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Posts posted by raidernick

  1. 2 minutes ago, NathanKell said:

    Quick note here: I've been insanely busy with 1.2.

    Raidernick has been doing a great job updating stuff, but help is  needed updating the landing legs, that's the remaining stuff that doesn't work in 1.1.x.

    (unless I'm out of date.)



    I was going to wait for 1.2 to release before finding help for the legs. I was under the impression they would need to be redone again in 1.2, doing it twice seems counterproductive.

  2. 24 minutes ago, COL.R.Neville said:

    i was just saying what i do. i dont use ro. and use the tdrs model which doesnt have an antenna. so i have to add remotetech ones to it to add the functionality. 

    Which is also wrong, if you had read the OP you'd see I have a mm patch you can download that adds remotetech support to all the probes for stock.....

  3. 3 hours ago, COL.R.Neville said:

    the antennas that you would put on the probe for remotetech should already be configured. the probe itself is just a model a really good one but just for looks. you have to add another antenna from remotech to it to make it work. and the config for remotetech is usually what has the maxq setting in it. 

    this is so wrong I'm not even going to....

    2 minutes ago, Larste said:

    Acually the prob it's self has an antenna in relisum overhaul example: Voyager omni rage 500km/500Mm dish rang 1000Gm

    Update to the latest realism overhaul just released and the issue is fixed. I already told you this...

  4. This is because the antenna is part of the main mesh and breaks the maxq functionality in remotetech. I don't know why those values were defined in the first place(I didn't make the RT configs). I has been fixed now. If you are using the stock configs download them again. If you are using RO, the fix will be in the next version, but until then go into all of my RO config files and search for maxq = 6000 and remove it, or use what MeCripp said.

  5. The issue with the antennae breaking is actually a problem with how remotetech handles how the parts are determined to be exposed. My parts have the antenna as part of the main mesh, not separate like stock. When you expose the main body to max Q, it thinks the antenna is experiencing it as well even though it's under the fairing, and it "breaks". This is because whoever did the RT configs for my parts set a maxq value without considering this. It will be fixed in the next RO release, but until then you can go into the RO_RN_Skylab.cfg in the RealismOverhaul\RO_SuggestedMods\RaiderNick folder and search for and delete the line that says %maxq = 6000. That will fix your problem with the station antenna breaking off during ascent.

  6. 3 hours ago, CardBoardBoxProcessor said:

    This is still kicking huh.. weird. i have the models any junk if anyone is interested. 

    there is already a new thread posted for this. I updated the stuff using the unity project you sent me a while ago. This thread is still going because the mods won't lock the thread without the original authors consent.

    New thread is here:


  7. 14 minutes ago, DarthVader said:

    Beautiful? Will it have the gas canister launch mechanism?


    I wasn't planning on it. It still needs some more work though. I need to do the larger black fairing, add the thermal blankets to the engine bells and a few other minor tweaks. Maybe I'll add the launch tube that it is stored in if that is what you are talking about. If you are talking about the actual black powder charge it uses to eject itself from the silo it already has that and the picture above shows it.

  8. 1 hour ago, Nucluer said:

    I'm not asking for an update. But do you think FASA will be updated by Christmas?

    there is no way in heck the legs/wheels will even be CONSIDERED to be updated until ksp 1.2 comes out because of the wheel changes. So whenever 1.2 comes out then the wheel issue will be worked on. On a side note, I am the one actually working on these parts. Nathan is simply the head of the mod but is not doing any actual development on it, so for anything to get fixed I need to be the one to do it. Every time someone whines about getting an update, like the last 10 pages of this thread or so, I add another month to how long I won't be working on it.

  9. Decided to take a break from US stuff to work on soviet parts again. My next project is the Dnepr launcher. I plan to make the entire rocket and silo launching mechanism but not the silo itself. I am not making the silo because the only way to use it would be to have the entire thing above ground sitting on the launch pad and it would look ridiculous.


  10. 16 minutes ago, AlphaKerman said:

    Is there any news about the Delta II/III? I really like that rocket ;.;

    I know that the delta II is being worked on, the delta iii uses most of the same parts as delta ii and atlas v so I would assume that would be done at the same time.

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