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Everything posted by TerminalV
I have a mining operation running on Minmus that is ~14.5%. Version 1.2 normal difficulty.
I played a lot this weekend and had several crashes. On the order of 6-7 between Saturday (~5hrs) and Sunday (~3hrs) That said I lost very little progress in the crashes. Most of the crashes happened when recovering vehicles at the end of mission. The most I lost was back to a quicksave when it crashed in the middle of a ground EVA report mission on Minmus. Running 100% stock no mods.
Hauling a bunch of newbie engineers and scientists out to Minmus and back in preparation for the new science lab that is getting ready to launch to Minmus and along the way picking up a pilot that got himself stranded on Minmus' south pole.
Thanks guys, The missions started to pop last night. I did the quick flyby of Mun with a ship that barely had enough delta-V to get there. I couldn't even orbit Mun with how little fuel I had left I just zip thru it SOI to complete the first explore Mun mission and came home. That caused several new missions to appear. I did two rescue missions one in low orbit and another in an orbit almost out to Mun ( I really do love orbital rendezvous). Later I returned to Mun with a better ship that is presently in a near polar orbit doing a survey mission (surveying a point below 7600m near the north pole is a pain). Science returned from that mission (EVA's over various biomes) in progress finally let me unlock solar panels so I am building a com-relay satellite to send to Mun and that will hopefully unlock some satellite missions soon. I have about a third of the 5th (90sci) technologies unlocked at this point.
Thanks KerikBalm, lots of good info there. Presently I have almost all of Tech level 4 unlocked. I have achieved orbit and taken a tourist to orbit. I have just accepted the explore Mun mission, hope to orbit that tonight and get a lot of science collected while in orbit. I have yet to see any orbital rescue mission (I always enjoyed those) and I have not seen any mission to launch satellites yet. I think those would be great for building a com network. I really need to get solar panels unlocked before I do that though.
I have been on a vacation from KSP since shortly after version 1.0 cam out. With the release of 1.2 I have updated and am starting over with a new career. Between the communications requirements and off world resources (never really got that far back in 1.0) I am looking forward to building new orbital and surface bases and exploring the system. That said I still struggle to figure out what make some mission pop up and other do not. It there a guide that helps you decide which missions to accept and decline and what order to unlock the tech tree that make better mission pop up in the Mission center? Are there other factor that effect what mission are available? Guidance and suggestion here would be greatly appreciated!
That is very encouraging katateochi. Hopefully I get the tech unlocked this weekend to give it a try myself. Thanks
Update us, I will be interested in hearing how it works out. I found the following thread that seems to give a mixed message as some think it worth the effort and other think its not. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/119433-Asteroid-Mining
Thanks, that helps alot! No one has any experience mining asteroids yet?
What about towing a big one into Minmus orbit. That should take less fuel, no?
I am nearly to the point I will begin unlocking the various mining component in my present career game and I am starting to think of building mining bases. Back in 0.90 I had created a nice orbital Minmus base with a core that was a Class-C asteroid. I would tug up fuel from Kerbin and use that to refuel a lander that was going down to the surface base, visit various biomes or complete various mission on Minmus. The base had a lab for resetting the science instruments on the lander and several docking ports for docking other vessels. Worked pretty well and was a lot of fun. Now with resource mining this sounds like an even better idea. Since I could mine and refine the ore right on the asteroid for use. I assume the amount of ore is somewhat proportional to the asteroids mass? Is there a percentage range of ore you can expect from an asteroid? What does the various scanners return when you scan an asteroid?
Rescue Missions to locations other than Kerbin orbit?
TerminalV replied to TerminalV's topic in KSP1 Discussion
I think there should probably be some probability associated with if they join your crew. I mean clearly they are Kerbalnauts for another agency (you didn't launch them up there), maybe they want to return to that agency rather than join yours. -
Rescue Missions to locations other than Kerbin orbit?
TerminalV replied to TerminalV's topic in KSP1 Discussion
Spectacular news! Having just landed on Mun last night I will hopefully start seen extra-Kebal missions soon. Surface craft recovery missions sound awesome! Thanks! -
First up I like that the Kerbals are in stranded Mark I modules or cockpits rather than just floating free in the EVA suits. The occasional in an EVA suit would be OK too. I really do enjoy the rescue missions. I restarted my career with 1.0 release. I have just manage my first Mun landing and unlocking tech level 4 so I have a lot more to do in this career. My question is will there be rescue mission to stranded Kerbals around other planets or moons? There never was in 0.90 but I hope there might be in 1.0?
Wow it seems to have fixed itself. After a couple attempt to get it to load last night I went to bed. Figured I would try one more time to load it this morning before I figured out how to upload that large output_log.txt file. The game loaded fine this morning. The probe to Jool, that when I switched to last night, caused everything to go black after the initial game crash appears functional. One of the last things I did last was attempt to reload the last quick save. That seemed to work but not until this morning. When I loaded that game this morning it loaded at the point of that quick save. My Ike probe that I had landed just after that quick save and just before the initial crash was in Ike orbit. If you still want the crash log I would be happy to upload it give. Please give me some instructions on how. It's too larger to simply copy and paste behind a spoiler tag or similar. Finally is there someway I can backup a game? I have 20 missions active, ground bases, orbital stations, satellites, probes etc. I would hate to loose all this.
