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Everything posted by raidernick

  1. Soviet parts only. Both of those were made after 2000. Also, I'm basically in maintenance only mode on my mods now and not making anything new at the moment.
  2. No I don't take requests, my mods are basically on "support only" at this point, not sure i'll be adding anything new anytime soon.
  3. Yes, the probe has no ability to control itself anyway, why would it need sas? The rocket stage used to launch it has the sas on it.
  4. the stock craft files are old and broken, don't use them. build the craft yourself. I only maintain the RO craft files
  5. I only support RO installs and for RO it has full realplume support. I have also been working on waterfall configs recently for it. I will never do either for stock though.
  6. There is basically no support for stock. I only guarantee that the parts will load, but they will not be balanced. If you want to use my stuff, you are pretty much required to use RSS/RO. For textures unlimited you didn't follow the install instructions for that mod specifically. You need to enable reflections in the KSP graphics settings menu also or they won't show up in flight. If you need help doing that ask in the textures unlimited thread as I don't provide support for someone else's mod here. You can delete whole folders pretty safely. You cannot however, easily delete individual parts within folders, as all parts in a common folder share textures and if you remove some it will break the other parts.
  7. UPDATE v1.0.0 At long last, this mod has reached version v1.0.0 and is now scope complete. This doesn't mean it won't be updated anymore, it just means that it finally contains all the rockets that I originally set out to make for it. Changelog: Add Vanguard rocket(contains multiple texture variations, right click the parts in the VAB to change the textures) Fix all part categories Required Dependencies below: KSP 1.8.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.8.x KSP 1.9.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.9.x KSP 1.10.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.10.x KSP 1.11.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.11.x KSP 1.12.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.12.x https://github.com/KSP-RO/USRockets/releases/tag/v1.0.0 This mod was started almost 6 years ago with the intention of doing the Vanguard rocket. I made the engines for it, and the second/third stages, but ended up using them on the Thor instead. After sitting on them for all these years I finally decided to finish it. This mod now contains all the rockets that I originally intended for it to have and is scope complete. I will still continue to update and add new rockets to it, but I no longer have any set plan, so updates may be more sporadic.
  8. UPDATE v1.8.8 Changelog: Add TGKS supply container Add Parom tug Required Dependencies below: KSP 1.8.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.8.x KSP 1.9.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.9.x KSP 1.10.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.10.x KSP 1.11.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.11.x KSP 1.12.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.12.x https://github.com/KSP-RO/SovietSpacecraft/releases/tag/v1.8.8
  9. UPDATE v3.6 Changelog: Add Parom texture to docking port drogue Add TGKS texture to docking ring Required Dependencies below: KSP 1.8.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.8.x KSP 1.9.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.9.x KSP 1.10.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.10.x KSP 1.11.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.11.x KSP 1.12.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.12.x https://github.com/KSP-RO/SalyutStations/releases/tag/v3.6
  10. UPDATE v0.80 Changelog: Fix vanguard 1 probe scale Required Dependencies below: KSP 1.8.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.8.x KSP 1.9.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.9.x KSP 1.10.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.10.x KSP 1.11.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.11.x KSP 1.12.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.12.x https://github.com/KSP-RO/USProbesPack/releases/tag/v0.80
  11. A while back KSP made a change to solar panels that broke all of the animations in these, and as such, I stopped working on it. I did end up making fixes to most of the panels, but never released them. I recently handed the assets off to the ROSolar team to use as part of that mod. If you want to continue using these panels in a mod that is actively being maintained, please download ROSolar from here: https://github.com/KSP-RO/ROSolar This is the last post I'll make in this thread and I'm asking for it to be locked.
  12. I don't officially provide support for FASA parts and my parts to work together, so I don't provide craft files to use them in such a manner. The only mod I can certify for sure to work in conjunction with my parts is @Kartoffelkuchen's Delta pack and my thor parts. With his help we were able to bridge the gap between our two mods and they are 100% compatible with each other and even share parts between the two packs for the entire thor/delta line. For all other mods I provide no support or guarantee of any kind that they will work sorry.
