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Everything posted by Tic-Tac

  1. It's weird though, it wasn't this hard if i recall correctly, the last time I played, could land a spaceplane with about 0.1 orbit. Probably my mind getting old. Thanks for the helpful answers !
  2. Hi Any tips on how I should decelerate my spaceplanes ? I managed to launch an MK3 Shuttle after hours of hard tests, and I can't seem to get it down. I use Deadly Reentry and FAR(also tried with NEAR) Whenever I try to get back in the atmosphere, it takes me something like half of Kerbin to get in "decent" flight speeds, so I never managed to land on the runway since I use Aerodynamics mods. Except with parachutes. But that's cheating. And they usually explode with DRE in reentry.
  3. Hi, i'm having some issues here with KSP. The game launches fine, but weird things start to happen in the Assembly buildings (buttons disappear, the space around parts in the menu gets white, some parts disappear(those from kw), and other buttons also disappear(contract building) The issue present wether I use OpenGL mode(to lower RAM usage) or not, and I tried uninstalling some other mods but can't seem to find the problem here. Help? Here is my modlist:
  4. And I am having issues with the exhaust of my KW engines: I have continuous flames coming out of my exhaust. Even when it is off or with throttle at 0%. I am using Hot Rockets, and it's stranger because the flame coming out of the exhaust is orange, like a stock flame, but with hot rockets(throttle >0) it's blue-ish for most of the engines that I use in KW. Any ideas how to fix this?
  5. What about Making the shield part's price X % of the part it is made for, like the 2.5m shield that was made for the 2.5m command pod. And then give a certain price for the shield, that would work the same way.
  6. I like those rings that appear around kerbin when I click on "debris", so I doubt it'll change anything for me, but I think I'll try to bring all my payloads(that are not communication satellites or probes sent to another body) back to kerbin safely. *sigh*
  7. I'm not sure if it breaks the immersion, since there is dust on the moon that may look like this, but when you're used to the good ol' Mun without it, it's a bit strange Thanks !
  8. Wow, thanks for the wiki, I haven't played with this mod for about 5 months, and my old planes just don't work anymore, the helps there are... helpful
  9. Is there a way to disable the mod on the moons? I love what it does to planets with atmosphere, but the layers on minmus or Mun kill it for me :/
  10. Ow, Okay, your Mod Admin worked in Admin mod(hehe, ironic), but it seems like I have to launch it. I can't seem to be able to do a permanent change to the admin rights on it though, the "Run as admin" box is grey and uncheckable. Doesn't really matter, it's not like I'll have to use the program every time I launch the game. Thanks a lot !
  11. Hi, I am using Windows Vista(not sure of the exact version, where can I find that?), I never used your Mod Admin, I extracted everything(dowloaded 1.4.0 from your site). Nothing obvious changed in the folders that i extractedn no new files(no log). Net is installed, I tried installing it and it told me that I already have this version or higher of dotNet. If I try launching the second .exe (the updater), it does the same thing: I have a task in my taskmanager that uses exactly 48k and that I can't stop, named "KSPModAdmin_Updater.exe"
  12. I have the Microsoft net4.5 thingy, i downloaded the mod manager and extracted it, launched "KSPModAdmin.exe" in the folder with the same name. No reaction, and I have in my ctrl+shift+esc window an application named KSPModAdmin.exe which uses exactly 48K of memory, and can't be stopped unless I restart the computer. Where could it have gone wrong? PS: Using the "Updater" doesn't change anything, it only makes an application with a name a little bit different.
  13. Gonna ask it even though I fear I know the answer, any tabs you can share here?
  14. I also love the windows editing, I used Engineer a bit and I don't think it's THAT costumizable.
  15. "In attach mode : Rotate left : B Rotate right : N" That's about it. Thanks though, now I know.
  16. Issue randomly fixed itself. I love this game. Thanks anyway We can't change the angle of a part when we're attaching it, right?
  17. No, I can use the "Attach" action(On part already on a ship, for example a cubic octogonal strut on my space station), and place it somewhere else , but I can't grab it (take it on my kerbal), nor can I grab parts from the containers.
  18. I can't even grab anything, I can attach them somewhere close to where it was, but not grab them (put it on the kerbal's back). Tried a clean install, doesn't change anything.
  19. Sooo Since the update, the KAS one, not the ARM one, I can't seem to grab parts, I've seen things that might be related there but i'm not sure... Any news about that?
  20. I didn't touch my mods, and they all seem to work pretty well with the update, the only one not working is Mechjeb which was I think disactivated automatically.
  21. Is the game changed enough to mess up my mods? I use a few parts mods(kw, aies) and a lot of gameplay mods(FAR, deadlyreentry, remotetech...)
  22. My Jeb is inside a little shed on the Island near KSC, where he is taking a well deserved retirement. But since I use TAC life support I have to get him food once in a while.
  23. So, I tried the mod but doesn't do anything about AIES or Kosmos(the only mod parts I use), are there any config files available here? I am not really good at creating them
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