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Everything posted by raidernick

  1. The value is throttleResponseRate and by default it is not defined in the engine block of the config. This allows it to default to what I believe is 4 seconds. If you want to change it, look for where ignitions is defined in an engine config and add %throttleResponseRate = 100000, the higher the number you put the faster it will apply the thrust after ignition. The number I gave there should be basically instant ignition.
  2. https://github.com/raidernick/BDAnimationModules/releases/latest If you are using KSP 1.8 you need to be using the 1.8 recompile as the changes to unity broke all existing plugins.
  3. mechjeb has an issue with that rocket, pvg can't seem to properly handle it. Fly it manually or use KOS.
  4. UPDATE v1.8.4 HOTFIX Changelog: Fix UDA collider and node positions Required Dependencies below: KSP 1.6.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.6.x KSP 1.7.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.7.x https://github.com/KSP-RO/SovietSpacecraft/releases/tag/v1.8.4
  5. HOTFIX v1.8.5 HOTFIX Changelog: Separate rcs thrusters from station TRS rcs separation Fix lem cone tagging and name Required Dependencies below: KSP 1.6.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.6.x KSP 1.7.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.7.x https://github.com/KSP-RO/Skylab/releases/tag/v1.8.5
  6. no....it's updated to the latest RO version like all of my mods and once RO is released for 1.8 this will be too. I haven't updated it recently because it's scope complete, it doesn't need any more work. A few months ago I fixed all of the remaining issues and inaccuracies I could find. Now there is no reason to update it anymore unless a new ksp version breaks it. It does work in 1.8 by the way as it is just parts.
  7. I have never used kerbalism before, you should bring that up with whoever made it because it's false advertising and sending people to complain to me when it doesn't work, when I have absolutely nothing to do with it. I don't like getting false bug reports.
  8. Dude....I hate to say this but @Starwaster was right you are definitely not ready for RO/RSS, but I'd go even further than that and say based on what I'm seeing in your gamedata folder(parent mod folders, multiples of the same thing, github master folders and many many other issues), that you aren't even ready to be using mods yet at all. This mod isn't the right place for beginners who don't have down the basics of a modded install to be asking for help, let alone trying to use one of the most complex for installation and difficult to learn mods for this game. I think you need to take a step back, don't even look at RSS/RO and go to some tutorials for basic mod installation first. Once you have that down, slowly add some small mods and get used to them before trying to jump headfirst into something like this.
  9. why are you asking here then.....this thread is completely unrelated to my stuff...
  10. It's extremely unlikely my parts are going to fit on the rocket from another mod. Either use the N1 from my mod or use the lok from this mod, don't mix and match them.
  11. UPDATE Soviet Probes v2.7 Changelog: Fix pad proton satellite normal Fix charge rates Required Dependencies below: KSP 1.6.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.6.x KSP 1.7.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.7.x https://github.com/KSP-RO/SovietProbes/releases/tag/v2.7 UPDATE Soviet Rockets v3.3 Changelog: Update fairings for les cover and animated grid fins Update r7 fairings to separate like IRL Fairings now attach to soyuz orbital modules so they stay together during abort Fix block L ullage Fix progress and fregat fairings Required Dependencies below: KSP 1.6.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.6.x KSP 1.7.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.7.x https://github.com/KSP-RO/SovietRockets/releases/tag/v3.3
  12. UPDATE v1.8.3 Changelog: Separate rcs modules from descent pods Fix soyuz orbital module LES node placement Add TKS IVA Fix charge rates and fuel flow priorities Required Dependencies below: KSP 1.6.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.6.x KSP 1.7.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.7.x https://github.com/KSP-RO/SovietSpacecraft/releases/tag/v1.8.3
  13. UPDATE v0.9.4 Changelog: Add Titan 34D parts Fix Titan IV tower Add Transtage parts Required Dependencies below: KSP 1.6.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.6.x KSP 1.7.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.7.x https://github.com/KSP-RO/USRockets/releases/tag/v0.9.4
  14. UPDATE v3.2 Changelog: Add second IGLA to ops4 Fix TU config Fix centering and scale of station IVAs Fix charge rates and fuel flow priority Required Dependencies below: KSP 1.6.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.6.x KSP 1.7.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.7.x https://github.com/KSP-RO/SalyutStations/releases/tag/v3.2
  15. UPDATE v0.75 Changelog: Fix charge rates and fuel flow priority Required Dependencies below: KSP 1.6.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.6.x KSP 1.7.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.7.x https://github.com/KSP-RO/USProbesPack/releases/tag/v0.75
  16. UPDATE v1.8.4 Changelog: Fix hibernation mode Fix EC usage Required Dependencies below: KSP 1.3.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.3.x KSP 1.6.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.6.x KSP 1.7.*: Dependencies_KSP_v1.7.x https://github.com/KSP-RO/Skylab/releases/tag/v1.8.4
  17. No clue about the orbital modules so I can't help you there they work fine for me. As for the power usage, yes that is an issue that needs to be addressed in the next update. There is actually a bug in RSS where at high time warp levels, power usage and solar panel EC production doesn't work correctly. The panels won't charge enough and the probe EC usage will be higher than it should be. Try low time warp levels. You can get the EC fix by using the latest PR i have for RO. Note, the EC usage will still be very high, I am using the exact published solar panel wattage and EC usage for the pods of that era. You will NEED to keep the panels pointed at the sun with 100% exposure at all times or it will drain faster than it collects. Also, the time warp issue is still there. I found it's easier to just set the command pod to auto hibernate when in warp to avoid that bug altogether.
  18. Maybe because no plugins from before 1.8 will work in 1.8? Does the mod say it's been updated to 1.8 yet in the title?
  19. I've said it before but I'll say it again, every time someone asks for an update a month is added to the release time. We are already on over a year before even the 1.7.x update and probably going to be 3-15 years for 1.8.x
  20. have you not checked the OP at all? the mod is not managed here anymore. I update it on the RO git(it still works in stock). I still make update posts here though when I update it. Currently it supports up to 1.7.x(despite saying 1.6.x on the release) on the git and 1.8 just came out and you are demanding updates to that already? Seriously? Chances are it won't even need to be updated btw, I haven't needed to actually update it since 1.3.x since it doesn't contain any plugins. You'd know this if you tried it though.
  21. please don't post patches here. It starts conversations unrelated to RO itself and support requests for things not even officially in the mod. If you want to contribute make a PR on the RO github instead with this patch.
  22. you should probably be asking this in the rssve thread not here, this is just for base rss
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