  13. You can do whatever you like on your own game. If you are asking if I will include it in this mod...I would rather not. I have seen how the new translation system works, and I'm not fond of how it requires changing every single name and description to a variable. Then you need to maintain a ton of localization files separately that all need to be updated when you change/add/remove a part. It seems like a ton of extra work that I definitely do not need in my life.
  14. The craft files in RO are a supplementary download for a reason, they may or may not always be up to date with the base mods. In this case, the craft file is finished but I haven't officially made the release for the parts yet. Get them from the git repo master branch for now.
  15. UPDATE v1.7 Changelog: Fix RCS sound bug Required Dependencies below: KSP 1.8.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.8.x KSP 1.9.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.9.x KSP 1.10.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.10.x KSP 1.11.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.11.x KSP 1.12.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.12.x https://github.com/KSP-RO/RNMisc/releases/tag/v1.7
  16. UPDATE v1.8.7 Changelog: Fix RCS sound bug Required Dependencies below: KSP 1.8.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.8.x KSP 1.9.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.9.x KSP 1.10.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.10.x KSP 1.11.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.11.x KSP 1.12.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.12.x https://github.com/KSP-RO/Skylab/releases/tag/v1.8.7
  17. UPDATE v3.5 Changelog: Fix RCS sound bug Required Dependencies below: KSP 1.8.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.8.x KSP 1.9.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.9.x KSP 1.10.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.10.x KSP 1.11.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.11.x KSP 1.12.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.12.x https://github.com/KSP-RO/SalyutStations/releases/tag/v3.5
  18. UPDATE v1.9 Changelog: Fix RCS sound bug Required Dependencies below: KSP 1.8.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.8.x KSP 1.9.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.9.x KSP 1.10.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.10.x KSP 1.11.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.11.x KSP 1.12.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.12.x https://github.com/KSP-RO/Antares-Cygnus/releases/tag/v1.9
  19. UPDATE Soviet Rockets v3.8 Changelog: Fix RCS sound bug Required Dependencies below: KSP 1.8.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.8.x KSP 1.9.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.9.x KSP 1.10.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.10.x KSP 1.11.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.11.x KSP 1.12.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.12.x https://github.com/KSP-RO/SovietRockets/releases/tag/v3.8 UPDATE Soviet Probes v3.0 Changelog: Fix RCS sound bug Required Dependencies below: KSP 1.8.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.8.x KSP 1.9.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.9.x KSP 1.10.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.10.x KSP 1.11.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.11.x KSP 1.12.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.12.x https://github.com/KSP-RO/SovietProbes/releases/tag/v3.0
  20. UPDATE v1.8.7 Changelog: Fix RCS sound bug Required Dependencies below: KSP 1.8.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.8.x KSP 1.9.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.9.x KSP 1.10.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.10.x KSP 1.11.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.11.x KSP 1.12.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.12.x https://github.com/KSP-RO/SovietSpacecraft/releases/tag/v1.8.7
  21. UPDATE v0.79 Changelog: Fix RCS sound bug Organize & Fix up Scansat MM Cfg patch added missing modules to realsolarsystem Change Module Manager Patch Order Add KH9 satellite and related parts Required Dependencies below: KSP 1.8.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.8.x KSP 1.9.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.9.x KSP 1.10.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.10.x KSP 1.11.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.11.x KSP 1.12.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.12.x https://github.com/KSP-RO/USProbesPack/releases/tag/v0.79
  22. UPDATE v0.9.8 Changelog: Fix RCS sound bug Add compatibility parts for KH9 satellite Fix part tags Add UA1205 booster Required Dependencies below: KSP 1.8.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.8.x KSP 1.9.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.9.x KSP 1.10.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.10.x KSP 1.11.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.11.x KSP 1.12.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.12.x https://github.com/KSP-RO/USRockets/releases/tag/v0.9.8
  23. all of my mods were separated from plugins long ago and are just part files now and will work in any ksp version. I have just been bumping the version files over time to keep it updated on ckan even when nothing in the mod changed, but I really don't care to do that anymore so I may or may not do it again. The mods still work fine, though you could have tested it yourself...
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