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Posts posted by luizopiloto

  1. os trens de pouso stock devem estar perfeitamente alinhados e perpendiculares (90°) ao solo... O trem de pouso traseiro deve estar so um pouco mais atras do centro de massa e dependendo do comprimento e altura do avião, vc deve desabilitar os freios to trem dianteiro pra evitar do avião emborcar na pista quando freiar. Só da pra desabilitar pelo editor.

    Se o avião for bem projetado, ele geralmente decola a partir de 60m/s até 90m/s... mesmo q seja pesado.

    E a velocidade de pouso mais segura, onde vc consegue controlar ele com facilidade sem risco de estolar é de 60m/s, a não ser q ainda esteja pesado, então tem q manter no minimo 80m/s... mas alguns aviões pousam a 40m/s... quando vazios... :P

  2. love this mod! is it possible to bind functions to more than one key?

    for example, I'm trying to build a VTOL that can do the normal VTOL thing with rotatrons- I've bound the pair of rotating engines in the GUI to "F" to move them down and "V" to move them up.

    What I'd to do: I'd like to have V and F still be there WHILE binding the left engine to pitch DOWN with "G" while the right engine pitches UP with "G" and the exact opposite with "B".

    I've tried binding things such as "F;G", "F:G". "F,G" to the same part and other permutations of various punctuation marks, but with no success.

    I'd like to easily do the Crazy Ivan from Firefly :P It's a bit of a pain flying a plane with the two engines bound to completely different keys for rotating.

    I mean... something like that guy asked before me... one Servo Group bound to 4 keys or more.

    I'm designing a robotic arm, it have key binds to move the payload w/o changing it's orientation. but for this to work correctly, one of the servos need to work in conjunction to two other servo groups by sharing the key binds.

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