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Everything posted by AwesumnisRawr188

  1. Maybe a passive image, until you get close, at which point it will start to spawn random rocks within your immediate distance? Such as rocks further than 300m will not spawn, but will be a passive image in the ring? Sounds neat, but might be hard to implement.
  2. Indeed, I would love to see this in the base game to allow for airplanes, that aren't powered by sketchy rocket engines. These would make it more safe to travel throughout the planet of Kerbin, but I'm not entirely sure on their use on other planets with low gravity, or immense gravity. On Kerbin, they would work and would be nice to have, but I'm not sure where else we could use them, depending on how they are affected. I agree!
  3. I'd like to also see the possibility of building other space centers on Kerbin. It'd be easier, so you can launch rockets from the North Pole, or the other side of the planet to have a good angle of launch.
  4. Hey guys, First post here, so here it goes. I was experimenting the other day with one of my first space planes made from girders, landing struts(They work!), and rockets, and I crashed into the ocean, but without a total catastrophic failure. The wings came off and most of the girders except the ones on the bottom. I used the rest of the fuel to jet around through the water and was like, "Man, this is just as fun as the plane!" So, overall, I believe there should be a rocket boat jetty of some sort. Just to place things into the water, instead of attempting to land them perfectly without death. Sorry if it's been posted before, but man, I've been having a helluva good time in Kerbal! I love this game and when I made my first space plane(Appropriately called the PaperPlane, AND IT FLEW!), I was excited and happy to see it actually work considering I didn't have many parts, and all previous attempt were futile until I obtained the moveable winglets. Thanks! Brian
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