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Everything posted by timmers_uk

  1. Thanks. Pleased to be backing the game. I'm currently trying to pursue why the UI textures aren't showing on my main game (with ATM maybe thats related) but do show on my test install, and also a possible fitness reset bug, which is resetting fitness levels back to default. T
  2. Documentation ... yeah I heard that word once, must go look it up some time. Probably will add something to the initial post, but its really just a case of creating a modulemanager config to apply the module to your chosen part.
  3. Quick update should be up now. Fixed the fugly applauncher icon, fixed the scenes in which fitness is updated, fixed the syntax error in the modulemanager config, and fixed the fugly logspam in debug build. See first post for download link, Timmers
  4. Only those which haven't already been converted, yes - feel free to point out exactly how I'm a maroon for suggesting it (seriously!), but right now what I'm running separately from the KSP exe converts to DDS, then blows away any textures it finds - as I understand it, if I don't blow away the pre-DDS textures, then I'll end up with the worst of both worlds, by having KSP try to load both? Given some of the mods I use update regularly, every time I update I have to remember to re-run the convert + destroy pass. Clearly its not the end of the world (and I'm also running some comparison boots to quantify exactly how much time I'm really saving here), I'm just trying to work out the most streamlined workflow, especially if I'm getting back into mod dev where one thing that killed my enthusiasm for it was the debug cycle. Timmers
  5. Would there be anyone able to wrap the functionality of something like lilleman's converter into a plugin which runs at startup? Whilst its really handy, it'd be even handier if I didn't have to go back through and remember to re-run a converter program/script every time I muck about with my mods, update etc? If no-one else is in a position to do that (or indeed if I don't get a 'dummy, that's what ATM does already' response - I don't think it does, as my DDSified install loads a lot faster than when running ATM), I could take a look at it, but I'm pretty noobish on plugin development, and really ought to get KeepFit fit for purpose first. Similarly, is it possible for ddsloader to load ddses by precedence when there is both a .dds file and a corresponding .tga/.png/.mbm file? that way ddsifying my install wouldn't require deletion of all the existing image assets which makes updating more awakward? Thanks for the work on this. Timmers
  6. Thanks! No update today, work kept me busy, but I'm pleased to have got the unity profiler hooked in to my Dev install of ksp, and found that some of the dds loader + converter work going on elsewhere has really sped up my boot cycle. If I can get debugging working too via mono develop, then I'll be able to debug the annoying reseting fitness issue I'm currently seeing, then we'll be cooking - the other major issue I see is the fugly UI - I just don't do ui code, so I'll plug away at it but it's a lot less painful the quicker it is to achieve a boot cycle. Timmers
  7. Just tried @Lilleman 's exe on my dev/test install (was stripped but I haven't yet stripped it since moving to 0.25), and holy balls the game loads so much faster after conversion! So much so, that I probably won't bother stripping all the stock parts out of my dev/test install, as the bootup is so buttery smooth and fast compared to standard. Thanks Muchly, all. Timmers
  8. Hey all, Just a quick update to let you know I'm putting a tiny chunk of effort back into this - no promises kind, and if work goes into crunch mode again I'll have to duck out. Hopefully over the next few days I'll be able to :- Bin the data saving code if my own, in favour of using Crewfiles to deal with that aspect (which I'm hoping will reduce the bug count a little) Add ksp-avc support, as I like being notified of new releases Push releases to kerblast ufo I shan't be bothering with a CI build again as that killed my will to live, and in any case it's only by me pushing commits anyway (there's a recipe for doom). I've belatedly made a new 0.25 based release, switched over to app launcher to reduce external dependancies, removed the packaged very old modulemanager, and (I think) fixed the mm configuration to add the keepfit part module to only those parts which can contain crew. Ttfn Timmers
  9. Thanks for the replies (both responders). I haven't gone near realfuels for ages, and the reason I was thinking possibly to add it to my hectic career game is because the engine masses/scalings do bother me and perhaps 6.47 plus realfuels is a good response to that, with the stock alike confis. Tim
  10. Hi, Question for those using this... do you think I could/should use this with realfuels, or just up scaling my stock rockets? Thanks, Timmers
  11. Hi, I like the idea here, but I suspect that the main issue would be that the people who need 'the basics' won't yet be so much on the forums, and/or won't be familiar and comfortable with teamviewer. Twitch could be one route to go, though the setup overhead at the broadcaster end might be too high. A lower bar to entry and alternative to skype could be to use google hangouts and screen-share that way? Plus you'd get voice with the other players. Just my 2p anyway. Timmers
  12. I could be wrong, but I think the point the OP was making was more in relation to the effort that middens put in when they all have lives, families, jobs, school etc (delete as appropriate) but jumped in rapidly when they could have been doing things far more fun than rebuilding, packaging, uploading etc. Mod developers, I salute you Timmers
  13. Hi, Just a quick note that the current release of RealChutes (1.2.4-06-08-14) doesn't show its window in the action groups view in the Editor, but a straight rebuild with no changes seemed to restore it to life. Will post more if I see any other issues but fingers crossed it'll be a simple mod to get happy on 0.25 if stupid_chris gets time to push an update. Timmers
  14. Hi, I noticed RCS Build Aid compiled for 0.24.x throws constant exceptions in the Editor scenes in 0.25. Rebuilt against the 0.25 assemblies and it seems to be happy again - no code changes needed, and it seems to work. Timmers
  15. Heh no problem, I have a talent for picking just that wrong moment to boot the game - I've been up to my ears in work for over a week, and now today I have some free time and it coincides with 0.25 release. First world problems. Tim p.s. Really like Fine Print - I feel I have some purpose for rovers and planes now - and some of the orbit missions have some trickiness too (and the UI for 'this is the orbit we want' is inspired).
