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Everything posted by Aloriel

  1. Thanks for the info, but I am using Windows. Fortunately, the game is quite stable as is, despite being on x64. It is only when I try to expand it further that I have issues. Also, nice to see a company that isn't afraid to support modders. I had no idea that forum existed, since it basically doesn't exist on any other game's website (or at least super rarely exists).
  2. Sadly, it's still getting stuck with ATM installed. Interstellar Lite stops loading at exactly the same point it did before. No crash, just like before. The only difference is that now I have a longer loading time... Any other ideas?
  3. I'm using the x64 executable, but still seem to be getting issues when loading larger mods. My list of mods includes (these are working): ScanSat KW Rocketry MKS/OKS Kethane Karbonite TAC Life Support KAS IR Final Frontier Science Alert Connected Living Space Ship Manifest Tweak Scale Extraplanetary Launchpads Mechjeb2 Remote Tech 2 Fine Print DMagic Orbital Science Aviation Lights Universal Storage (and all dependencies, e.g. ORS, Mod Manager, etc) I would like to add KSP Interstellar and/or B9, but adding either causes the loading screen to just stop after a while. It's not a CTD. The load simply stops loading at a certain point depending on which mod I have loaded. The silly loading text continues to change, as if its still loading. If it were a CTD, I would assume it's a texture issue... Has anyone else experienced this? Was it as simple as a texture issue? Any ideas? System specs: 8 core CPU 8GB RAM nVidia GTX 570 KSP is on a SSD
  4. Perhaps we should call them kwatloos?
  5. Seriously, thanks for this. Now, not only do I have a working version of Kethane, but now I also know this procedure for future releases of KSP. Plus, I have Kethane's code to look at and study to try and figure out how to mod things myself. Now I just need to figure out what I want to mod that hasn't already been modded.
  6. Beautiful! It all works!! 2.6c solved my crash on start issue for x64 KSP! Thanks Kyle and Winston!
  7. Hmmm... I seem to be having issues with KW. Not sure if it's a mod conflict or something else. I am running the x64 version of KSP with this list of mods: Final Frontier Kerbal Alarm Clock MechJeb2 SCANSat Aviation Lights Infernal Robotics KW Rocketry All of these are updated to their respective 0.24 versions and are all fresh installs on a fresh install of KSP. It crashes upon trying to load my save, but ONLY if I have KW Rocketry installed. Tomorrow, I will try it with just KW installed, just to see what happens. Is there a known conflict between KW and one of those other mods?
  8. I have to agree with Gavin there. I'd like to be able to award the basic medals to my Kerbals, primarily because I started using this mod on a game in progress. Jeb should have a lot of medals that he doesn't.
  9. So, I have a small issue to report. Jebediah's display for medals is now overflowing. Other than this purely cosmetic issue, your mod is awesome!
  10. Hi there! I recently installed your mod. Found a couple issues you might want to fix (or maybe you already have in a build not available to the public yet)... Several items have no tech tree entries for career mode: limpet mines (both) carrier deck!! VLS Trident (all parts) (temp fixed these myself) Second, the aircraft carrier's bridge has really strange connectivity. For example, I can't put struts on it, at all. If I try, they're inside the object and connect to another part of the inside of the object. No idea how to fix this off hand. Lastly, I didn't like the carrier engine sounding like a jet, so I modded it out. (don't worry about this one. To each their own) Other than these, your mod is awesome! I fully intend to begin carrier operations immediately. I have added several remote tech, infernal robotics, and SCANsat parts to your carrier .craft, to make it a mobile command center that's visible on the main map, and appears to have a full on communications tower. Now, to try to land something on it!
  11. Ah ha! So it does! I had apparently overlooked that. So, I need 3000 science, stat!
  12. Actually, that's something I haven't been exactly clear on. I'm not sure how much science I need to upgrade parts? I've recently been working on missions to Eve and Duna, netting me huge quantities of science. Yet I was only able to upgrade the generators and radiators. Do I need to research anything specific in the tech tree to get upgrades? Or does it happen when I have acquired enough science?
