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Everything posted by Jetwave

  1. Do I replace the DRE-0625HS.cfg in the deadly re-entry folder with the file provided? Or do I create a new .cfg called RO_DRE.cfg?
  2. In the Deadly Re-Entry post I just saw the instructions that said "if using rss, don't change anything and get the heatshields from RO *link*). Didn't see a link to the files, I will look again. I do have the majority of mods from RO, although not all since I'm beginning to encounter problems with running out of memory. x64 helps, but I think my computer only has like 5 gigs of usable RAM so I still can't have too many mods. EDIT: Just checked, 4 gigs of RAM, with 3.6 gigs usable. EDIT 2: Found the link on DR, thanks Nathan, keep up the good work with all your mods!
  3. I might just be blind, but on the deadly re-entry forum it said to visit here to get the rss heatshields. I haven't seen any mention of heatshields configured to work with rss in the op, am I just missing something?
  4. Yup, that works too, my game only runs on x64 when using all the mods I've got installed (using the medium level textures for rss, by far the largest memory user). Bit of an annoyance that I can't use x64 with steam, but I don't really use the overlay in KSP anyways.
  5. Could you include the three files found inside the folder generated in your KSP directory? The folder should be called something along the lines of YYYY-MM-DD-some random number I assume is the time. There should be some text documents in there that would help to find the problem.
  6. I also think there should be different ways of getting money other than contracts, and I do like the idea of selling stuff you mine from other planets. You could also have a "Space Tourism" type of industry, where kerbals pay to be taken to specific places for an amount of time. For example, they could request to be sent to Duna for a year, or any other planet. If you had a ship specified as a space station or base from the rename menu, they could pay to go there instead. You could get these missions the same way you would get any other contract, probably after completing the explore mission for that body. However, if you make them return too early or too late, or they don't get to their destination soon enough, you would lose some money and a large amount of reputation. You'd also have to have a large amount of reputation to unlock these contracts in the first place, because who would want to go the a space station from some random little space centre in the middle of nowhere?
  7. Maybe it has to be a manned flight for altitude records? Also for the part test altitudes you'd probably have to do some math to figure out the correct altitude. Let's say the default atmosphere scale is 5km, and it wants you to test at 5km. If the new scale is 9km, I would assume testing at 9km would achieve it and testing at 5 would not. Of course I just pulled those numbers out of my ass, but you get the idea.
  8. If you're using a few mods chances are you'd already have modulemanager.dll, a lot of mods use it. Although I would assume that excluding it was a mistake as you suggest.
  9. After having played with this mod for a bit, I noticed two minor annoyances, not really bugs but still kinda annoying. 1) The contract for "Set 5000m altitude record." does not appear to work with this mod. Even if I go up to 25000m it doesn't trigger. Haven't been able to see if the "Reach space" and "Reach orbit" do the same thing yet. 2) This one may be something I should put in the Remote Tech thread, but since I'm here I'll put it anyway. When changing launch sites, the location Remote Tech considers to be KSC is still in the default location, somewhere in South America. This makes it rather difficult to launch probes, considering it's out of range of any launch sites, and is especially annoying when using BTSM, since all you start with is a probe.
  10. Will selecting a planet in the tracking station give the new sizes, mass and atmosphere heights, or will it still show the default ones?
  11. Just don't even bother. Obviously he has an older and/or less powerful system than you and thinks that what applies to him applies to everyone.
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