So the game crashed this evening. I restarted my computer and then the game. I loaded the game I had been playing, and the space center loaded and everything looked fine but when I went to the tracking stating and switch out to a probe headed for Jool the game went blank as it loaded the probe. I could switch back to the space center but everything is ow blank. I can see the boarders on the screen and go back to the main and intro menus but the loaded game will not do anything. I have a crash log if that would help. Any chance of saving my game?
Time warp shaking my craft apart
TerminalV replied to THX1138's topic in KSP1 Gameplay Questions and Tutorials
My guess is they still have not fixed a bug related to The Klaw (Advanced Grabbing Unit). I was playing a lot with the Klaw in version 0.24 and I would occasion end up with space craft that would do what yours is doing. I would just get them into space and go to time warp to my first burn to circularize the orbit and the vehicle would come apart. Had to restart KSP to get the problem to go away once it occurred. I could play for a few mission and it would happen again and I would have to restart again. ETA: two Klaws is bad news -
My early survey rocket plane. I just ditched it in the water when I was done with a mission. It usually broke up but the pilot always survived.
Show me your stock Duna landers
TerminalV replied to TerminalV's topic in KSP1 The Spacecraft Exchange
Lots of cool designs, Thanks guys! Keep them coming! I will be sure to post pictures of my successful Duna Mission. -
So I have been to Duna once way back in version 0.21. It was a pretty sketchy craft and took several attempts to get the landing and take-off on Duna right without crashing. Now in 0.90 I am cranking in Career mode (Moderate) trying to get enough cash to unlock the final upgrade to the R&D center so I can unlock the final level of the tech tree. I have sent a probe to orbit Duna and Ike. I am starting to plan a Kerbal mission to Duna and was hoping you guys might share some of your Duna lander craft designs with me. I plan on a two launch approach with a command module and lander rendezvousing in Kerbin orbit and then out to Duna for the landing. Figured I would leave the lander in Duna orbit for future use when I return to Kerbin. I am playing a completely stock version of KSP with no mods. Any and all suggestions, advice or designs would be appreciated!
So I have a Minmus surface outpost that will accommodate 5 Kerbals. A new contract popped up for a new outpost on Minmus that will accommodate 9 Kerbal. My existing design will dock with itself so I could simply launch another of the original surface outpost land it near the first one and drive it over and dock them together forming an outpost that will accommodate 10 Kerbals meeting the requirements of the new contract. Will that work? Since half the outpost was originally built for another contract. Anyone try adding on to existing outpost to meet new contracts?
Help, career mode is fizzling on me.
TerminalV replied to TerminalV's topic in KSP1 Suggestions & Development Discussion
I understand this and that way I did not want to total dump on KSP. I really like the game. I have fun with it. I see a lot of fun potential still untapped and wanted to share my $0.02. I was also hoping to find things I might be missing to make the current version more fun while we wait for Squad to release further features and content. -
First up this is not a dump on KSP thread. It will be critical in parts but I suspect there are things I can do in addition to suggestions for how the game can get better too. I suspect some of what follows has been talked about before and I have missed it so I apologize for that. So when the Career mode hit 0.24 I loved it. Played it a bunch; unlock nearly the entire tech tree and had a nice space station built around a Class-C asteroid orbiting Mun. 0.25 comes out and I start over. For my first run I started on normal mode and after playing with the new administrative building I unlock the entire tech tree an never left LKO. It was anticlimactic to say the least. I have started over again on hard with a couple minor concessions (reverts and saves). This is better but I am now finding the contracts I need to survive to be boring and repetitive. In the previous version I could do what I wanted for the most part and pick up contracts that fit with what I was doing etc. Now on hard you have to be on contract or starve. That would be OK if there was some more structure/goals to the contracts. So first up tell me some things I can do with the existing features that might put some more life back into career mode for me. To this point I have not install any mods to KSP. I have resisted that but if you can make a convincing argument I might give mods a try. Next some of my suggestions: 1) Have contract story arcs. A larger goal that you would accept like a contract, (ie land a Kerbal on Minmus) and then have a series of logical and connected contracts that build up the needed tech/spacecrafts to achieve that goal. Obviously it could be as simple as put a science satellite in orbit to much more difficult missions like a base on one of Jool's moons. Incorporate doing specific science tasks into these missions. 2) More rescue missions. The Kerbal rescue in orbit is fun but how about a crashed craft on a moon or planet that you have to go and rescue the crew from. Or a crippled vehicle that is adrift headed for danger (crash into a planet escape the system, etc) if you don't get there in time. 3) In addition to the story arc contract there could be later contracts to maintain those. Say an early contract story arc had you build a base on Minmus you might be required to deliver something to the base as a mission. Thanks for reading