  16. Hi, Not sure why this would be, but the AVC version checker is alerting me on startup that I could (should?) be using 0.59 of Fine Print, but from what I can see there's nowhere with 0.59 available yet? Is this a mistake in the AVC config? or is it a transient as you have a 0.59 coming real soon now ? Tanks p.s. In the meantime I shall try 0.58b on 0.25 - if it doesn't work I can always try building your latest off github as it looks like there are some 0.25 changes in the latest on githib.
  17. Hi, Tbh right now its a bit of a dead parrot. If .24 floats my KSP boat again, and my job allows me time for plugin work, I might refactor keepfit to use the kerbal roster library, and look into the issues, but would see more chance of a revival if someone else with more time and mojo took over the mod. AFAIK the basic gee stats tracking and effects calculation is sound, and the problems lay in the persistence management. Timmers P.s. apologies for poor formatting as I'm writing this on phone
  18. Hey, If you're interested (and I can get my head around GIT), I took a quick look at the MechJebFARExt plugin to see whether I could do anything to stop mechjeb playing Disco Stu with my control surfaces under FAR - it looked to be pretty straightforward - just a couple of vars in FAR going from float to double, and one of the fields which was protected/private being visible again. Probably quicker for you to do the fixes directly than deal with a pull request (is that the word in GIT land? I'm more an SVN/Perforce person ... heck I used to be an SCCS/RCS/VisualSourceUnSafe person), but I can give it a poke if you want. I'm 99% sure it is as working as the old version was, before FAR changed - the last 1% because a spaceplane I was having trouble with in orbit was doing persistent crazy stuff when given simple SmartASS commands, but I think that had more to do with something wierd with the ship, as I've not seen it repeated. Timmers
  19. Ok, 1.0.44 is now up, with the debug spam removed I think, and with fitness updated during scenes other than flight (space center + tracking station) which now persist in 0.23.5. It looks like fitness isn't degrading whilst in those scenes unfortunately though, as I think the vessel list I'm grabbing is only valid whilst in flight, but its showing the persisted levels correctly (*cough* my error before may have been because I had keepfit disabled in my save *cough*) Someone who knows more of these things could either fix or possibly point me in the direction of an alternative API to pull to get a vessel list which is valid in those non-flight scenes. Or I could just stop tinkering and give RoverDude a non-moving target to take over T
  20. I'm not at PC today, so can't be certain yet, but from some play in career mode last week with keepfit enabled, I think the changes in 0.23.5 to the space centre scene (if not more) are resulting in fitness resets on the kerbals. If I get a chance I'll at least try and deal with that so you have a working baseline, and also reduce the logspam in vab/sph Timmers
  21. I'll try and get onto IRC early this evening, but generally speaking, I've not much time to work on this mod in the near term, and if you are thinking of something to handle sanity + health anyway, feel free to stomp, tromp, nab the keepfit plugin code, and roll it all into one item - I'd certainly install it. timmers
  22. Sorry all, work caught up with me and had to take precedence - I'll at least try and take few minutes out tomorrow to make a drop with the infinite fuel switched off (must have crept in during testing and been accidentally pushed to github), and also to remove the likes of toolbar from inside the package if I have time, I'll drop in optional use of toolbar, but realistically tomorrow it'll probably just be a quick release to reduce the oops-factor. If anyone's keen to take this on though, I'm still very busy and would be more than happy if someone else wanted to take it on - I quite like the simplicity of it and its avoidance of being apart of a million and one other aspects that I may or may not want to use though - I just don't have much spare time (alternatively if there's any people out there who actually *enjoy* working unity's GUI layout code, I'd be interested if anyone can hit the UI frames with a stick as I got a bit annoyed with working with the GUI layouts - I'm a backend coder by trade mostly, so the nice visuals really aren't my bag). Timmers edit to add : Grr thank you but damn you appveyor ... builds but isn't uploading builds :| - for now here's an interim build - (https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/timmers-ksp/timmers-ksp/Timmers_KeepFit.zip)
  23. Hi, Just a quick note to add to the previous comment on mods with same folder paths, an example which just bit me with 1.4. PR7 (that I may or may not have sorted somewhat with update to PR8 and some manual TLC) was Environmental Visual Enhancements, Better Atmospheres, and Active Texture Management - critically the EVE and ATM mods both using BoulderCo folder - the only option I was getting on PR7 was for either EVE or ATM to 'own' the BoulderCo folder, so whichever one I chose nuked the other's subdirectories. Hope this is of help as a specific-ish example case to test. Timmers
  24. Hi, The mod affects kerbals in all pods. It uses module manager to add the activity level available to stock pods and the porkworks habitat pods, and makes a (rough) guess otherwise. If you use other mods, feel free to send configs for mm if you like, or a list of pod names and the pack otherwise, but I'll take me longer to deal with that as I've had a busy week with work etc. Just a warning though. I'm chasing what could be a fitness resetting bug when playing on my main career mode save, but I need to check to see if I'm just not spending enough time in warp to trigger much fitness change - once that save goes more interplanetary I'll be in a position to confirm, but I may add some activity elapsed time displays (how long has jeb been cramped) to the ui which would help here - ke bald don't turn into potatoes overnight Once I've got the basics more reliable and have the mod picking up vessel changes quicker, I'll start thinking about other integrations.
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