  13. So, my only real solution is to add way more radiators in the present time?
  14. Hi guys, I'm having a bit of an efficiency issue. I'm trying to set up a microwave transceiver system (with my Remote Tech comm system), and my power output seems extraordinarily low. Here's a pic showing one of my units. All of them produce the same amount, and this is after wasteheat equilibrium is reached. As you can see, I am using 3.75m reactors and trying to send that power. The reactors are un-upgraded, but my radiators and generator are both upgraded one tier. The radiators are the huge foldable kind, and there are 6 of them. 5.9% efficiency?! Any help here? Oh, also, it appears that there are a couple glitches with the phased array microwave transceivers. On load, they close, even if they're active (they're active in that screenshot). You can activate both transmission and receiving at the same time. Stopping transmission causes the opening animation to play.
  15. Ahh! I hadn't thought of that! I was doing that for other instruments, but I never thought of crew reports as something you could "grab" Ahh well. Thanks for the advice!
  16. I finally sent Jeb on a fly-by of Eve! This is my first manned mission to another planet. Managed to grab 1600+ science from it too, because I brought a lot of duplicate science modules. Sadly, due to what I think is a glitch in Remote Tech 2, I was only able to get one crew report because I couldn't transmit them. So, I kept the one from "high above the sun".
  17. I soooo want to add this mod to my KSP. But, I really don't want to restart my universe (otherwise, all the firsts would be wrong)! Maybe when 0.24 comes out... Of course, that also assumes that this doesn't push me over the RAM limit... Anyway, the mod looks great! I hope to be able to add it some day soon!
  18. I added a bunch of non-stock parts through a different method. If you go into the non-stock part's part.cfg file, you can add this: MODULE { name = KASModuleGrab evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.00, -0.15) evaPartDir = (0,0,-1) storable = true storedSize = 2 attachOnPart = True attachOnEva = False attachOnStatic = False attachSendMsgOnly = False } Just before the final "end curly bracket" at the end of the file. Make sure you select an appropriate storedSize value. That 2's is for a tiny little light I got from an aviation lights pack. It seemed appropriate that they shouldn't take much space (mass = 0.01, and the lights are very small). I am not entirely certain how the other attach booleans change things. So, alter those at your own peril.
  19. Looks like my question got overlooked. Any help here? Thanks in advance!
  20. So, I'm trying to start up a series of ISRU refineries. However, I've not been able to get them to do anything at all. I understand that some of the processes take a long time, but even on 100000x I wasn't seeing change. Maybe I'm not over a deposit of anything or whatever. Anyway, one of the items on the list mentioned water. So I thought I would put one in the water near KSC. Nothing changed. How do you turn on the various "mining" aspects? How do you get it to refine anything?
  21. So, I've decided I don't like the overheating jet engines aspect of the mod. I was pondering how to disable it. I've noticed a file that seems to have the information I want, and some lines that might be it. I just wanted to confirm that I had the right lines of code. @PART[turboFanEngine] { MODULE{ name = ModuleSabreHeating } } If I delete these lines, and the lines like it for other jet engines (basically, the entire rapier.cfg file)... will this disable the engine overheating at high speed?
  22. I just tested detaching the KAS pipe, just in case. No luck. EDIT: Second test results: I moved the drill a tiny bit and it now works. I was apparently JUST barely outside the kethane deposit. EDIT2: Further experimentation has resulted in a full understanding of the issue. Apparently, my drill bit was TOO deep. I had adjusted the suspension of the mobility system to where the drill was sitting directly on the ground. This, for some reason, made it think there was no kethane there. Simply raising the drill to slightly above ground made areas that previously failed to produce, produce fully.
  23. Not trying to transfer the fuel. Just trying to drill it. I have a storage container directly above the drill.
  24. Hey there. I've been setting up a pretty major drilling operation on Minmus. However, once I finally got my kethane drill into place, I am not getting any kethane. Here's a couple screen shots to show my situation: As you can see, I have a drill and a storage tank on the same stack. The drill bit is inside the surface, and I have plenty of power. You can also see that I have plenty of kethane available in this location. I have two theories: 1) The drill bit must not collide with other objects (I have a mobility system attached to it. It's presently retracted, but still clips the drill bit). 2) I must have a kethane scanner on the vehicle (I do not). Any other ideas? Anything I am doing wrong? As far as I am aware, I am running kethane v0.8.4 since I downloaded kethane only about 5 days ago. Win 7 64-bit KSP 0.23 Career mode
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