0.23.5), resulting in this sort of confusion.  Also they don't qualify them at all, you can't tell which setting is being used at a glance unless it's past 6am on a given day or past day 365 in a given year.  If it had been kerbal days since the beginning, it would have been clearer, as we'd be used to the custom definition instead of the standard one, and using it most of the time.

    Overloading of words is a bad idea.   "Day, noun.  A period of time between 21600s and 86400s.  Depends on context...very much so."

    Also KSP and related mods *cough* need to use a julian date system (or at least have that option), but that's a different rant.  And even then, it should be like "1736 ED / 6944 KD", not something ambiguous.

  16. 6 hours ago, Waxing_Kibbous said:

    Also, is it possible to create a module manager file to to this, to have day one start 120 days later?

    Not sure about that, but you could just use KAC to warp ahead however long you want.  You can enter a human-readable time (like days/years) or UT (long string of seconds) in as a "raw alarm" which can kill warp for you at any time you like.  So set up an alarm, hit max timewarp (it's just a jump to the left..), and walk away for a minute.  Just make sure you understand the difference between "interval" and "date" :wink:

    (you'd want "date" given that you know the date it happens on)

    With the current mechanics, there's no real penalty for warping ahead like that, and the game now properly supports games > 68 years.

  17. 37 minutes ago, FancyMouse said:

    Well, the good thing about splitting is when saving to the same save, you don't need to pay for the I/O each time for the flights you didn't touch, which is the majority of the flights, actually.

    Ah, but in my current save, about 20 of 45 flights have EPHs* from their ORBIT blocks that were updated within 45 seconds of the quicksave.  I haven't analyzed in detail which ship is what, but a quick scan of some of the oldest entries revealed landed debris... so even that isn't a very good saving here :)

    (they might actually be able to fudge it in some cases; in THEORY you could ignore the orbits when saving and such, although you'd have to have an "epoch on load" count or something)

    I agree with your other points though.  Especially the one about subassembly grouping.


    * EPH is the 'epoch' of the orbit, which is the time since last periapsis.  It and the MNA determine where you are in an orbit.  I learned a bit about the ORBIT block when testing the PR :)

  18. On 2016-04-25 at 9:24 PM, regex said:

    When I play stock I try to limit my visits to the Mun and Minmus to a few, just enough to beef up my early unlocks.  Vanilla KSP is very easy to me, very little challenge left, so I try to make it at least a little interesting instead of cheesing the easy mode parts of the game.


    Cheesing?  Cheesing???  You barely get any science from that at all.  Why, I did a massive, hugely expensive mission to Minmus that hit all the equatorial biomes (ie all but poles ,and only because I was too lazy to go to the poles, had plenty of fuel to do it).  It cost me eight hundred BILLION funds and only returned 0.2 science!

    See, I have proof:


    Oh no wait it cost less than 60k and returned almost 4k science even though I had no gravioli or seismic sensor at the time (I certainly did afterwards though~  #opscience)


    Still, it is my favorite place to visit.  It somehow looks sparkly to my eyes and the low grav is fun.  It's like a shinier Pol without the bloody invisible walls.

  19. 11 hours ago, Foxster said:

    This is to not do with a small power drain either. The couple of craft I have had the problem with both have PB-NUKs onboard to provide power for reaction wheels and such - not that they are being used during high warp anyway.

    Well, probe cores always drain power.  The problem might be one of those order of operations things - say the probe core drains first, and the fuel cell is then next to be processed, so it fills, and then the pb-nuks or solar panels go or such (and that would likely depend on craft design etc).  At high warp, the core would drain enormous blocks (ex at 10k warp it would be ~300e/real world second), which might end up drawing from/triggering the fuel cell consumption before the pb-nuks/etc have a chance to work.

    Are there probe cores? (ISRU, lab activities and transmissions tend to draw power as well but those would be more obvious, and ISRU and transmissions would eventually end)

    (My own, much older game uses a priority system for power sources and sinks and this wouldn't be an issue with RTGs onboard)

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