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Everything posted by timmers_uk

  1. I'm tempted to try this out for the redo of Keepfit's ui. Will let you know how I get on.
  2. I really want to redo the UI, as it was my first encounter with unity UI, and it shows. Trouble is that life and work are too busy to give me the good block of time I need for it. Hopefully if I'll get some time next month, hut I'd not want to count on it, safly
  3. Heh - if I ever start getting into renderer side stuff I'm not sure the world would ever be the same (me and renderer tech don't get on - its all witchcraft)
  4. Good to hear, though I have no idea why that works and nothing else did - don't you just love PC gaming.
  5. Released Added optional support for ConnectedLivingSpace - if CLS is installed, config can be set so that Kerbals are assumed to have access to the 'best' location for ActivityLevel in the space that is accessible to them according to CLS. Switched applauncher icon to DDS. Added activity level description to VAB/SPH parts browser Downloads on first page as usual
  6. I'm pretty sure that KeepFit isn't actually currently testing for the best part on the vessel. I'm also sure I found a horrible horrible persistence bug resulting in the activity level on parts being lost on save/load, and defaulting everything down to 'cramped'! - - - Updated - - - Updated to Added extra toggle to config - useBestPartOnVessel - if set to true KeepFit assumes Kerbals can go to the best location on the vessel to keepfit. [* ]Fixed persistence bug which was resulting in vessels losing their components activity levels - Download on first page
  7. Whilst it would be great for someone to do that, its a bit beyond my skillset. There is a different ambient light mod which sets a minimum ambient light level (but doesn't oversaturate in brighter scenes) - you may want to try that one?
  8. Hmmm... you have a couple of options, 3 if you consider cheating and turning on wimpmode (actually its worth checking KeepFit is fully enabled on the save in any case) 1) Get your weakling crewmember into somewhere that has an activity level of EXERCISING - PorkJet's habitat pack centrifuge has it, as does the MKS inflatable habring. 2) Carefully land your osteoporosis suffering kerbal avoiding high-Gee descents, just like with the MIR long duration Cosmonauts - once landed they automatically move to EXERCISING, and if you recover them, they also start exercising Another cheaty option would be to modify the MM configs of KeepFit to make the capsule say they are exercising... but, again, cheaty. If you go for option 2, spaceplane descents are most forgiving IIRC. Hope that helps. - - - Updated - - - See above response - RoverDude's OKS Centrifuge works with this mod, as does the one from PorkJet's habitat pack.
  9. You're not missing anything with the picture - suffice it to say OpenGL isn't a viable option for me Good find on the issue though - it may be worth making sure you deleted the TGA images, anyway, just in case, but I guess the errors I noted above were from the attempt by the texture loader to half what were already small textures - oddly though, I just ran my test stripped install of KSP up on d3d9 and d3d11 on half size textures, and the damn things still show up correctly for me even on half res - could be a graphics driver dependant thing?
  10. Well I think the output log shows your having a problem loading those textures :- Load(Texture): KSPIRC/button-join (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) [TR.Loader] Compressed KSPIRC/button-join [24x20 RGBA32 -> DXT5] (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) d3d: failed to create 2D texture id=1391 w=12 h=10 mips=4 d3dfmt=894720068 [invalid call] Load(Texture): KSPIRC/button-message (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) [TR.Loader] Compressed KSPIRC/button-message [24x20 RGBA32 -> DXT5] (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) d3d: failed to create 2D texture id=1393 w=12 h=10 mips=4 d3dfmt=894720068 [invalid call] Load(Texture): KSPIRC/button-pm (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) [TR.Loader] Compressed KSPIRC/button-pm [24x20 RGBA32 -> DXT5] (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) d3d: failed to create 2D texture id=1395 w=12 h=10 mips=4 d3dfmt=894720068 [invalid call] Load(Texture): KSPIRC/button-regular (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) [TR.Loader] Compressed KSPIRC/button-regular [24x20 RGBA32 -> DXT5] (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) d3d: failed to create 2D texture id=1397 w=12 h=10 mips=4 d3dfmt=894720068 [invalid call] Load(Texture): KSPIRC/resize-cursor (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) [TR.Loader] Compressed KSPIRC/resize-cursor [15x15 RGBA32 -> DXT5] (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) d3d: failed to create 2D texture id=1399 w=7 h=7 mips=4 d3dfmt=21 [invalid call] I couldn't comment on D3D vs OpenGL though - for me in openGL I get this :- I have run a quick test build with the icons switched from TGA to DDS, in case the problem is the unreliable TGA loading :- https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3p-HtV_3uFfT0xmbWZvcUtMMUE/view?usp=sharing If you can try that, I'll probably be making the next release use DDS anyway, but it would be useful to know if this helps you at all, as its probably not enough by itself to justify a rev. Timmers
  11. Blimey thanks for doing that - I'll incorporate them into an update. - - - Updated - - - Updated to Added excellent configs for 1.0 stock additions, NearFuture and Stockalike Station Parts contributed by @FRaz86. Shortened the partmodule context menu label. Included profession in crew roster ui. Download etc on first page
  12. yep. Unfortunately im just about to turn in for the night so it'll have to be tomorrow now
  13. Unfortunately the link provided isnt publicly accessible. Could you unlock it do I can see the log? Thanks tim edit : looking at that screenshot maybe tge issue is showing in relation to a non default theming of your toolbar? I've not tried that
  14. Mine too, and I just checked and the icon (contrast.tga) is definitely in the package ... hmmm ... isnt tga loading unreliable though... I'll look into that later on (poss not till the weekend though). T
