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Posts posted by raidernick

  1. 37 minutes ago, DarthVader said:

    Im searching for this mod on CKAN, I am unable to find it. The only raidernick mods are Antares,Kosmos,Skylab and RNMisc. Its probably an issue with my install, ill check. Running Ckan installed RSS w/o RO, Vens on 1.1.3. Manually installed, mod is functioning as intended.

    As stated in the OP for all my mods, I don't provide support of any kind for ckan. If it is not on ckan, blame the dependency mod authors for not updating their metadata. If the dependencies are not updated, mods that require them won't show up.

  2. 8 hours ago, Mike-NZ said:

    yes I have spotted this and its done very well.


    there are a few things that I needed to change/add to make it all work (not much) to that RO config. this can be done with a MM patch or update /overwrite the RO config itself

    or you could edit the config for RO and make a PR for it...

  3. On 6/24/2016 at 4:45 AM, Mike-NZ said:

    Ro config just about done for those who want realism overhaul

    This already has an updated, official RO config that is distributed with RO, please don't include another with the mod as it will conflict with RO.

  4. 49 minutes ago, AlbertoKermov said:

    I do, my bad.

    I do want to ask, I noticed the LK legs start deployed by default. How can I fix this in the cfg? 

    I can't seem to be able to retract them.

    they don't start deployed by default, you are either missing a dependency, or have my mod or another mod installed incorrectly or something is causing a conflict. If you installed using ckan I can't help you.

  5. @Phineas Freak thank you for helping people on this. I do not support RT or career mode and ignore requests for that because of the number of problems RT causes with mods. For anyone else, I am not responsible for problems these mods cause with my parts. My parts are just that, basic parts with stock ksp partmodules on it. If they don't work with these mods installed it's not my responsibility to fix it and to be honest I don't give a crap if it doesn't work with them. If you want it to work, YOU need to make a support mm patch for the files, don't bother me about it, and if RT is broken complain to THAT mod author about it, not me.

  6. On 6/21/2016 at 2:18 AM, AlbertoKermov said:

    I tried the proton rocket here and I had the problem where when I start to turn at 9km ASL it does a whole 360 instead of the intended 45 degrees.

    Is there a special way I'm supposed to launch this? 

    Try flying it like a rocket and not a pre-ksp 1.0 aero abomination and it will work fine.

    On 6/21/2016 at 5:31 PM, Neeve said:

    Can someone help me, the nosecone on the sputnik will not attach to the body of the rocket or sputnik because the space is already taken up by the sputnik. I am wondering if there is any mod or trick to get around this. I hope you understand what I mean.

    There is always someone who complains about this. It works fine, it had an issue over a year ago that has been long since fixed in the dozen or so new releases since then. Try attaching it correctly and it will work.

  7. 1 hour ago, wm1248 said:

    I experienced massive launch complications previously, but was able to resolve by uninstalling and manually reinstalling. Out of the blue, I have had a reappearance of launch complications to which updating both mods has escalated said issues. I was informed previously that FAR was required for this mod. Is there a way to use this mod WITHOUT FAR? I'm experiencing way too many issues between the two. As long as I launch at a 0 degree inclination, all is fine. Deviate from that by 0.1 degree and all is lost. Using 1.0.5 as 1.1.2 rendered most rockets unflyable, both with and without FAR.


    Who told you that FAR was required? That's a lie. I actually balanced the rockets to use specifically WITHOUT FAR...

  8. On 5/23/2016 at 11:15 AM, gsarducci said:

    So I'm having a bit of an issue with the sub-assemblies.  Many of the node attachment points are borked, thus I get this:

    Is this a common problem/easy fix?  I will drop in logs and such if need be but I wanted to get this out quick.



    You are either using the stock subassemblies with RSS/RO, the RSS/RO subassemblies with stock or you installed one or both of those mods with ckan and it didn't install correctly, or all 3 of those things.

  9. 8 minutes ago, Andem said:

    Ahh. Hyperedit hasn't been updated for 1.1.2 currently, I think the last working version was for 1.1.0.

    Hopefully It'll update soon, but for now I would suggest Vesselmover for placing ships and the alt/command-f12 menu.

    I hope that helps!


    it works just fine, don't know what you are talking about...

  10. 4 hours ago, Teslamax said:

    Would it be possible to make the forward two solar panels on the ATM retractable separately? NASA had this in mind for refurbishing Skylab for use with the shuttle.


    They were in the way for docking and NASA was wary of collisions.

    I am aware of that and already tried to do it a while ago. It's not possible. You can't have a separate animated part on a part that is animated separately like that. The only way to do it would be to make the panels separate parts and use something like infernal robotics because the nodes have to be animated. I'm not doing that.

    The station already has that white thermal blanket they planned to add for the reuse on space station freedom, but that's the best you are going to get.

    Here's an image from last year during my attempt at getting the panels to do that, it caused big bugs with them where the animation would reset and play backwards each time you loaded the craft or just break altogether. It's because ksp can't have multiple animations on the same part that move the same mesh independently at the same time. Like I said you'd need infernal robotics to move the nodes and I don't want a dependency like that.


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