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Everything posted by 6.forty

  1. As far as the mass, the dual track part alone is 30t. The other tracks are 0.5, but also don't look like they should weigh more than half a ton either. My thinking on the torque curve is just based on a typical gas/diesel engine not putting out peak torque right off idle. I have a little trouble treating them like they're using electric motors, even though they do drain electric charge. But getting the right feel has definitely been a bit of a pain so far. Right now, other than a few minor bugs that I am aware of (and who knows how many I'm *not* yet aware of) the major hurdle seems to be getting the single tracks to reliably automatically agree on a direction. Right now it's relying on a manual switch so that focus can be put on getting everything else ironed out.
  2. Yeah, that doesn't sound worth the effort for what I'm doing but it is good to know as a just-in-case thing, thanks. I'll just rethink how I'm using the context menu instead. But say I were to extend from UIPartActionController (I assume this handles the menu itself?) for a custom menu, how would I set a part to use my class? I didn't see any properies in Part or PartModule that looked relevant, would I have to catch the right click and handle the menu instance myself then? That definitely would get hacky, and sort of reinventing the wheel just to change the tire.
  3. No, it is a meat popsicle. How long does it take for a Skittles seed to sprout?
  4. Is there a way to make the right click menu on a part wider so that text isn't truncated? I'm mostly concerned with the toggles, the text in the sliders isn't important.
  5. Disable USB 3.0 in the BIOS if you have the option, although I'm not sure the -S2P has USB 3.0. Also make sure 'USB Wakeup from S3' is enabled, and check if moving the mouse or clicking a button wakes the computer from standby/suspend. And just to be complete, try the mouse on another computer. The output of dmesg and lsusb right after plugging the mouse (or the USB headset that didn't work) may help, even if it's a picture of the screen taken with your phone.
  6. This is what makes the most sense to me, and the tech tree misplacement isn't too surprising. The tree is nowhere near logical anyway; you get rockets before you get batteries, you get rockets before you get wheels, you get rockets before you even get ladders. That Vespa IS OP. SLS ain't got nothin' on it.
  7. Granted. Society collapses as everyone is too busy thumbing through dictionaries. I wish for 500 pallets of fresh Oreos.
  8. This whole "these engines are OP" argument is like arguing that the Bugatti in (insert generic racing game here) is OP compared to the VW Golf.
  9. According to the wiki it should be My Steam copy says on the menu, which confuses me.
  10. On a scale of 12 to 11, with the 12 possible choices arranged as on the face of a clock, I give it exactly 12:15.
  11. This, if only for some 64bit goodness. There's always dual boot, too.
  12. http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/the-most-interesting-man-in-the-world I'm not sure how Romeo is relevant to OP's reference though, but quotes like it are all over the internet, which is international. If the reference is lost on anyone, it's not for geographical reasons.
  13. Considering it's a meme on the internet, that's irrelevant.
  14. Adjusting the torque curve to something more in line with real life would.. should.. fix that. Such as a low torque value at zero RPM, rather than zero RPM being peak torque.
  15. They should have named it the BFT-14K. That would have gotten it a couple of nicknames pretty quick.
  16. That is correct for the torque curves. But the new plugin does not use separate values for reverse while the old plugin does. Torque at 400 RPM is torque at 400 RPM regardless of direction. As far as I can tell, any problems directly from 0.23.5 have been fixed simply by recompiling. Some others have been fixed by actual fixing and were present regardless. If you're testing and haven't already, grab the newest build. There is now an "Invert" toggle for tracks, to give them a proper sense of direction in life. Dual tracks have this as well for multi-track platforms. And that whole drifting to one side problem, that seems to happen in KSP with anything with wheels? Yeah, I've had enough of that.. it doesn't happen here anymore.
  17. Well assuming you're stationary, as would be expected if the brakes are applied, then braking torque has to be higher than the torque applied at 0 RPM.
  18. Think of the torque curve visually on a 2d line graph, with the first number (RPM) as the X axis and the second number (torque amount) as the Y axis. If the tracks can push through the brakes, brake torque is either too low or the torque is too high at that RPM. The tracks feeling sluggish after using the brakes is a bug I keep fixing and somehow reintroducing, where rolling resistance is not properly set on start. The dbg stuff is messy development leftovers for suspension to try to find proper suspension values.
  19. KSP should work fine with Win8.1, or so I'd hope as I'm about to find out for myself. But if you don't have a touchscreen then you might as well stick with 7 until Microsoft gets their UI team back on track.
  20. Try placing them from the right side instead for now. I guess that's what I get for trying to avoid math.
  21. If you find it useful, use it. If you don't, then don't. Do you use your car's cruise control? Have a coffee pot on a timer? Scheduled recordings of a TV series with your DVR? I don't see how Mechjeb is any different from those things.
  22. Yeah I actually thought I had removed the width settings for that reason. As for the inverted controls, are you placing the tracks from the left side or right side of the craft?
  23. I just wonder how long it'll be before Carmack abandons ship.
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