  15. I don't think so, unless the mod is updating the vessel's Gee - you'd know it was I think, if the stick G bar works.
  16. Weird - not sure what would be causing that - I don't run OpenGL myself so I'd generally see issues with directx mode. Do you have anything like active texture management running, or have you used DDS4KSP or somesuch to convert the icons to dds maybe? Either way, if you could send an outputlog.txt (from KSP_DATA dir) I may be able to look into it. Tim - - - Updated - - - Quick update... dropped Added plain renderer used if force simple rendering is set in config - still supports links, just does zero rich text stuff. Set inputlocks when mouse is over chat input box, and hold focus on chat input when mouse is over chat input. Added code to try to drag focus back to input box when new chat is received. Enabled SSL support even though unity/ksp seem to always generate certificate error - use at own risk (of MITM compromising the privacy of your connection).
  17. Quick update ... it looks like things in SSL-land have progressed somewhat since the last time I tested out whether SSL support was working. I can enable SSL support, but it looks like the certificate validation always fails (possibly due to KSP/unity not having require SSL Root CAs installed) - would people want to have SSL as an option with a caveat that it will allow you to connect despite cert validation errors (and hence potential for MiTM etc)? Let me know your thoughts.
  18. More fun about to hit KerbalStuff/GitHub. Reworked the rendering code - now supports some IRC markup stuff (notably not underlining). Should support use of bold, italic, and colors (though some combinations go spang due to limitations of unity rich text support ... I'll get there though). Fixed recently introduced layout/performance hit by moving back to a single GUILayout.label per message (but using rich text in said label for pretties). Added support for integrated display of image links via an in-game popup window - you can still open in external browser, and if what's downloaded isn't an image it'll open externally, but images ... will generally show up (as long as KSP supports the format). Removed some of the bees No SSL support yet Download etc on first post.
  19. Is this with it in the autojoin config? and did you include the #? Any chance you can try a different port to irc.esper.net such as 5555, 80, or 443 (iirc they all connect to their irc server)
  20. After an embarrassing mishap during development resulting in my join-spamming #KSPOfficial, I have a new release... New release - Updated handling of HTTP URLs in message text - individual URLs on a message are now clickable, rather than the whole message, and more than 1 URL per message line is supported. Made use of blizzy's toolbar optional - if toolbar is not present, KSPIRC adds itself to the applauncher toolbar instead. Added auto-join support - add channels to auto-join on connection to the config, comma separated, and don't forget the '#' at the start of the channel names. Added auto-join cooldown + anti-spam - waits 5 seconds after connecting before attempting to auto-join, only auto-joins once per connection, and force a 60 second cooldown across reconnects between auto-joins. Added connection retry limiting - initial connection attempts do not retry, and auto-reconnects are limited to 5 goes before giving up on auto-reconnects - after this a restart or config save will be required before connections will be attempted again. Download links on first page.
  21. Sounds like a good combination to me - it'd be nice to see contracts for places I haven't tried out my instruments yet, rather than rinse + repeat on the science in orbit around ... contracts. ... and it means I get money as well as science for doing a contract
  22. I was caught out by this earlier today on my career game, and ended up making use of the fact that KIS shows the profession in its inventory window for a crew member. Interestingly I was just looking to see if I can add the profession or the profession icon (ooh, pretty icon) to KeepFit, and noticed looking through the API that there's a lot of interesting stuff now inside ProtoCrewMember for someone to provide access to, as I'm not sure the stock UI shows it anywhere that I've noticed. edit to add : boo - looks like none of the ExperienceTrait configs have an icon set.
  23. Or you could look at KeepFit which does both direct Gee tolerance and Gee based Kerbal destruction, and fitness level tracking (of a sort) - when I went digging I could find (possibly) surprisingly little documentation to backup how the human body copes with high Gee for sustained periods, but there is definitely a difference between the Gee tolerance of a fit health individual and a flaccid weak couch potato (or a Kerbal you've left on a minimum dV transfer to Jool). I also looked at the Dr code and took some initial elements from that, and expanded on it to handle different tolerances on different time periods - short term you might handle 10+ gee, but you wouldn't want to live there.
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