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Everything posted by Science-Recon

  1. Hmm, the Elysian Empire perhaps? http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=480992180
  2. I didn't mean squad should fix it, I wondered if it was possible for the mod to fix it, however Roman numerals would work anyway. (We do have the Kerbal-X) as for the Mk IV, that was a typo.
  3. Yes, I do. I think that if the Mk Iv is in Roman numerals, then they should ALL be in Roman numerals (OCD alert). I think they look better for numbering things (Especially Mk. Iv Ect.)
  4. Love this mod, I think this should be integrated like SP+. One thing though; would it be possible to change the name of the stock parts to Mk I and Mk II and (in 0.90), Mk III. Just because it drive me crazy. I'm strange like that. Anyway, amazing mod will definitely be using it a lot in the future.
  5. Hello, I'm a British student and I am learning German. I wrote this the other day and would very much appreciate it if anyone could give me some constructive criticism. Freitag, den dreiten Oktober Ich heiße Bradley. Ich bin Englisch und bin dreizehn Jahre alt. Ich bin nicht ziemlich sportlich. In den Sommerferien ich war in Wales für zwei Wochen in der Nähe von Lanfair PG. Ich habe eine Campingplatz mit meiner Familie gewohnt. Es war toll, weil das Wetter schön war. Ich habe ein T-Shirt gekauft. Heute Abend gehe ich Ferien mit meine Familie aus. Ich finde Physik interessant. Ich spiele sehr gern Kerbal Space Program oft. Im Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Winter ich spiele auf meinem Computer. Meine ist Haus ziemlich groß. Das Wetter ist in England zu kalt. Brrr! Ich spreche Englisch sehr gut und Deutch nicht schlecht.
  6. Mün's (Huffy tractors. <-- Thank you IOS 8)
  7. Its in the forum rules: 2.4 Language, placement spelling and grammar Users must make an effort to place a new thread in the right forum section. Posts deemed to be in an incorrect section will be moved to a proper one; Users must attempt to use proper grammar and spelling in all messages. Txt-speak, 1337-speak and other exclusionary forms of speech are prohibited; and All messages outside of the international sections must be in English.
  8. Well, if we ever do colonise other worlds beyond our solar system, FTL communication is a must. Without it imagine the internet!! Life on kepler 22-b (For exmple) would be ages behind Earth.
  9. Bad for anyone who uses mods, CPW has stated he's quit along with several other modders. Also, it is *almost* amusing that people are asking for refunds on the sole premisie of Microsoft owning Mojang.
  10. Well, as Elysium said, the PC version isn't growing that much. But consoles are. Theoretically, they could leave PC alone, and develop it for the Xbox one/Xbox 360. (It would even be within their rights to discontinue services to Playstation versions.) that way the modding community/PC version in general stays the same (Giving some credit(?) to Microsoft.) while they get to push the xbox one further forward.
  11. Banned for not liking signature changes.
  12. If it hits the atmosphere, and you're more than 25km away from it, it should despawn. In my save, an asteroid landed (well, it was an impact, but they have a high crash tolerance.) on the Mün.
  13. When you try do use a mainsail to land on Gilly. Because what could go wrong with more power?
  14. Ich denke, dass es eine Spracheinstellung in Spielen. (Ich habe einen Mangel an ihnen vor kurzem aufgefallen.), Aber das Spiel ist noch in der Alpha und wie die meisten Menschen, zu einem gewissen Grad, sprechen Englisch Squad wahrscheinlich nicht hinzufügen Sprache, bis das Spiel ein bisschen mehr poliert und fertig. (Sorry für die schlechte Deutsch, ich bin kein Muttersprachler und lerne immer noch.)
  15. Actually, I'm sure that the British army uses reactive armour and it is quite effective. On a related note, you just need to slap a launch stage under the centre of mass and add a skycrane. (Yes, I noticed that Rainbowtrout has a North Korean flag. )
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