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Posts posted by Padishar

  1. Stranded on Mun after driving his rover a bit too fast down a steep crater rim.

    {pic cut}

    The debris 600m away is a small monoprop tank that got knocked off when he first flipped over. He fell off after 8 or 9 rolls and the body of the rover exploded as it bounced and rolled down the hill. He came to rest about 100m away from the main wreckage.

    The only other lander on the station in Mun orbit is a single person one with no remote control so he'll either have to wait for backup from Kerbin or hang on to a ladder...

    Due to a mix-up in the VAB, that other lander didn't actually have enough dV to land and return to orbit anyway so he had to wait for a new 2 person lander to be piggy-backed onto a refuelling ship from Kerbin. He's now back on the Mun station while the useless lander was returned to Kerbin with some science data. Now waiting for another new design lander and a couple of new rovers to be delivered before venturing back down to the surface...


  2. Stranded on Mun after driving his rover a bit too fast down a steep crater rim.


    The debris 600m away is a small monoprop tank that got knocked off when he first flipped over. He fell off after 8 or 9 rolls and the body of the rover exploded as it bounced and rolled down the hill. He came to rest about 100m away from the main wreckage.

    The only other lander on the station in Mun orbit is a single person one with no remote control so he'll either have to wait for backup from Kerbin or hang on to a ladder...


  3. Here is an i7-3770 (not K, machine needs VT-x for VMs) at 3.4GHz with 8GB RAM on Win8 64bit though it doesn't have a graphics card in at the moment so is using the onboard HD4000. I did two runs, first at fairly decent graphic settings and then with everything dragged right down (though I should have probably reduced the texture res even more). Both runs were at 1650x1080 fullscreen.

    Reasonable quality fps

    Reasonable quality frametimes

    Low quality fps

    Low quality frametimes

    Not sure how useful these are as I had a lot of other stuff running (nothing really active but using lots of memory). I'll try and do a run after a clean boot at some point (and stick some sort of graphics card in it).


  4. With 0.23 Minmus now has multiple biomes.

    Yes. This is the development of my 20+ ton, 4 biome landerover that finished off my tech tree with 2 trips to Mun and 4 to Minmus...

    <iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="http://imgur.com/a/KEuFg/embed"></iframe>

    If you try driving at high speed without decoupling the driving controls from attitude controls and then try to stop by braking and going backwards at the same time, it will sometimes do a forward roll and end up back on its wheels, usually without any serious damage (and usually with a very big grin on Jeb's face). I've not yet got around to updating it with the rugged wheels but I probably will sometime soon.

    Mk 6 craft file


  5. I saw this thread and thought I'd give it a go on the pitiful excuse for a laptop I'm using at the moment. It has:

    CPU: Core Duo T2600 2.16GHz

    RAM: 3GB

    OS: Win7 Ultimate 32bit

    Video: NVidia Quadro NVS 110M 128MB dedicated, 1279MB shared @ 1360x768

    Still had most of the graphics settings (including ocean config tweak) set for max performance but did set the 0.03s physics time and made sure vsync was off.

    Only did the one run with view straight up.


    Not exactly stellar performance I think you'll agree... Oh well, it's good enough for now to launch stuff like this and max out the tech tree with a few drives around on Mun and Minmus...

    Edit: Did another run for frametimes in case anyone is interested...



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