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    Spacecraft Engineer
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  1. Magion Now is halted

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  2. Hellooo from beyond the grave! I see a lot has happened here during my absence. I'm very glad, that @linuxgurugamer took over this plugin I neglected lately. I know. I promissed I would update WernherChecker for KSP 1.2, but I didn't do it. I know I disappointed you and I feel really sorry for that. Somewhere on my PC I still have some unpublished features in developement, such as paper-like look with handwritten font and checking for contracts requirments. If I find the code and time to do it, I will share it here, but no guarantee (you already know me ). Cheers! E: I must also say I am a bit sceptical about the implementation in the flight scene, where the requirments are completely different, so I'd say, that the half of the plugin would have to be completely overwritten in order to be usable.
  3. Yep, "BLIZZY" is correct, but this setting is also available in-game, so you don't have to worry
  4. Hey! WernherChecker 0.4.1 update is out! Download from SpaceDock, GitHub or CurseForge! This is mostly just a compatibility update, but thanks to @linuxgurugamer there are also new default checklists for Rover, Space station and Spaceplane. If you happen to find a bug, let me know, so I can fix it ASAP, thanks!
  5. This is actually intentional. The version for KSP 1.1 is not finished yet, so I thought there is no reason to publish it now already. But the update should be released soon, as I just only need to solve some positioning problems and check, that everything is flawless.
  6. Not clear yet, but probably not. Jason-3 is flying on the older version of F9 v1.1, which is not that powerful and we don't know if the SLC-4W landing pad is already finished. Also, at NSF I found some interesting maps showing a likely position of ADSD for the J-3 mission. On the other hand, Jason is not very heavy sat with its 600kg, so this can compensate for a bit less powerful F9. As of today, it is scheduled to premiere sometime in April.
  7. I have a feeling that onDisable is the event, which is triggered when the button gets grayed out, like KER's button does, when the editor is empty - just disabled, so you cannot control it and change its state.
  8. From the Gentlemen's Quarterly's interview with Elon published 3 days ago:
  9. I am personally all for the port to the IPS 4 software. The new features of the IPS are just awesome! Notifications when quoted - I wanted that all the time! I don't mind deleting the Rocket Builders forum, since I've never visited it. Missing livestreaming calendar? No blogs? Meh.. I can live with that. All in all, I think the advantages significantly overweight the disadvantages.
  10. I sent a pull request yesterday, so since then it's up to CKAN admins to merge it. I don't know how long does it usually takes from PR to DB rebuild.
  11. When I compiled it againts the KSP 1.0.5 for the first time, no errors because of changed API popped up, so v0.4 [I]probably [/I]doesn't refer to any values not defined in KSP 1.0.4. So it should work just fine.
  12. Now it's finaly THE TIME! After my short break, WernherChecker has been officially updated! v0.4 is available for download at Kerbal Stuff, CurseForce and GitHub. And what's new? * Checking for resource capacity, current resource amount, crew's skills and part presence * Tooltips * Criterion's parameters in-game editing * Significant preformance increase * KSP 1.0.5 support * Changed color of the indicator lights * Bugfixes and tweaks Full changelog available in the OP Enjoy!
  13. Aaaaaaalmost there! This weekend I had the first chance in this week to sit behind my PC and do some work on the v0.4 and now I have a feeling, that everything is finally as it should be. Too bad I am a perfectionist and anything looking unlike I like it is, for me, a reason to delay the release Now only do all the release-related stuffs like taking some screenshots highlighting the mod and its new features, writing release post and changelog and packing all the files together.
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